View Full Version : Paintball fact or fiction on gameshow Cram!

03-16-2003, 11:30 PM
The GameShow network has a gameshow (duh) called Cram and at the end of the show they rattle off some facts of various things to the contestants where they ahve to remember and repeat later on. Well one of the facts i heard on the show today was "A paintball was the number 5 killer of paperboys last year"

It just stood out beacause of paintball, but a wierd fact if it is true. I guess many paperboys don't die so this could have been one death.

03-17-2003, 12:20 AM
Unless it said the paperboy was delivering papers at the time....he may have been screwing around in the backyard, sans mask, and got himself in the eye.....you never know.

Or he pissed off a client....:(