View Full Version : Old Mag with Problems

03-18-2003, 05:54 PM
I have a younger friend that has started playing pb with us and he has bought an older mag (probably 6 years old guessing)tha has been tinkerd with by someone who knows nothing about mags.We have got the problems down to one at the moment it wants to leak down the barrel,,some of the time hehe.Just from looking at mine it seems that the bolt dosent seat back on the powertube like mine does.We have tried a few thing and Im afraid the owner before him has polished or honed something he shouldnt have and to make it worse he dosent have his stock parts to send it back.He is upset because he paid way way to much for a lemon and he thinks AGD should fix it.I have tried to explain to him how many guns they have in circulation and how every joe would try to rip them off if they just fixed everyhting sent back.Anyways any advice on how to fix it and turn paintball around for a newbie that has been burned bad on his first gun. Oh oh also how does the regulator trade out policy thing work if he tried to pay and get a new reg. Thanks

03-19-2003, 09:47 AM
A shorter ppower tube spacer may fix his problem.

If the sear has been polished, it may be out of tolerance. If it is, it should be replaced.

He shouldn't need a new regulator. He could trade up for a new x-valve though. It even comes with the new level 10 (anti-chop) superbolt.