View Full Version : How dedicated ARE college ballers?

03-16-2003, 11:44 PM
So dedicated that they'll set up a field and play in weather like this:


Check out the link to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Yes, that is 8 inches of snow. Thanks to UMass for the pics, and West Point for putting on yet another college tournament.

Brrr. Cold.

- Chris

03-17-2003, 12:09 AM
raehl, I don't know if you know as you're not from the area, but I was wondering if to get to that field you have to go through one of those red big azz swinging service gate things, go down a dirt road for a while, and turn to the right?

Anyone from Umass on here?


03-17-2003, 12:09 AM
Bah, Amhurst, party school :rolleyes:

I played 2 weeks ago in a forest in worse New England weather than that. Pansies! :D

03-17-2003, 12:15 AM
I havn't been to West Point since the Army-Navy game of like, '89. I live in bumblescrew WI now. I do know that everyone had to go through all of the security to get on campus.

But the field was right on the river right on campus, so I highly doubt there were any dirt roads involved....

- Chris

03-17-2003, 12:18 AM
I (PBX Black Cell) played against the Penn State teams at Skirmish's Winter 5-Man. 12"-18" of snow and 10*-20* weather all day.

Yes. They're dedicated.

03-17-2003, 12:21 AM
raehl i was talking about umass's field (the one with pics on the site).

Ya, i know it's a long shot :)

03-17-2003, 12:41 AM
if i had money and an airfield i'd play in the snow too ;)

03-17-2003, 12:50 AM
/me hopes the GREAT weather we had this weekend in IL carries over to this weekend for the Spring MICT @ Purdue..
(then again it was 60 the weekend before the last one)

And the answer is VERY... o wait, I get it now a RHETORICAL question!...

and a side note all you NE guys are nuts...im cold just thinking about playing in all that snow..

03-17-2003, 01:41 AM
I REALLY like that picture with the one guy looking around the empty field in front of that huge stone (castle?) wall... That's awesome.

03-17-2003, 03:41 AM
....cough... my sig... cough....
I was on Rutgers B Squad , and we came in either 5th or 6th. Our last game was def ours, if all of us were not shooting goo from our barrels... (including my SFL w/LX, and my fellow Teammates Angels.

U got a nice picture of Rutgers A about to break though. They most definately rocked house all day.

But it was most definately freezing with that river of icebergs blowing the colder air onto the fields. And too bad they left the paint out in the cold to become so brittle like that, and with 5-6 huge dimples on each.

In anycase, good playing you guys, and I'll see you at Nationals in Chicago (hopefully with fresher paint)

~da baller

03-17-2003, 10:33 AM
If my University had a team...
If I had a paint sponsorship...
If I had an airball field...

I would play every weekend, twice! snow is great to play in IMO, I love it! :D


03-17-2003, 11:15 AM
No one just showed up one day and handed out teams and airball fields ya know.

- Chris

03-17-2003, 02:58 PM

Is there anywhere I can get a list of Universities that have teams. I'd like to put some sort of club together at my uni, it always seems to help get it through to the powers that be here if I can show them that others are doing the same.


03-17-2003, 04:05 PM

Has all the info you need. Universitys that have PB Clubs, and Rankings, of teams that have attended the NCPA, or NEIC tournaments.

(ooooo Rutgers moved up to 7th place after just one tourny... whooot for me; while we were 14th after the 2001-2002 standings)

~da "moving on up to the winning side" baller

03-17-2003, 05:25 PM
I go to a Jesuit/Mercy university who is ruled by the most uptight bunch of nuns on the planet... plus, we're smack dab in the middle of the upper west side of Detroit, i.e. GHETTO.

A Paintball team will NOT fly here... :(

03-17-2003, 05:39 PM
can't wait till i get to purdue..

03-17-2003, 08:42 PM
my brother plays for Penn State. ive met a few of them all of them are damn good players. they practice in 5 degree weather and 10 inches of snow. there is a reason why they are the top team in the college rankings.

03-17-2003, 10:09 PM
Now I'm not saying all 4 squads for Penn State at that West Point Invitational tourny (where these pictures were taken) cheated or anything.... but on a number of occasions during that day... a bunch of teams on the sidelines would agree with the players just coming off the field.... in saying that one of the Pennt State. squads were continuosly cheating during games.

As I said... I couldn't keep track of which sqaud was which... but more than couple of teams continuosly called out cheating on one of the squads.

Other than that, it was a very good day with little problems in the Cheating department. Nationals should be interesting.

Anyways - Purdue has won every single collegiate tourny they have ever played in. Take a look at the standings over the last 3ish yrs on the www.college-paintball.com site. (its cause they sit back and wait for other teams to make mistakes - purely defensive playing)

03-17-2003, 10:18 PM
I hope that I can get into Va Tech so I can join the club there and possibly help get a strong competitive(X-ball?) team going. Who knows? Someday you might see Python in Orange and Brown on the field, shooting a hokie timmy.

