View Full Version : Which hopper looks the best or the coolest...

03-13-2003, 06:57 PM
I'm just wondering which hopper looks the best, or looks the coolest and why?

Please pick one from the poll list and post below why you think your selection 'looks' better or cooler than the others.

Please also post about what you DON'T like about how certain hoppers look.

It's not about performance, just about looks.

Thanks guys.

03-13-2003, 07:01 PM
this wouldnt have anything to do with the Uber-Loader, would it?

Gitaroo Man
03-13-2003, 07:16 PM
I like the evolution (eggo) because it gives the marker a sleek look.

The HALO B is just too bulky for me despite what some people think and it looks bulky.

03-13-2003, 07:17 PM
The only ones I don't like the looks of are: Mach 404, that quantum piece of garbage, and Eggo's on high feed necks or eggos on medium feednecks without its neck cut.
On a low rise with a cut neck the evo2 can look pretty slick actually :)

I'm nuetral to the revvy and richo. I think the richo looks more interesting, and I like it better, but the colored revvies look OK.

I like the Halo B, but it does have a blimpish quality. It looks nicely made, i like the curves, and it looks nice however.

This leads me to the best/coolest loader in my book as far as looks go, the halo TSA. Take the revvy, trim it down, give it some sweet lines, and make it out of a half decent material and you have the TSA. I can't wait to pick one up as backup to my Halo B (which i just sent in for fixing/smoke shells/new software today). Yippee!

03-13-2003, 07:17 PM
now see, i like hta halo b in looks, and my 2nd would have to be the revvy. The revvy just looks good, its classic, and you cant stray too far from that look, that look is one of the things that defined hoppers for a long time

03-13-2003, 07:29 PM
Halo B looks really sweet.. but its heavy stuff.. I dont know if I should keep my halo or (I dunno get rid of it somehow maybe I could send it in & get some sort of discount on a TSA) get a TSA or get a Eggy (I really dont like the look of the eggy, it looks like it offsets EVERYthing. If it wasnt in the backward position I would buy it.) and I dont want a rev again..
But the halo looks cool.. probally the coolest looking brick I've ever seen :rolleyes:

03-13-2003, 07:47 PM
The best looking hopper, is the one that you think looks the coolest manike. :D

03-13-2003, 07:52 PM
Clear Halo B, mmmmm

Balanced on the marker, centered well... Plus is looks like it can feed a lot of paint. ;)

03-13-2003, 07:52 PM
The Halo B of course and in clear so you can see all the shinneys ahd whirlies :D

03-13-2003, 07:54 PM
i think the ricochet looks the coolest, but the haloB is the best combo of looks/performance

03-13-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
The Halo B of course and in clear so you can see all the shinneys ahd whirlies :D

I wanted to buy clear shells, (got new ones today). Problem is, NPPL outlawed clear hoppers, so all the little series' follow the leader, and no one can use em. I got smoke, which doesnt look nearly as cool, just in case I wanna play NEPL.

03-13-2003, 08:13 PM
Can't beat the classic Revolution Hopper. It's set a standard over the last few years and it 'still keeps up with most of today's markers.

03-13-2003, 08:40 PM
I think it depends on the gun and setup. For instance, I think the HALO was a child of the Matrix. It looks good on it. I think the eggo looks good on the IR3. Any mag looks good with a halo.

03-13-2003, 09:30 PM
the halo b in smoke looks best on a smoke warp (of course neither match my current marker now when my black x-mag c&c gets here it will look even better)

03-13-2003, 09:37 PM
I always thought the Halo B looked the coolest, even before I knew what it was

03-13-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

I wanted to buy clear shells, (got new ones today). Problem is, NPPL outlawed clear hoppers, so all the little series' follow the leader, and no one can use em. I got smoke, which doesnt look nearly as cool, just in case I wanna play NEPL.

Well you know they always said "Solid Color" in the rules but they never seemed to have a problem with clear before. I was under the impression that it meant no multiple colors so they could tell hits and such. That they wanted them one solid color. Not polka dotted and such. And no stickers outside the prescribed ones in the rules. And they never had enforced any thing like no color at all part of that. Wonder when they decided to reinterpret that and why? The rule was always the same and clear was not something they were aiming at when they wrote that rule. Interesting. Tell me were you heard this interpretation. It could indeed have alway been interpreted that way. They just didn't.

03-13-2003, 09:45 PM
the tsa is really a wild loader, i own a halo B a couple pre BE revies and my brother has a ric....but yeah when it comes out im so gonna get one of those TSA's and probably put my other loaders to bed

03-13-2003, 10:42 PM
cut down the neck and I think that the evo 2 is dead sexy!!!!

ya gotta hand it to veiwloader for going out on a limb and trying something new like a foward feed neck and a more rounded shape. personally I give it a thumbs up especially when considering weight.

I used a halo b and even then had some jam problems then I used a richochet and actually If I did not buy my egg I still would be using it because it looks like its trying to be a stealth bomber

03-13-2003, 10:58 PM
gonna have to say halo b :D

03-13-2003, 11:02 PM
Best is the Halo's. Look well designed and somewhat futuristic.

Worst is the Rico, it just looks like a crackhead designed it.

The Mach 404's almost as bad, I'm surprised it doesn't com in a 'Ridged for her pleasure' version.

03-14-2003, 02:48 AM
I vote for Rico. Definatly give a sleeker look to my warped minimag.

03-14-2003, 03:20 AM
The halo is blimp-ish but it has some nice lines on it. The revy has a basic design that doesn't have anything ugly. The ricochet is overkill IMO, it's too busy because of all the faces... and the mach 404... yuck... I have no clue what the quantum is so I won't comment on that.

