View Full Version : Did anyone go to the LA Open?!

03-15-2003, 12:56 AM
I was out at the LA Open last weekend and I didn't see all many AO'ers out there. Smoken, Rogue, and myself were the main people out there promoting the AO nation...I just wondered if there were any other AO'ers that came out last weekend, but in disguise...I saw a couple of eMags on the fields and I think an X-Mag or too (i do remember a bright green one..so show yourself whoever you are)...We had fun hanging out and watching the Femme Fatales (and local boys the Bushwhackers too) play and supporting Bea...caught a little X-Ball...all in all it was a good weekend. I'll be out at the MPG Scenario Game this weekend at Jungle Island in Lake Elsinore, Ca if anyone else is so inclined..not the same having Tom absent though...

03-15-2003, 01:12 AM
I was going to it but came down with a virus I caught from my 9 month old nephew.


03-15-2003, 01:40 AM
Yeah, I was there.;) 'Course Dirtybunny already pointed that out, but whatever. It was alot of fun, more of you shoulda come out.

03-15-2003, 01:48 AM
Yes...The Smoke was in the Hizz-ouse...and btw..you gettin that Flatline or what, man? Come on..you know you want it....

03-15-2003, 01:54 AM
I know I want it, but I gotta find the money to buy it first. My car's in the shop and I gotta be able to pay for that before another Flatline. And to top it off, now I'm considering an X-Mag even though I have no clue where that money'll come from. Oh well. I better find another job to feed the addiction.

03-15-2003, 02:21 AM
HAHAHHA..well..If you don't pick it up I'm going to...but you never know...I'm looking at getting an X-Mag too and I need to feed the beast...and I got rid of the Conquest for the timmy and now she's running off the FL...so i'm 1/2 AGD now..

03-15-2003, 02:42 AM
Me and my girl met you guys on saturday.

03-15-2003, 03:03 AM
there we go..I knew I left you out I just couldn't remember your name here on AO..

03-15-2003, 01:28 PM
Team Supernatural made their national tourney Rookie debut at the LA Open. Our very own RobAGD is a member of the team.

Placings? Well....let's just say....at least they beat the Femmes Fatale rookie team:)

Actually, they only had two practices before coming all the way across country to play. So considering that, they did OK for their limited experience working as a team.

I say; "Good job guys!"

03-15-2003, 01:34 PM
I thought it was Rob with the Green X-Mag....I even did the **cough** Nice X-Mag **cough** when he walked by...

03-15-2003, 02:36 PM
happen to watch gz play.. i guess its ny extreme now? a guy who plays at one of my fields played there and i was wondering how they did?

03-15-2003, 02:40 PM
Espo, check warpig.com or nppl.com the scores are at one of those places, or maybe both.

03-15-2003, 03:23 PM
Hey Rogue, I believe Manny was at the LA Open this year as a coach for Aftershock. I'm pretty sure his AO name is RiceRocket.

03-15-2003, 03:58 PM
I tried to go find Manny..but I guess he was hiding...

03-15-2003, 05:50 PM
I represented AO best I could with my chair :D

03-15-2003, 08:54 PM
ah DB that was you :) hahgaha That X was Rockzilla's gun. It needed a little RobAGD TLC. Just shipped it back to him yesterday.

I was playing with fUglY mag. It was rocking, got lots of looks from the judges, and more than a few had some fun shooting it.

Yea we sucked it up real good. Lots of kids new to NPPL's and this was a baptism by fire for them :) So We are starting to get into oour thing and getting more time together. We will be going to Chicago and Orlando and Phily ( I wont be doing Phily because of Pevs Work conflicts ).

And well there is no where to go but up :)