03-17-2003, 11:08 PM
The player in question won't be at any more college tournaments, as Penn State kicked him off the team, end of that story. Nice thing about the NCPA is the bad apples are in the very small minority, so everyone else forces them out pretty quick. And once your team gets rid of you, short of transfering colleges you can't get back in.

While Purdue has won every MICT in recent memory, they lost at the NLIC this fall to Iowa State (although I don't know that Purdue had their full top squad there, and they returned the favor when Iowa State was at the MICT), and all of the National Championships events have been won by University of Illinois. Purdue is probably one of if not the top program in college paintball, and arguably the most consistent, but they're not unstoppable. We'll see how things shake out at MICT and Nationals. Competition in the league is only getting tougher.

- Chris

03-17-2003, 11:55 PM
when they have fat girls like karen dunn playing for them... what do you expect? them to make it to the 50? just wait a year..

03-18-2003, 12:05 AM
If you're going to be an ***, turn off the signature with all your sponsors in it.

Be happy paintball outfitter's contact information page appears to be having HTML issues.

- Chris

03-18-2003, 12:06 AM

i dont know what went on at West Point, i wasnt there. who ever they kicked off the team, it wasnt my brother. im not going to say penn state doesnt cheat, i have no idea if they do. but cant put it past any other team out there either ya know. i think everyone has whipped at least once in there days of playing. when i talked to my brother about how the weekend went, he did mention that the referees where very bad and where letting a lot of things go that arent NCPA rules, i.e. barrel tagging. if the refs arent very active in watching players, then they are going to push what they can get away with. but who do you blame the ref for not catching it or players cheating, in the end it comes down to players being honest.

but now that i went completely off the topic, it will be intersting to see how nationals go in chicago.

03-18-2003, 12:09 AM
PsychoBaller, and anyone else who wonders about PSU's credability on the field. The team I field is one that will always win because my guys try hard and play their hearts out. They have practiced in 5 inches of ice water, below zero and in downpours to get where they are and I will never allow an accusation of a cheater to pull down what they have worked so hard for. I PROMISE you, you will not find any other team anywhere that is as serious about our sportsmanship rep as Penn State.

As Chris said, the player you mentioned who wiped a hit at West Point has been kicked off our team. No questions asked. If anyone ever has reason to beleive that PSU did not earn what we have been given, please contact me at [email protected]. I am more then willing to hear any questionable issues.

03-18-2003, 12:14 AM
Wiping is wiping. If you're going to try it at a college event, maybe you'll even get away with it a couple times...

But when you get caught, it's going to hurt.

And don't think we don't hear about it - people on the sidelines see it, and we take actions accordingly.

- Chris

03-18-2003, 01:22 AM
Kinda looks like when we played at Stalker on the 16th of February. Cept the air bunkers. We only played on the hyperball field. Snow can be fun, but, it's not somthing you want to do a lot. Just about got my car stuck too.

It's does take some dedication to hold a tourney in that though.

03-18-2003, 04:09 AM
you PSU guys took action against that member of the club. We did the same with a member or two from our sqauds last year. We may have less people to fill up the squads this year, but we weeded out the bad apples from the bunch (RU Squads).

Crazy- that fat comment was not appropriate.

Jayel579- Barrel Tapping Reference: the refs included the rule during the captains meeting at the start of the day. Even if it is not a normal collegiate play rule, our member who pulled the manuver on the Girl in one of the final games, did so in terms of the stated rules during the captains meeting. It was the refs however that seemed to mess things up, by changing the call back 2-3x. In anycase, that girl was out even before he barrel tapped her (she admitted to having a hit on her arm= she was out= Rutgers Wins that game)

~da baller

03-18-2003, 07:06 AM
Alright, let's not go through that whole thing again. Rutgers won that game fair and square. No contraversy there. Sure it was a little difficult to call on the field, but when all the cards were lay out, it was plain to see Rutgers had won.

03-18-2003, 10:10 AM
Just a statement-

Black Cell played against the PSU teams at the Skirmish Winter 5 Man tourney. They were all stand up players on the field and lots of fun off the field. I've known one of their senior players for a few years (KDogg) and I know that they play stand up ball.

No question about it.

03-18-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by PSUghost
Alright, let's not go through that whole thing again. Rutgers won that game fair and square. No contraversy there. Sure it was a little difficult to call on the field, but when all the cards were lay out, it was plain to see Rutgers had won.

PSUGhost... my last post about the barrel tapping was just to inform Jayel579, cause from what he wrote it sounded like he didn't completely understand what occured in that situation.

Every discrepency is sqaushed, and onto another Fresh Tourny called Nationals :D