View Full Version : ahhhh. set up for the new season.......

03-16-2003, 07:41 PM
Paintball season is comming for us New Englanders and like most people I've compltely changed my set up.
its gunna be the rockenest back man set up ever
Got the Gx-3 with Eblade.
scepter Barrel
and Warp with revvy
And Maxflow
will get pics up when i get it back from WGP, whos installing the Eblade

any of you guys do the same? new stuff for the new season? lol

Howa bout the mainers?! Getting ready for the MAC and all those other tournies up here this summer?
its gunna be a good season!

Will Wood
03-16-2003, 07:46 PM
And his Angel is coming in my grasp. Mwhaha. Yes. the Darkside.

03-16-2003, 07:59 PM
I'm going to be toting my e-mag probably, at least, for the March 23rd NEPL event at CCP. Hopefully the ULE bodies will be out soon so I can finally have a vertfeed body (aluminum, that is).