View Full Version : How Bad?

03-16-2003, 09:18 PM
Alright well yestarday someone at the shop cranked up my regulator when they filled it. Dont ask me why those guys did it but i didnt realize it so its kinda my fault. But i gased up the gun for a split second and it made a sorta pop noise. So i quickely turned my tank off. Well i looked inside the valve and it doesnt seem like anything happened. Is there something that would have happened that i might have missed? Also it busted my output reg when it went that high. So now i need to get a new one of those. Anyone happen to have one lying around the house or shop that they could hook me up with? I just need some junky ol thing thatl work. Thanx everyone

03-17-2003, 10:07 AM
What kind of gun and what kind of regulator? What popped? the gun or the reg?

03-17-2003, 09:31 PM
well i have a retro valve and i have an apocolypse tank. I knw my guage busted but i thought that i heard my valve pop but i duno

03-17-2003, 10:02 PM
The valve can handle anything the regulator can put out. The valve should be fine.

I don't know much about the reg, but I can't imagine being able to crank the output up to an unsafe level that would harm it. The most that would be damaged would be an o-ring or two at the most, I think, if anything at all.

Overpressurizing the gauge will ruin it. That is a for sure.

03-18-2003, 12:47 AM
I'd make the crazy toon who cranked it up pay for it! And i doubt it did any damage considering many people have cranked up their tanks pretty high without any problems, and if nothing seems broken then you should be fine

03-18-2003, 12:56 AM
Sound like you have an adjustable tank. first thing is to check to see if your burst disk is good. on adjustables, there is usually two, one for output and one for the tank. if your output reg is shot, this is probably what is wrong. Burst disk is a small copper disk design to act as safety valve. it is replaceable. your output reg may be fine otherwise..

mag valves are rated for 3000 psi, so it should be fine.