View Full Version : Imp vs Bushmaster

03-17-2003, 09:50 PM
I am looking at picking up one of these two guns. Planning to spend around $450. Just wanted to here from people on this forum what gun they feel is the better pick up. I have shot a Smartparts Imp and like the feel of it. Plus the fact that there are tons of upgrades out there for it. I have never shot a Bushmaster and don't know much about them.

I am keeping my Automag. I have upgraded my automag with everything except for the x-valve. My automag is about 5 to 6 years old now and I am looking at purchasing something different.

Thanks in Adv

03-17-2003, 10:02 PM
get the freshman college pack from www.e-paintballoutlet.com

03-17-2003, 10:18 PM
Thanks cris8762.

The price is right. I might have to pick that up. Just have to wait to hear what others have to say. I am looking at buying either the Imp or bushmaster next week.

Hope the price stays the same.


03-17-2003, 10:38 PM
I have looked around @ e-paintballoutlet.com some but have a question..

I have a flatline 3000psi 68ci tank. If I wear to get that system, would I ultimatly have to sell my reg and keep my bottle for that maxflo reg?

All you need for that setup is a bottle correct?


03-17-2003, 10:45 PM
If you get the Bottom Line version of the Max-Flow, it takes a screw in nitro or co2 tank. If you want to use an adjustable, non screw in tank, then you need to get a vertical reg. Both Max-Flo's and Sidewinder's work good on Imps.


03-17-2003, 11:21 PM

That is something I did not know!!

I am now liking the impy more and more.


03-17-2003, 11:53 PM
I've owned both, I would recomend a Bushmaster. In the long run both an Impulse and a Bushmaster will perform almost identically. The Bushmaster will be lighter though, which will be the deciding factor. Also you can buy a Stock 2k3 with PDS for pretty cheap, and they come milled and annodizied in your choice of color, where as you can get a black impulse o yay!

Seriously though if you are going to be strapped for a cash a 2K3 would be the way to go.
Compare a the Sophmore package at EPBO which really is a great deal, to a 2K3 with PDS.

Sophmore Package-$485
Vert Regulator
3-way trigger

2K3 with PDS-$550
Vert Reg
4-Way Trigger
PDS (Vision)
Delrin Bolt
2 Piece Barrel

You can't beat the savings. A sophmore package upgraded to the Bushmaster above would cost $~750. Give it some thought the Bushmaster really is a better bang for your buck.

Also when upgrading the Bushmaster all I would recomend would be a Vapor Valve, Stickies, Low rise, Barrel Set, and a Vapor Bolt (only if you have blow back isuses).

03-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by felony

I have a flatline 3000psi 68ci tank. If I wear to get that system, would I ultimatly have to sell my reg and keep my bottle for that maxflo reg?

The best thing to do in this case would be to go with the vertical max-flo reg. set-up. You could keep using your Flatline with the pressure set to 400-600psi and the vertical Max-flo will take it down to the 100-200psi you'll need. I think it only cost a very little bit more to get the vert. max-flo option at e-paintballoutlet.

03-18-2003, 12:41 PM
I own bouth and mechanicly they are almost identical but the bushmaster comes with better performance out fo the box and if each gun is upgraded to the fullest the bushmaster will be a little better than the best impy.

03-18-2003, 12:45 PM

i'm not even going to start a flame war, but i will say that the impulse is the better gun. for the stock price, you get the best reg around, a pretty good stock barrel, decent trigger, and a very easy to upgrade gun, with about a bazillion upgrades for it.

03-18-2003, 12:50 PM
I have a impulse..... the trigger is thin and pull is long. the bushmaster in my eyes is way better. have you ever even shot a bushmaster?

03-18-2003, 01:02 PM
i've shot many bushmasters and many impulses, including many hiher end impulses and the new bushmasters as well

i preferred the feel of the impulse.

