View Full Version : What guns do you and your friends use?

03-18-2003, 09:44 PM
I saw this at pbreview and was just wondering what kinds of guns everyone here and what kind of guns your friends use....

My friends:
-spyder Tl+
-theres about 6 or 7 people with black draguns
-spyder SE
-spyder SE
-model 98 with flatline and carstock
-piranha pro g3
-model 98
-model 98
-model 98
-spyder shutter
-ACI sinister
-Spyder esprit
-piranha e-force
-a-5 w/ response and flatline
My brothers gun:Armotech Mars LT
My brothers friends:
-A-5 with response
-Spyder TL+
-spyder shutter
-Piranha vtl
-model 98
-model 98
My friend's dads:
-Jt excellorator 5.0
-Brass eagle Avenger
-Viewloader Triton
Other guns people have:

03-18-2003, 10:30 PM
I have an emag. I have 3 friends with mags, one with a Spyder, 3 or four with 98s, one with a cocker, and one with an Impy. I have the best of everyone, muhahahahaha.

03-18-2003, 10:42 PM
Angels, a few mags. Lots of Impulses and Shockers since my local field is owned and run by an All American....................(haven't been there in awhile tho)

03-18-2003, 11:04 PM
lets see...

Xmag and Rainmaker for me
NICE LED angel, POS LED angel, Rainmaker, Rainmaker, Cobra IR3, Freeflow cocker, matrixes

03-18-2003, 11:08 PM
I'll just list my team.

Me: Gz Timmy, Sandridge cocker

Teamates guns:
GZ Timmy
2 Classic timmys
Eclipse Impulse
Lcd Matrix
Fly Angel
Various cockers

03-18-2003, 11:12 PM
I use...

Black Centerfeed emag
Blue To Black Fade 2k2 Timmy

Friends use...

Black ir3
blue to black fade 2k2 timmy
orange 2k2 timmy
2k2 lcd angel
2k3 cocker
rat impulse
spydr flash
and many more, im just to lazy to type.

03-18-2003, 11:12 PM
I use a B2k, my friends use a BKO, 2002 Cocker VF, 2002 Cocker PF, Spyder Compact, Rebel Extreme, Black Dragun, Classic Timmy with GZ Board.

Sir Chopsalot
03-18-2003, 11:18 PM
me: mag and a shocker
friends: 2 mags, 2 spyder shutters, afew vl guns from walmart a model 98. an e99. i dont have many paintball friends

robert heatwole
03-18-2003, 11:22 PM
me:2k2 timmy, em1

impact angel
2k2 lcd angel

other peeps:
rat imp
68 classic
really hooked up classic
2k2 timmy
dragon timmy
another mag
and 2 more angels

03-18-2003, 11:37 PM
just about everything under the sun. not too much of the old school, stuff though, no one has been around playing that long. mags, sheriden jabbs, tippmanns, the odd cocker or 3, rianmakers, some other be crap (my friend still playes with his talon every once in a while, etc., etc., etc.

03-18-2003, 11:43 PM
I Use a Cocker, and a Mag
My budies mostly use Angels, some cockers. Yea my friends at Field of Fire that are "regulars" all use Angels. Over the years most had Mags and Cockers but now they all have Angels.

03-19-2003, 12:11 AM
I shoot: Red Acid Wash ULE Emag with xvalve, and a LX Minimag as a backup.

my friends are all cheap bums and won't spend money on the sport.

03-19-2003, 12:35 AM
i play with an emag

others have cockers, mag of some sort, matrix, impules, angels, timpanns

if i ever get tired of my gun, i got my choice on what i can try out.

03-19-2003, 12:53 AM
primary marker:
stock 2000 angel lcd with a halo and vl adjustable cradle(i won the marker: i would not have payed 1200 two years ago or even today)

secondaries of the many marker my borthers and i have boughten since 94:

old automag..going to be updated with retrovalve

splashed camo mag

old school square black no ball detent cocker that was orginally a sniper 2

pre 98 minicocker converted from a sniper3

pre sto vertical feed custom splash cocker (it has the trigger gaurd cut so it doesn't get too much play; might get an eblade for it)

brother has a impluse that he used for primary maker

and my other brother collect paintball markers more than he plays: two pgps, some carter pump, old typhoon, a pmi 1,and a vm68

I think that is it within the family. :)

others play with mostly angels and cockers
the new trend/hype seems to be towards matrix and timmys though

03-19-2003, 01:44 AM
I have an Emag. All my friends shoot Tippmanns- (A5 or M98)

03-19-2003, 01:48 AM

My teammates:

Geoff-RTP/soon to be X-Mag
Mike- Angel IR3
Matt-Model 98 (sounds out of place, don't it?)
Aaron-Cocker (boo....this will change soon....hopefully ;) )

03-19-2003, 01:56 AM
I mostly use my emag, but sometimes I pull out the mini or the classic so I don't scare the noobs. Other peoples markers : Eclipse Angel, a few piranhas, lots of spyders, a few tippmans, some black draguns, a few rebels, one classic mag and one micromag. I think that about covers it.

03-19-2003, 02:10 AM
me: automag
-spyder tl+
-piranha ext pro
-rt pro
-spyder compact
-tippmann pro carbine
-spyder tl+

03-19-2003, 02:21 AM
me: emag
friends: impulse
angel fly
angel ir3 fly
palmers super stroker
some tricked pro carbines
some spyders and spyder clones
and there is probally other stuff, just cant remember.

03-19-2003, 08:26 AM
I shoot an RT Pro...they shoot:

-2k2 RF cocker
-Spyder Compact (which he plans to heavily upgrade for fun)
-One is planning to get a TM 98c 'Sniper'

Uhh...other people I don't know quite as well:

-2k2 Intimidator
-A range of cockers
-Spyders, Piranhas, etc

03-19-2003, 09:50 AM
Me: Matrix and level 10 Classig Mag.

