View Full Version : if you own/seen/used a wildfire (eddies) mag to cocker barrel adapter please read

03-14-2003, 08:21 PM
im just about to order one but it is critical that i know if the adapter is compatible for centerfeed mags. could anyone please gimme the yes/no on compatibility. if you want to write about how its working for you that is certainly welcome too.

Evil Bob
03-14-2003, 08:25 PM
You have a link for us to see?

I tried chasing down Doc Nickel for one of his stainless steel versions but he is REALLY REALLY bad about getting back to you on email. I even had some work for him to do on a body, he gave me a price and then never replied when I asked for shipping and payment info.

-Evil Bob

03-14-2003, 08:30 PM
i am not aware of any available pictures but just send a request to eddie ([email protected]). i too wanted a doc adapter but i need a solution before july (which is when doc says he will start new projects). eddie has been very quick to respond and seems like a good person to work with. if you are still deciding and just need info here is what he told me when i requested some details.

it is basicly like a short barrel that fits in to the mag body and then allows you to screw in a autocoker barrel.

we accept all major credit cards and cod the cost is $24.99 and shipping (estimate given if you supply zip code)


i really want one but i dont want to pay shipping to return it if it turns out its incompatible with centerfeeds.

paint magnet
03-14-2003, 08:39 PM
Well, you can actually take a barrel for a powerfeed mag and stick it in there, and it will stay but you won't be able to twist it. Just make sure you have a tight fit with your orings (wrap scotch tape around them) and you'll be fine. Ask personman, thats what he did when he had his hirise Emag body. Or you could just get a sluggo body.

Evil Bob
03-14-2003, 08:43 PM
Hmmm... $200+ for a sluggo vs $25 for the cocker thread adapter... tough decision there, I think I'll go with the $25 option please.

-Evil Bob

03-14-2003, 08:44 PM
i really appreciate the response but does this mean you have the adapter and that it is left/right powerfeed only? i know you can "use" any feed mag barrel. heck i could use my model 98 barrels using the same idea but i would like something designed for centerfeed use.

keep the replies coming i need someone to say something along the lines of yes the adapter is compatible with centerfeed

paint magnet
03-14-2003, 08:47 PM
Yes I know that but personman had no problems with his, it worked fine. Talk to him about it though if you have any more questions since I haven't used it myself.

03-14-2003, 10:55 PM
Wait a tick, I wrapped my barrel in tape?
What I did was tighten up the twist lock assembally. I diddnt even have it tightened at SCAO.. It was completely loose, I just had the barrel turned so it was open..

The only diffrence between 'feeds' is the twist lock. You can take a dremel to alluminum and make it so there is a notch for the twist lock to sit in, but it only works if you do it in the right plcce.

Doc Nickel
03-14-2003, 11:38 PM
Just to put my two cents in: My adapters are supposedly being cut as we speak. I should have them in my hot little hands hopefully in less than two weeks. And yes, I specifically designed them to fit hopper-left, hopper-right, and centerfeeds.

If I missed an E-mail, I apologize. I had a major PC crash several weeks ago (almost no data loss, it was a motherboard problem, but I was without a PC for a while) and I've been trying to catch up on 'mail, as I was already some two hundred messages behind when everything went kaput.

I'm only just now getting my FTP, HTML editors and graphics programs back on line, I'll have more info posted to my site by Monday. I should have a fixed price by then as well, but I already know it'll be less than $40.


03-14-2003, 11:55 PM
wow a reply from the doc himself i feel so honored. the news is music to my ears doc. i was afraid the notice on your site about delaying new projects until july applied to the adapters but my hopes have been raised again. i for one will be checking the site on monday and will be ordering one of these regardless of what the cost is :D

03-15-2003, 01:10 AM
Does anyone know how much longer that will make the overall gun length with the adapter and barrel together ? I mean how far does the cocker threaded barrel screw into the mag adapter ? The pic of the cocker barrel looks like the barrel adapter stays inside the mag all the time. How does it stay in there and how do you get it out ?

Here's the cocker barrel pic :

Here's the pic of the adapter :

03-15-2003, 01:55 AM
Hey can we order one ehre, or do we need to email you personally Doc? Let me know.

Doc Nickel
03-15-2003, 02:21 AM
As for ordering, right now just E-mail me at my usual address. I'm working on setting up another account and getting someone to answer the mail for me for orders- it's simpler for me, faster for you guys, and hopefully it'll hold off my brain explosion a little longer. I should have PayPal on line by that point as well, speeding things up for you fellows even more.

As for the length, a 12" 'Cocker barrel in the adapter in installed in the 'Mag is only about 1/2" longer or so than a normal 12" 'Mag Barrel (assuming we're talking about a "true" 12" tube, not one that assumes the breech is part of the 12".)

I specifically tried to make the insert as short as possible to keep the overall length down.

As for the note on delayed projects, where did you see that? You might have stumbled on a leftover note from '01. :)

... I really need to update my site... :D


03-15-2003, 02:00 PM
HEy doc, just wondering, what are you doing in the way of nubbins or detents in there????

03-15-2003, 08:49 PM
whew i was hoping it was an old note :D as for the nubbins/detents i believe somebody (might have even been doc) said that the adapter is good to go meaning he includes everything you need to drop it in and play with no modifications needed. whenever you have time to reply to this could you confirm that doc?

03-16-2003, 12:14 PM
Man I'm gonna need one of those Doc!

03-16-2003, 12:39 PM
HEy doc, just wondering, what are you doing in the way of nubbins or detents in there????
what do we do if we dont have a mag that has ball detents? Are you making one with nubbins?

03-16-2003, 01:50 PM
I'd definately be interested in these inserts Doc. Like everyone else has said I'm just interested how the nubbins are set up.

03-16-2003, 02:28 PM
looks to me like Doc has a detent installed right in the adapter...probably adjustable too knowing Doc.....;) :D

paint magnet
03-16-2003, 02:51 PM
I meant to do like Tom says in the mag video and take off your oring, wrap it once in scotch tape and put it back on for a tighter fit :) But anyway I would like an adapter too.

03-16-2003, 04:24 PM
maybe the nubbin will be replaced with some sorta rubber ball detent thing like they have in excals and pirahna

03-16-2003, 05:00 PM
doc i hope you made enough :)

Major Ho
03-16-2003, 05:29 PM
If its like the one I ordered a while back (I think it was wildfire paintball) then no it is not centerfeed, its hopper right and left feed body. Whats the link to it? I tried to go back and find it for someone else and they dont seem to have it, or even have a online store for that matter...

50 cal
03-16-2003, 05:51 PM
The one I have, 3 yrs old, will not work with center feed.

03-16-2003, 09:29 PM
major ho i put up wildfire paintballs (eddies) email up top in case you still wanted to find it for someone. funny i get the most simple answer i was looking for after hearing the good news on docs adapters :p