ALSO with the trigger comment, ALMOST ALL (the exception is the AVI imp which is a joke) non stock impulses have a upgraded trigger than can cost as low as 20 dollars and is fully adjustable.

how can you say that the best bushmaster will be better than the best upgraded impulse? (impulse: rat impulse with 90 degree frame (or iframe if u dont like ir3 type), vertical maxxy, delrin bolt, LPR, fast program Cricket vision board, completely upgraded internals, options on type of bolt, grips, feed tube, barrel, and colors)

03-18-2003, 01:03 PM
i wouldn't have replied if i never shot a bushy.

as far as i'm concerned, the new bushy trigger frame is just terrible anyway. there is so much slop on the trigger, even after adjusted you can push it all the way forward .. its lame.

03-18-2003, 02:49 PM
AT the low end, the Bushmaster is probably the better marker, definitely if you are looking at the BKO, the Impy's only advantage is CO2 compatibility. The Bushy's got an LPR and an adjustable trigger stock. The two markers are about equal at the midrange, and the Impulse takes the lead at the high range (The Bushmaster just has nothing which compares to an Adrenaline or Strange Impulse)

03-18-2003, 03:32 PM
How bout shocktech or vapor bushmasters?

03-18-2003, 03:34 PM
Forgot McDev(sonic) and eclipse Bushmasters.

03-18-2003, 03:37 PM
Shot a Macdev, vapor and an Eclipse Bushy. Nice guns, bout equivalent to a basic Rat or Freak Factory. High end of the mid range you might say (No PDS on any of those when I tried them, although it's available for at least the Vapor now and maybe the MacDev Sonic too).

Still not on the level of a Drenny or a Strange though. Best way to put it is the hig end of Bushy's top out roughly where the mid range of Impy's does. Both are great guns, but the Bushy doesn't play in the same space as Angels, E-Mags and Matrix's, unlike the top custom Impy's.

03-18-2003, 10:25 PM
uh yeah, once u upgrade a basic rat (put on a iframe or vert frame and get vision) it'll beat any high end bushy

03-18-2003, 11:42 PM
Just wondering can any of you explain how an upgraded Impulse will beat an upgraded Bushy? Both upgraded with anyparts on the market of course.

Also just for everyones information, all Impulses besides AIs have no inherit advantadge over an other type of Impulse. Yes, and upgraded stock can be as good as a Strange, wow. Also with the AI, it has better flow because of larger air passages. This gives it a slight increase in eff, only advantadge.

03-19-2003, 01:31 AM
Only difference i could see(straight out the box stock) is that a bushy comes with a LPR and bad wiring. I also think that impulses have better triggers. I don't think he's worried about high end guns cause as he said, he's on a limited budget. Why clutter up the thread with baseless arguments that he doesn't want to know anyways? If you're going to upgrade, impulse. If you just want to do a little and keep most of it as is, bushy. I personally find that my bushy is better than my imp. I haven't broken a ball in it yet where as my impulse has never had a day without breaking.

03-19-2003, 07:14 AM
Didn't read my post ehh? ;)

Bushy out of the Box over stock Impulse:
Vert Reg
4-Way Trigger
Delrin Bolt
2 Piece Barrel

03-19-2003, 08:13 AM
OUT OF THE BOX....I would recomend an imp.
Imps have incredible INCREDIBLE air efficiency, and are only 400 bucks, now compare that to the bushy. Bushy=550. With 100 bucks you could upgrade the imp to bushy "calibur" :rolleyes: I simply dont like the bushy, why do you RARELY see them in tourneys? And they cost more, anda re hideous. And BTW, impulse stock trigger is long and sloppy, but do you have ANY idea how fast anybody can rip on that sucker? ITS INSANE how fast imps are!

03-19-2003, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl
Didn't read my post ehh? ;)

Bushy out of the Box over stock Impulse:
Vert Reg
4-Way Trigger
Delrin Bolt
2 Piece Barrel

Bushy: 550

Upgrade to Vert reg:$50
Adjustable trigger: $21
Progressive = better than crap stock bushy
Delrin bolt (good brand) = $36.

Do the math...cost wise, almost moot, imp is beter man.