My friends: everything from a Strange Impy to the Custom 98 from Hell (Complete with grenade launcher). If it's an electro, one of my friends has one (Unless it's from Zap or AKA).

03-19-2003, 10:03 AM
me: black ICD BKO(soon to have vapor mods)
twin brother(in the army so doesn't play much for obvious reasons):z-gripped classic RT
younger brother:minimag
friends:warped lvl 10 emag
68 classic
68 classic
tippy m98 custom

other people at the field have your standard shockers, impys, spyders and clones, tippys, occasional angel, but our field is a very big cocker field, but mags are starting to come out more(prob thanks to me and my friends, i used to shoot a micro emag).


03-19-2003, 11:54 AM
The guys in AO Nightmare shoot:

Chris (me): E-Mag, Rat-Guts Vision Impulse
Peter: IR3, RT-Pro, Rat Impulse (soon)
Pat: Z-grip L10 Retro Mag
Shawn: L10 Retro Mag
John: L10 Retro Mag
Kirby: Cocker (soon! ;) )

03-19-2003, 03:35 PM
Me: Defiant
Friends: 98s and Cockers across the board

03-19-2003, 05:24 PM
I shoot:
RTPX and have a first gen Spyder

They Shoot:
Ryan: Model 98
Tom: Model 98/Angel LCD
Eric: Model 98 / "Bruisers" (one looks like a spyder and the other a m-16. He borrows my Spyder after they crap out)

03-19-2003, 05:31 PM
man you have a lot of friends :)

Me: minimag
teamate: 02 cocker
teamate: 03 cocker
teamate: 98 rt
POSSIBLE teamate: Impulse (desperatly need him :))

other people in school
- m98
- m98
- impulse

03-19-2003, 05:35 PM
lets see

Rat impulse

my team:

one uses: my old mag my old cocker and my old tippmann(lol he only uses the mag though)

another uses: a nickle plated cocker(none of us know what the heck kinda cocker it is though)hes selling it though i think to buy either an outkast (despite my recommendation) or a 2k3 shocker

another use: a pre-release impulse

another uses: a stock(with upgrades) 2k1 i think cocker.

this fat kid that annoys the heck out of me uses an impulse

a guy i hang out with has about a billion tribals that all have one different thing that doesnt work on them and each time he buys a new one instead of fixing or even taken the broken parts out and replacing them with ones from another gun

this other guy who is art lakes son(local weather man on tv for those of you who dont know hes one of the most famous though) shoots an a5 or some other tippmann

another guy we had on our team because we needed someone and thought he was cool uses pumps or his 98 custom(normally uses a pump even in speedball then scares the crap outta everyone when he shoots everybody with a 98 custom)

a ref that im friends with owns about 4 eclipse shockers and some form of impulse

i cant think of anyone else at the moment besides the field owners who hardly ever play(but they own us because they all weigh like 500 pounds and scare you thinking your gunna die when they goto bunker you) have angels cockers shockers matricies and all sorts of other things.

03-19-2003, 05:39 PM
Me- E-mag
-vision imp
-green 2k3 cocker, v/f
-blue 2k3 cocker, v/f

Recball "friends" and locals:
-eclipse LED angel
-spyder compact, PT extreme
-shocker, model 98, spyder em1, spyder TL plus, talon
-minimag, model 98
-minimag, acid wash phantom
-classic mag, spyder compact, PT extreme
-spyder shutter
-spyder compact
-spyder electra
-spyder aggressor
-black r/f 2k cocker

03-19-2003, 06:05 PM
yeah, almost all of my friends paintball

03-19-2003, 06:57 PM
I play with my LX RT and am playing with an Angel LCD with Cobra parts as a team gun. My team mostly shoots Angels, with an E-blade FF, a Viking, a Demonic Impy, and a few trixes.

03-19-2003, 07:23 PM
Me: Black Magic Cocker

Vengance Base Cockers (2)
Ones selling his Spyder for a Mag

Guys I see at my field regularly:
2K2 Cocker
99 RF Cocker
Shocktech Cocker
2K2 LCD Angel
DYE Cockers (2)
2K3 Cocker
Toxic Impulse
E-Class Orracle

Aside from that, I always see a lot of random people with Black Magic Cockers, Freeflow Cockers, Classic Mags, Spyders, Piranhas, and Tippys. On occasion, there are some Imps, Bushies, and Timmys too.

C& C xtreme X mag
03-19-2003, 07:50 PM
what i use is inmy sig plus im geting a new GZ Timmy but my team uses angesl, e cockers, matrixes, Emag or 2, and a few AKA x cals, plus some strange and other high end impys.
its crazy at are 10 man practies there like 10000$ worhts of guns on are 10 man gunstands an dlike 4000$ worth in my car. :)

03-19-2003, 07:55 PM
me - xvalve mini


angel lcd
angel ir3
angel ir3 fly
Spyder Shutter
Spyder Aggression

03-19-2003, 09:03 PM
RTP/Armageddon Setup

Too many M98's to count
2 Classic Mags
1 Shocker
1 Impulse
1 Tribal (Not sure which model)
1 2k2 Cocker

And some other stuff maybe? whatever the case... my RTP rips, enough said :-D

03-19-2003, 09:23 PM
My Team:

Me: Angel IR3 CnC
Roland: Angel IR3 FLY
Jason: 32 Degrees Impulse
Ryan: 2k3 Angel LCD
Chris: 2k3 Angel LCD
Matt: Angel IR3 Stock
Jeff: Adrealin Impulse
Mike: 2k2 Angel LCD CnC
Nick: 2k1 Dark Angel LCD
Josh: 2k1 Angel LCD FLY