View Full Version : Automag RT troubles help!!!

03-17-2003, 08:41 PM
Hey, I just got a slightly used Automag RT (not pro) in the mail, its only been used like three times. When I got it in I popped in the tank and it started to vent out the back like crazy like I had the velocity up too high or something, so I turned the velocity knob down until I saw the O-ring, and then I turned it back in until I just barely couldnt see the line thats next to the Oring, then I put the air back in and it kinda vented out the blow-out valve and kinda out the bolt. I tried to recock it manually with a pencil but it wouldnt do it. I tried again later with a different bolt spring and it would reset a little, but it would vent out the blowout valve. When I pulled the trigger the air coming out felt a lot stronger than normal fry firing, and the bolt wouldnt reset. It would vent out the bolt. When I would reset it with a pencil it would stop for a second and then blow out the back again. Then once I would fire it would seem to shoot out lots more air than usual and it would start over again. So it sounds to me like the springs in the regulator are messed up or something but Im not real sure. Anyone got any ideas?

03-18-2003, 12:51 AM
I am thinking something with the powertube o-ring, or spaceing, also if your spring is rusty, replace it. Mine never had that problem without lvlX.

03-18-2003, 01:00 AM
also, screw it in more if u see that line, feel that thing its screwable for a while...i usually put the velocity about half-way in, then air it up and continue screwing it in until it stops, but I have lvlX which operates differently than the bolt you have. One other thing i just thought of ...is your tank inputting over 750psi? otherwise,there won't be enough pressure to cock the marker.

03-18-2003, 09:36 AM
Take the valve apart and clean it, especially the regulator assembly. Inspect all the o-rings to make sure none have nicks or pieces of dirt lodged in them. When you put it back together be sure to oil everything.

Hold the trigger in while gassing the marker up. Relese the trigger quickly when the marker is fully gassed. Dry fire until the excess oil no longer comes out the front of the bolt. Start with the velocity adjuster half way in. You may have to turn the velocity adjuster in or out to make the marker perform properly.