03-19-2003, 08:45 AM
How bout the PDS??????

03-19-2003, 09:46 AM
That $550 Bushy also has PDS.

non-PDS Bushy's be cheaper. And the efficiency is pretty darn good (Ex-Defiant owner here). I still prefer the high-end Impy, but mid-low end Bushy's beat the equivalent Impy IMHO (Stock, out-of-box that is).

03-19-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Snake847
I own bouth and mechanicly they are almost identical but the bushmaster comes with better performance out fo the box and if each gun is upgraded to the fullest the bushmaster will be a little better than the best impy. HAHA ... holy poo that is priceless. I hope you realize that statement was just completely incorrect. I've never seena tourny player use any type of bushmaster. EVER. PLENTY of teams use Impulses and a lot of pro teams even use the Impulses. Not to mention and Adrenalin Impulse will blow any Bushmaster out of the water no matter what you put on it.

Sorry but those are the facts, sure Bushmasters are great guns I'm not bashing them or anything.

03-19-2003, 11:57 AM
You need to get your facts straight.... Seeing as Aftershock is switching to shocktech Bushmasters. Ya ok no proteams use bushys. My ***!

03-19-2003, 12:06 PM
Hasn't AO as a whole decided that just because the Pros dont use a gun, that doesnt make the gun a bad gun? How many pro teams shoot emags? Just think about that.

03-19-2003, 12:16 PM
Aggree with Malfunction. ICD can't afford to sponsor A pro team that is why no pro teams use them. On the other hand Shocktech can and their players choose to use Bushmasters over other guns that Shocktech customizes.

03-19-2003, 12:57 PM
Right, kids need to stop saying that. Pro's use imp's more so they're better. Give me a break. I'll take a stock emag over any impulse. Which one would be cheaper? Emag. Which one is better? Emag. Oh wait, not many pro teams use them, must not be good. Think for yourself.

Stock impulse out of the box is increadibly fast at chopping. Searisouly, without at least a delrin bolt, an impulse will do nothing but chop. Don't get me wrong, Impulses are great guns, but you have to spend money to set them up that way. Otherwise, you get a blender. Out of the box, bushys have no problem at 11-13 bps. Of the 2 imps i owned, I couldn't get any type of ROF without doing some upgrading.

03-19-2003, 01:49 PM
You are all killing me, this guy wants to know facts and here they are.

Bad things about Bushy's.

1. Crap regulators, as a matter of fact ICD reccomands 450 input to even the new hp reg(still a far cry from a sidewinder). Why do you even need a lp reg? This is cheap and always needs adjustment(reach into your pocket and grab that quarter and twist away, wait for air to leak and back off 1/8 turn or so). And the gauge is also poorly designed, I havent seen one yet that was correct.

2. The trigger just feels cheap and is hard to get the slop out of.

3. Power on/off switch's are made very cheap(get pds and now you have two).

4. Gun just doesnt have the range of a Impy(now Im talking out of the box, no upgrades).

5. Cheap grips, this is a must upgrade.

6. Battery used to be a pain to replace(had to actually remove frame to replace).

Good things about Bushy's.

1. Very light.

2. Delrin bolt.

Bad things about Impy's.

1. First shot drop(now this one can kick your butt, just crank up the dwel and lower input pressure to achieve 280 fps).

2. No Delrin bolt.

Good things about Impy's.

1. Regulator one of the best on the market(maxflo), and only one of them.

2. Trigger very easy to setup and adjust.

3. Battery easy to change out.

4. On/off on back of gun and easy to access(push button like it should be).

5. Good range and accurate barrel(doh, smart parts).

6. Adjustable dewl settings(best way to control solinod).

I know there are many other items that Im missing. I hope this helps out, who cares what the pro's are shooting. I wouldnt run out and buy a Spyder if that was what they were using.

I like both markers, just think you get more/higher quality components with a Impulse.

P.s. all you Vapor heads out there, the Nasty will still out perform youre high end Bushy's. That is a fact.


Do youre homework and shoot them both, then get the one that you like.

