View Full Version : torn between emag and matrix

03-12-2003, 06:26 PM
AHHH, I dont know which to get and I need to make my decision very soon! I know you guys all prolly shoot emags. What are some good reasons to go emag instead of matrix, or vice versa?

03-12-2003, 06:36 PM
emag can switch between manual and electric so if your electronics fry or your battery dies you can just switch to manual...

03-12-2003, 06:44 PM
Matrix is lighter

Emag, a lot faster...

Matrix, Gas hog ( I think )

Emag, Even more of a gas hog with LX

So, I dont know Matrix's that well but take a trip to your proshop and shoot both... see which is best for your playing style...

03-12-2003, 06:48 PM
I have heard a whole lot more about emags, 3 of my teammates have emags, and i know that they LOVE them, but i havent heard much about the matrix. I like cockers though....

03-12-2003, 07:49 PM
First of all, you are asking an Automags Forum to compare/contrast the benefits of shooting a non AGD marker as opposed to the best from AGD. I wonder just how unbiased this really will be.:rolleyes:

03-12-2003, 08:02 PM
Funny you should ask...

I have a Matrix at the house right now (it belongs to my son's friend) and I own an E-Mag.

The Matrix...

The Matrix is VERY fast, and super smooth. Hardly any "recoil" at all. It's very easy to work on, but you do need to keep a bunch of replacement O-rings around, just in case you tear one when removing the bolt...the bolt is all that needs to be serviced (generally) Lube it, and make sure that o-rings are OK. It runs on 1 9V battery, which lasts a long time.

Yes, it's a gas hog. This particular gun will get an Aardvark bolt kit & ther Trinity reg upgrades as soon as the poor teenage owner can cough-up the cash.

The Matrix, in it's stock form, breaks more paint than I could live with. The trinity reg upgrade (lowers bolt pressure, a Matrix "LVL-10", if you will) should eliminate that issue. The bolt kit claims 33% increase in efficientcy. 20% would be cool :rolleyes: Time will tell.

The E-Mag...

Well, I grown to really like my E-Mag, but it took a while. LVL 10 really helped, but is a bit tricky for some to understand & trouble shoot. More parts ALWAYS = more hassle. The ability to switch to manual mode is overrated, IMHO. I shoot in E-Mode...I guess if I HAD to use manual mode, it would be an option.


I would not trade my E-Mag for A Matrix, but I would like to have a Matrix. As it stands now, I wouldn't trade my E-Mag for any gun (Those new X-Mags are sweet, though!)

03-12-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Trench
Matrix is lighter

Emag, a lot faster...

Matrix, Gas hog ( I think )

Emag, Even more of a gas hog with LX

So, I dont know Matrix's that well but take a trip to your proshop and shoot both... see which is best for your playing style...

actually, a lot of people would say that the matrix was faster becuase the trigger is very easy to use

also matrix>gas hog

you should get around 1100-1400 on an emag on a 68/45

the matrix costs more to get it to be good, but when its good....its good!

03-12-2003, 08:09 PM
It's safe to say that if you like the Cocker, you'll really love the Matrix. I know many long time Cocker owners who are switching to the Trix, and I plan on selling my Black Magic this Summmer for one.

The comment on Emags being a lot faster is a little iffy. They can cycle faster than a Matrix (however, the Matrix is still capable of cycling faster than most markers available. In fact, the Mag may be the only design that cycles faster), but I know there's no gun I can shoot faster than a Matrix. The lack of kick combined with the Angel like trigger allows you to tear out insanely fast strings of paint. I'd say the Emag would be a more effective gun for snapshooting, but the matrix would be better for just raining paint overall.

Efficiency wise, a Matrix can get about average efficiency with proper tuning and some upgrades (bolt kit, and maybe a Leethal Mod and Orracle Spacer to help out). This year, some companies are working hard to further improve the matrix's efficiency to above average (Pro Paintball, Roughneck Paintball, and Aardvark are the ones I believe).

The only reason I'd pick an Emag over a Matrix for is durability. The Emag will have less problems in the long run, and requires less maintanence. The good thing about the Matrix though, is that 90% of it's problems can be fixed by replacing/lubing O-rings on the bolt. The minority of problems that don't deal with bolt O-rings will usually just require some regulator or dip switch adjustments (easy as pie). Maintanence on the Emag is also easier, but I wouldn't mind maintaining a Matrix either (you just have to take out the bolt and lube it's parts).

The size/weight of either gun doesn't bother me personally. I can deal with the Emags slightly heavier than average weight, and the matrix's slightly larger than average profile. Neither size nor weight would be a deciding factor for me.

However, the best thing you can do for yourself, is try to see if you can shoot both. Always be on the lookout for people at your feild with either gun.

03-12-2003, 08:14 PM
if you are comparing a normal emag, vs a Matrix, no question get a trix, if it is a Xmag that makes the decision harder.

Matrix , super fast, with upgrades you don't break paint, and can be efficient,

Emag, not as easy to shoot fast, don't break paint, little more effiecient,

shoot both then decide

03-12-2003, 08:15 PM
Trix's are very nice, great trigger feel especially. I just don't like the width of them during game situations, gets on my nerves for some reason. Otherwise Emags feel *slightly* more durable and smaller. Its your call, they're both great guns.

03-13-2003, 02:46 PM
I've had 2 matrices and 2 emags in my house. One emag was a custom one by Carl Bonata when he worked at AGD, the other is a regular emag with Lvl 10. One matrix was a flip switch one that Professional got there hands on and modified. The other was an LCD. The fastest gun was the Emag that Carl did, next the Pro matrix, then the LCD matrix, then the stock emag. Nothing went wrong with the matrix's at all, and the one that Pro did had a lot of shots on it. The Emag that Carl did once in a while just would need the pt oring changed. The stock emag has not worked since we got it. Once I get a chance it's going to AGD. It won't fire in manual or Emode.

I really liked that emag we had, but it was heavy (was warped), even though the rail was milled to almost nothing. Overall I'd put the Matrix that Pro did on top. Basically a regular matrix with bolt kit and FF mod (NOT trinity). It would NEVER chop paint. It was bigger than the emag and a little less efficient though.

03-13-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Trench
Matrix is lighter
yes, and better looking.

Emag, a lot faster...
Yeah right, maybe runaway but that's about it.

Matrix, Gas hog ( I think )
trinity and bolt kit.. nuf' said.

Emag, Even more of a gas hog with LX

So, I dont know Matrix's that well but take a trip to your proshop and shoot both... see which is best for your playing style...

i suggest also.