View Full Version : Whats going on with my x- valve?! help!

03-16-2003, 09:45 PM
i got an x-valve w/lv 10 and i intalled everything right. when i gassed up my gun it wouldn't cock, and it also leaked out the front. what the hell is wrong with this thing?!

03-16-2003, 09:51 PM
When I got my XValve, it would not cock either. I had to oil the living snot out of the thing.

I had to switch up to a size 2 on the spacer/carrier thing and shoot it for a bit on that and then move back to the 1. If you don't know, that is simple to describe. I have to keep it oiled so it shoots right.

Other than that, it works GREAT. You will love it, especially if you have an intelliframe.

03-16-2003, 09:51 PM
For one you may need to turn up your velocity. Most likely its too low. Then you need to fine tune your Level 10 if that is not it. They cannot come set to the perfect velocity. You have to do that yourself. Sounds like it may be too low to me...

Did you even try that?

03-16-2003, 09:55 PM
yea i tried turning the velocity up. i also stuck in the lv 10 piece with 2 notches and it doesn't work. i probably just need to oil it.

03-16-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Teen
yea i tried turning the velocity up. i also stuck in the lv 10 piece with 2 notches and it doesn't work. i probably just need to oil it.
what springs have you tried? you have to use the tightest carrier that doesn't leak out the front... if it doesn't work with the medium spring, use the shortest spring and get it to work that way

03-16-2003, 10:04 PM
i have the shortest spring on it. and the carrier with 2 notches. it came with the carrier with no notches already in it. but on automags.org it said to put the carrier with 2 notches in first.

03-16-2003, 10:11 PM
You need to FULLY read the install instructions on the site. Those are quick setups. It gets you to a starting point, then you have to tune the carriers.

If it leaks, you have to start moving down carriers. Dots are half sizes, lines are full sizes. If the 2 line one doesn't work, try 1 line, 1 dot (1.5). Start moving down from there until it JUST stops leaking. After a case or two, the oring will wear in and you move to the next lowest carrier. (i.e.- you're on a 1.5, you go to a 1.0)

03-16-2003, 10:15 PM
but shouldn't it still cock? well actually it does cock, but the sear has no pressure to it. when i pull the trigger, the sear just go back into the handle.

03-16-2003, 10:17 PM
Start turning up the velocity.

Also, watch the instruction video for your gun. It will go through basic usage instructions.

03-16-2003, 10:19 PM
i tried turning the velocity up. it still doesn't stiffen the trigger pull at all. i didn't get a video for the x-valve or lv 10. only for my classic valve, and i already watched that.

03-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Teen
i tried turning the velocity up. it still doesn't stiffen the trigger pull at all. i didn't get a video for the x-valve or lv 10. only for my classic valve, and i already watched that.

have someone else that knows what they are doing set it up... not to discourage you but it doesn't seem you have grasped the installation instructions well at all.

03-16-2003, 10:24 PM
im suposed to take it to a paintball store tomorrow to get it fixed, but i wanted to see if i could fix it so i wouldn't have to pay to get it fixed. thanks anyways everyone, at least i learned a little more about my lv 10

03-16-2003, 11:31 PM
put a little bit of oil in the asa and let the valve leak a little bit so the oil gets to the orings in the valve and go down to about a 1 carrier if it still leaks go down to a .5 that should work if it does not go to a 0

03-17-2003, 12:11 AM
I have found that these new X valves have VERY tight tolerances. Sometimes you gotta gas it up a few different times before it cocks. Once it does, fire the crap out of it till it seems good...

03-17-2003, 12:22 AM
Any idea why Tuna? That part of the gun is still technically stainless steel isn't it? They'd use their original ReTro Valve parts for that no?