03-19-2003, 03:05 PM
I think you are a bit off on your statment above. ALL GUNS HAVE THE SAME RANGE! the only variables to range is FPS, angle of shot and backspin. So if you have a IMP that is shooting at 280fps and a Bushmaster that is shooting at 280fps and bouth guns are at the same angle bouth balls will land in the same place. The only exeption to this is the Tippmann Flatline barrel And Z-Body. Bushmasters do have adjustable dwell, ROF and you can eaven select the modes of fire by using the trigger!

03-19-2003, 03:31 PM
It seems that some of the posts bashing Bushmaster the people say that they just don't like it. Thats a pretty good reason for it being a bad marker. Also some of the posts hint or completly reveal ignorance of Bushmaster, just buying to the hype.


1. Crap regulators, as a matter of fact ICD reccomands 450 input to even the new hp reg(still a far cry from a sidewinder). Why do you even need a lp reg? This is cheap and always needs adjustment(reach into your pocket and grab that quarter and twist away, wait for air to leak and back off 1/8 turn or so). And the gauge is also poorly designed, I havent seen one yet that was correct.

First of all ICD recomended 450psi and down for Gen 4 I believe an lower Bushmasters. The new regs will perform just as well with an 800psi input, as with a 450psi input. The new 2K3 reg is designed for a HP preset, and will be perform as good as any reg on nitro.

Now for why you need LPRs, don't use need its a iffy word in paintball. A LPR allows you to regulate the solinoids operating preassure. This allows you to a higher eff, and also slows the bolt down which will help reduce chops, giving balls more time to fall into place. The bolt preassure can also be adjusted to pinch balls, depending on your settings this could hurt eff.

2. The trigger just feels cheap and is hard to get the slop out of.

If you mean side to side slop, all new Bushmasters come with a larger trigger plate, reducing side to side. If you mean back and forth, all Bushmasters have pre, and post travel set screws. New ones also come with tension set screws.

3. Power on/off switch's are made very cheap(get pds and now you have two).

Well they work, don't break and are quicker to use than an Imps.

4. Gun just doesnt have the range of a Impy(now Im talking out of the box, no upgrades).

Seriously, wow. Explain how two balls leaving the barrel at the same speed under similar conditions will go further than the other? Exceptions, GZ Body, Flatline

5. Cheap grips, this is a must upgrade.

Why are you putting this under the Bushy but not Impulse? They have almost the same type of grips stock.

6. Battery used to be a pain to replace(had to actually remove frame to replace).

Unless the very earliest Bushies had this problem, and I mean early, most Bushmasters only needed you to remove one screw to open the battery cover. The battery in newer Bushies is in the grip, same effort as needed in Impulses.

Bad things about Impy's.

1. First shot drop(now this one can kick your butt, just crank up the dwel and lower input pressure to achieve 280 fps).

FSDO can be eliminated by simple regular maintance (cleaning your solinoid, hammer assembly, and bolt). On some older crickets the board dosent send enough power to the solinoid on the first shot, with proper care the drop off will be less than 10fps, not that bad.

P.s. all you Vapor heads out there, the Nasty will still out perform youre high end Bushy's. That is a fact.

Ughh, ALL IMPULSES WITH THE SAME PARTS PERFORM THE SAME, a Stock body with the same upgrades installed as a Nasty, Rat, or other "private label" Impulse (please exclude the AI which will get better eff). When you say the, do you mean a stock Nasty or upgraded? None the less a fully upgraded Impulse and Bushmaster will perform almost identically. Any performance difference between the two (Impulse or Bushmaster) would be insignificant. It would probably be one getting 100 more shots off a 68ci.

-=Squid=- -

Progressive = better than crap stock bushy
A progressive is .691 designed for use on low quality or swelled feild paint. With a Bushmaster barrel you can change the back to what ever size you want. Also both have ample porting and are annodized so they probably have an almost identical surface.

Yea you CAN get a 2k3 w. PDS for $550, also Squid you left out a LPR.

