View Full Version : motorcycle pains of the 1st ride of the year..... =)

03-16-2003, 05:04 PM
welp here in the northeast in my neck of the woods... it got to a bliztering 53° when i awaoke this morning and got to a high of 68°.... i never have moved so fast to get up and out the door so fast in my life.....

first was a run to the local convience store for a new pair of laces for my work boots, then to the autoparts store for a set of plugs then back home....

once there chipped the remaining ice away from the botom of the tarp covering my bike tossed it off to the side, put in my key and hoped for the best..... (needless to say the battery sat out in the bike all winter....) after playin with the choke for about 1 min she was up and running..... i let it idle for about 10 min just to listen to so i check for anything wrong along with giving the whole bike a good once over.... shut it down changed the plugs did another once over grabed all my gear got ready to ride

well i spent the next 7 hours tooling through my town and just about every other one nearby.... now i'm walking funny cuz my right hip, left knee and my arse hurt..... but the fun i had today made it all worth it.....

so who else finally took their bike out for the first time this year =)

03-16-2003, 05:53 PM
You mean you put yours away?:confused:

It is never to cold to ride. That being said, riding a 1976 Triumph is problematic at best! ;)

Welcome to the "SEASON"!

03-16-2003, 06:02 PM
though i just realized i now have another need to misapproate some company materials.... namely earplugs..... at 7hours of riding... i got me a splitting headache right now.... though now that i had time to take a good soak in a nice hot bath... my legs do feel alittle better.....

not as for my bike being "putaway" for the winter... i wouldnt call under a tarp in the driveway put away... just had to wait for a warm day... 2day def. qualified :D

03-16-2003, 11:56 PM
What kind of bike do you ride? After the first few outings on my ZX6, I began to feel cramps in my legs and such, but they went away as I became accustomed to the bike.