I say the tsa is the best looker... It has faces, like the ricco, but they have been streamlined. The lines look much cleaner due to that. The hopper has a better looking profile. Its flow holds together much better also. The design of the hopper isn't uber sexy but it doesn't have anything to detract from the look. It's just... really clean and looks really slick.

03-14-2003, 04:35 AM
Your forgetting the best one! The VL 3000! Nothing beats 4lbs of paint on top of your gun!

03-14-2003, 06:36 AM

I love the contrast of curved and flat areas.

The shape itself is complex, which comes off as a well refined and polished product.

03-14-2003, 08:19 AM
I had to vote for the HaloB. I think it is a good shape and a step up from the Revvy. But in all honesty, I think the Revvy has a nice classic line to it and makes a great hopper to use when photographing a marker…. Because it does not take away from the marker itself. The HaloB can tend to overpower the marker visually if you are not careful.

I would however take a HaloB in a heartbeat… but then I would have to change my feed type. LOL

03-14-2003, 08:22 AM
Halo B is the best looking followed by the revolution.

The Eggo is minging, utterly awful looking - it always looks like it's just about to fall off the feed neck. I'd rather have a drain-pipe hopper than an eggo. Ricochet is pretty nasty looking too - looks like it was designed in the 80s, all edges, yuck.

03-14-2003, 08:26 AM
It's all about the Ricochet. Now the HALO TSA is taking a queue from it. They look fast and sexy to me. I use a Ricochet, and will probaly get a TSA when they come out.

I like the angular surfaces of the Ricochet. They remind me of the newer Cadallacs (sp) of the day.

03-14-2003, 12:11 PM
Halo B colored shells are NICE.

Hate the look of the Rik. Have never liked them.

My favorite loader is ugly though... Go Egg!

Could someone confirm/deny that clear loaders are outlawed in NPPL now?

03-14-2003, 08:24 PM
in order of ones i have accualy seen in real life i like

1. halos(preferablly smoke like im getting)
2. revvies(basic shape not specific)
3. ricochets(i like what it does but i dont like the looks)

however i would probably say TSA if i see it in real life. sometimes the revvy looks a little better and better feel sometimes on my guns

03-14-2003, 10:33 PM
i voted for HALO not just because of its preformance but beause i think its a decent looking hopper. The nxt best looking is probably the Revy. I like the round edged look of the HALO. Eggo just looks kinda off because u got this egg shaped thing, and a stem comming down from like the tip. If the neck was in the center or something, i think i'd look ok but nnnoooo. Ricochet is just plain old ugly with the sharp edges.

03-15-2003, 09:35 AM
Leggo my eggo!!!!!

I like my evoluution, it is big, but i play back, and i like big things. It just adds to the overall kickassness of my gun.

03-15-2003, 11:42 AM
Halo B...

With the Rico coming a close 2nd...

03-15-2003, 08:55 PM
OK all u eggo II haters drop the whole "it looks unbalanced" and "it looks like it's gonna fall off" because simpily it ISNT!!!! The Eggo II balances awesomely as the weight of the hopper is directly over the grip, not slighty infront of it, and trust me it isnt gonna fall off, it fits in rather snuggly and is very very sturdy.

Umbra Solis
03-15-2003, 09:54 PM
ok, I can't vote because AOL is a grand piece of explitive deleted, but just for the record: I loooove my eggy! I love the curves, and it just suits me, I don't know why, but it does. and it realy is solid as all hell. it's balenced, it has a massive load capacity for it's speed (altough 200 just doesn't seem to be enough lately), and the only time it felt like it was going to fall off was today when I used my friends gun (mine's in the shop) when I had to use a crapy elbow that kept on sliping down because of the weight. and I have never gotten a hopper shot when I used it. and lastly, the egg owns all other hoppers because of it's feed mouth design. HOORAH!
PS: For some reson I'm completly blanking on the design for any of the halos, as well as the site for them. so if any one can give me the site, i'd be gratfull

03-15-2003, 10:38 PM
come on manike, where's the HALO A? :rolleyes: :p

03-16-2003, 01:18 PM
I voted HALO.

I've had a 1st gen Eggolution (which was truely a piece of garbage, jammed paint, lid & battery cover broke off, all the first day I used it!) It was wobbly & shakey. That bad experience has forever tainted my opinion of them.

Good 'ol Revy's look OK, but...

I am very fond of the HALO's, mainly because of how well it works. That really does alter my perception of hao much I like (or dislike) a product. If it works, I like it, and I think it looks good...

03-16-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Russ
I voted HALO.

I've had a 1st gen Eggolution (which was truely a piece of garbage, jammed paint, lid & battery cover broke off, all the first day I used it!) It was wobbly & shakey. That bad experience has forever tainted my opinion of them.

yup, i bought an eggo 1, and it completely SUCKED... and it was horribly ugly, i just got it cause it was faster than a revvy at the time :rolleyes:

now i have my trusty halo which i love dearly :p

Umbra Solis
03-16-2003, 08:45 PM
well, I never even heard of a first gen. egg, but whatever gen. egg I have is hevan. besides, I need that extra 40 ball capacity!

Pile & A Half
03-16-2003, 08:49 PM
I would have to go with the Halo B. I like the colors and I do like the design on it. The only down side is that it's bigger than most hoppers. But I still like the speed you get out of it and the look.

03-17-2003, 08:10 AM
The easiest on the eye has got to be Halo B :)

03-17-2003, 01:17 PM
it's all about the warp, but since you still have to have one of the hoppers in the poll then i'd say an egg. they make the marker look pretty slick

03-17-2003, 02:18 PM
I have an egg so of course I'm biased toward that one. :) I never had any problems and I like the look. I even have the 1st gen.