03-19-2003, 04:05 PM
U DA MAN!:rolleyes:

03-19-2003, 05:14 PM
I think Speedy's response speaks for itself.

My post wasnt intened to bash either one. Just my experience working on both for the last 2 years. And yes there are more upgrades availible for the Impulse. And you will have to let me know where those dewl settings are, and how to set lp reg pressure so that it only pinches the ball(you are talking like the level 10 right), I wouldnt think this would have enough force to fully strike the valve open. I might be wrong on that one though.

PS I dont own a Impy or a Bushy, I only fix them. I own a AGD EMAG, beleive me when I say this. I can afford any marker I want, thats why I shoot the one I have. :cool:

Let this guy decide on his own, and stop bashing on his thread.

03-19-2003, 05:29 PM
The stock Bushmaster LPR runs at about 90psi. Which will certainly chop paint rather than pinch. With a Rock mod, you can lower that, but you will likely need a softer valve spring as well for it to work well.

DIP Switches 4-8 set Dwell times. The ROF adjustment on a Bushy is done via dwell on and dwell off settings.

An Eye is of course the best method to prevent chopping, which both guns will do without work(Sans Eye of course).

Also, 1-3 gen Bushmasters and all Defiants have the annoying battery setup (Must remove tray to change battery), 4th gen's introduced the cover, later ones moved it to the grip.

IOG sp0rk IOG
03-19-2003, 05:52 PM
Bushy better than imp.... hahahha

Let's start with ICD's wonderful customer service. Let me tell you what, if your gun breaks down, let's say a technical problem with a solenoid, for example. You ship your gun to them, they will only take about 1 hour and it's coming right back at you, ahh, life is good... :rolleyes:

yea right, good luck with their service, try giving them a call, i can bet you five dollars no one will answer

As I see a bushmaster get opened out of the box, and aired up for the first time, guess what I hear? psssssss.... sssss...s s sssssssss, getting ever so more violent. Yea, that thing under the barrel with the adjustment screw used with a quarter, I think they call THAT thing a low pressure regulator, maybe I'm wrong. The stock lpr is so insignificant and inconsistent it is laughable. And the new gen 199283 reg. Honestly, how many *POOF* generations are they going to make? All they do is make them POOPIER and POOPIER. How DARE you speedy to own a nasty impulse, and say a bushmaster is lighter. You son of a LOVELY LADY. Now let's talk about vapor mods. Vapor Package #2 Valve, Bolt, Trigger, Mod, FMD with Rock $205. Not to mention 550 dolalrs for the pds bushmaster. That's a grand total of 755 dollars. Let's see what I can do with an impulse with that much. Impulse w/ vision 530 dollars. Nd valve 30, nd lpr, 100, slik shot+brass hammer 40, blade trig 30, tit pull pin 20. Fully upgraded impulse for 740 dollars. Now that we have you asses that are comparing prices, the impulse is cheaper. With this setup, you will be more efficient in shots, and yes, that DOES make a big difference when you play tournament, not for all you rec fools out there that get all day air. And not to mention, you can tweak your impulse into better eff, and not having to worry about damaging the cheap electronics, as in the bushmaster. And yea, the bushmaster is light, but the milling looks like a penis, honestly, the milling sucks, and their annodizing scratches so easily they switched to dust finish instead of polish. And why do you mention that it comes with a two piece barrel? It still sucks *POOF* But it's teflon coated instead of micro honed steel, but I don't know.

Well they work, don't break and are quicker to use than an Imps. (speaking of on/off switches)

Unfortunately, my impulses push button BREAKS ALL THE TIME. :rolleyes: ---What the HECK is your point?

First of all ICD recomended 450psi and down for Gen 4 I believe an lower Bushmasters. The new regs will perform just as well with an 800psi input, as with a 450psi input. The new 2K3 reg is designed for a HP preset, and will be perform as good as any reg on nitro.

Really now? Hmm, that makes me wonder, I know a guy at my field with a 2k3 'gen 9' bushmaster, STOCK, with PDS. He goes to the chrono and shoots 290, 280, 278, 287, 265, 299. THAT IS BY NO MEANS EXAGGERATION. My impulse EASILY shoots 280 +/- 3 over the chrono. 280, 279, 277, 283, etc. And do you even have a clue why that is? It's called a maxflo, only the single most consistent and high flow reg ever made. And speaking of barrels, I would like to buy a stock ICD bushmaster barrel to upgrade my tippman 98... Oops, they aren't necesarily an 'upgrade' and I bet you ICD doesn't even manufacture them. I think I'll buy a proggresive, why? Because it is designed to perform. In any event, I like BOTH guns, in fact when I was deciding to get an impy or bushy i actually considered a bushmaster, but since 4 people at my field has them, I decided to be different and go with the imp. Well, I got the imp, and me being new to the marker, I tried to tweak the performance with it and well, I kinda messed it up. I sent it to smart parts and the point being THEY HAVE EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE, I had to pay shipping, thats it. They also threw in a free imp barrel condom back to me.

Also, cranky was trying to inform, not flame. Im done with this POOPY

Yes you are almost done, You jumped straight to 2 strikes for cussing. One more and you can spend a few weeks reading the rules, you skipped over, about cussing when you joined.

03-19-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
Right, kids need to stop saying that. Pro's use imp's more so they're better. Give me a break. I'll take a stock emag over any impulse. Which one would be cheaper? Emag. Which one is better? Emag. Oh wait, not many pro teams use them, must not be good. Think for yourself.

Stock impulse out of the box is increadibly fast at chopping. Searisouly, without at least a delrin bolt, an impulse will do nothing but chop. Don't get me wrong, Impulses are great guns, but you have to spend money to set them up that way. Otherwise, you get a blender. Out of the box, bushys have no problem at 11-13 bps. Of the 2 imps i owned, I couldn't get any type of ROF without doing some upgrading.

lol, I have never chopped with my halo...BEFORE I got vision :rolleyes:

03-19-2003, 07:14 PM
After seeing a few high end Imps and Bushies at my field, my personal opinion is that they shoot just about the same. I would probably end up getting a Bushy over an Imp though, due to the fact that I can snap shoot easier with one (because it's lighter and smaller).

IMO, the performance of a bone stock Impulse is unacceptable, which is why I would not recommend buying one if you're on a budget. An aluminum bolt, non-adjustable trigger, absence of an LPR (sorry, but that one is just ghey), and lack of color/milling options is a little lame. If you're willing to spend some cash on one though, then feel free to look into it.

Oh yeah, and stop arguing about incidents that you saw at your local field with each gun. Both can have their problems and neither one is chracteristically unreliable.

IOG sp0rk IOG
03-19-2003, 07:58 PM
bushmasters are light, thus having "recoil" making it more innacurate to shoot. since they have light bodies snap shooting makes them top heavy

IOG sp0rk IOG
03-19-2003, 08:02 PM
Stock impulse out of the box is increadibly fast at chopping. Searisouly, without at least a delrin bolt, an impulse will do nothing but chop. Don't get me wrong, Impulses are great guns, but you have to spend money to set them up that way. Otherwise, you get a blender. Out of the box, bushys have no problem at 11-13 bps. Of the 2 imps i owned, I couldn't get any type of ROF without doing some upgrading.

How would a delrin bolt decrease chopping? Moron..

It would actually INCREASE chopping if you use your head, think about it, aluminum bolts have o-orings, o-rings mean that there will be a minimum of blowback up the feed tube, delrin bolts slide friction free in the breech, guess what that means? more blowback

You say imps suck, they are a blender, etc etc etc, why did you buy a second one if the first one sucked? God I love people that lie to try and get a point across. Guess what? For years the automag has been dubbed "the blender," if you played before the lvl 10 days, or regular revolution days, it was a blender. And by the way, if imps cant shoot that fast, how would it be a blender? I'm confused from reading your stupidity.

Load SM5
03-19-2003, 08:48 PM
This thread better cool out before it gets closed. Flaming and name calling will not be allowed.

03-20-2003, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by IOG sp0rk IOG

How would a delrin bolt decrease chopping? Moron..

It would actually INCREASE chopping if you use your head, think about it, aluminum bolts have o-orings, o-rings mean that there will be a minimum of blowback up the feed tube, delrin bolts slide friction free in the breech, guess what that means? more blowback

You say imps suck, they are a blender, etc etc etc, why did you buy a second one if the first one sucked? God I love people that lie to try and get a point across. Guess what? For years the automag has been dubbed "the blender," if you played before the lvl 10 days, or regular revolution days, it was a blender. And by the way, if imps cant shoot that fast, how would it be a blender? I'm confused from reading your stupidity.

Wow, all i can say is just wow. You need to chill out a little before you get the boot. Perhaps take it to PBNation where this might be tolerated.

Anywho, a delrin bolt is lighter, thus increasing bolt speed. If you're shooting at like 14-15bps, the stock setup of an impulse may not be able to keep up, thus chopping.

Never once did i say they sucked. If you would read, you would notice that i said they were great guns when setup properly. I owned a toxic impy that i sold to a teamate, then i bought a stock impy to mess with. Count them, that would be 2. No lie.

Guess what, mags chopped because people couldn't pull the trigger all the way, thus short stroking the gun. You have a proper setup(as with pretty much all guns) and someone who knows how to shoot them, mags pre lvl10 didn't chop. Mine didn't

I also never said they couldn't shoot that fast. Stock impy's without eyes, as my experience, chop at high ROF's. I could be wrong, this isn't fact, this is under my assumptions. Big deal.

You need to relax alot, you don't know everything about paintball. I'm still learning, but i'm pretty sure i'm right about what i say, not positive. Don't ruin this thread with your ignorance.

03-20-2003, 12:47 PM
hi guys,
I too am interested in getting my first electro this coming fall hopefully. I narrowed it down to the new bushies bk23 w/pds, matrix, and impy. So Anybody else have anymore info, feelings, and experiences with these 3? Please no flames like that other guy. Just wanna get see what people have to say. Also how is customer service with these 3? Whats the warranty on all 3 stock markers. I dont' plan on spending anymore than like 600 too so my range would probably be the stock bushies, matrix, and impulse so nothing damn fancy like the adrenalin blah blah blah or the sonic etc etc.

IOG sp0rk IOG
03-20-2003, 04:10 PM
shoot all three, choose which one you like to shoot, whichever one feels more comfortable

03-20-2003, 04:25 PM

I would go to pbreiw.com and look at all three. Read the reviews and get some idea about the good and bad things(since there is no flaming there). I dont think you have enough money for a Trix, and without the necessary mods they are kind of air hogs. Trix's shoot like no other marker and make a strange sound. All three are good products just different in their own ways.

I would also go to each website and look around, drop each a email and see how long it takes them to answer. Hope this helps. You can also learn quit a bit from hanging out at the front desk of youre local field. Ask questions and people might even let you shoot their marker. I even let people play with mine, some like it some dont.

Good luck, and dont be afraid to charge the 40. :cool:

03-20-2003, 06:31 PM
yeah I think dan your right about the matrix being too much and gas hogs cuz i've read that everywhere. So i guess it really is just bushy or impulse for me. And i already read all the reviews on pbreview, pbnation, etc. I'm leaning more towards the b2k3 side so far. And trust me if i could i would of already tried all 3 but its not that easy. The local pb shop don't carry all three and if they did they probably wouldn't let me. and i don't go to the field enough be able to ask people if i could shoot their markers.

03-20-2003, 08:23 PM
I have both, get whichever one you think looks better. I am getting rid of my bushy probably in a couple of weeks just because my nasty looks better and I need the cash. They are basically the same design and will perform very similar, the bushy is lighter though. If you have the means pick up a "custom" of either one, the eclipse bushies are sweet and the Impy has sooo many different models as far as cosmetics go. Just go with whatever you like the look of because you should not be dissapointed w/ either.