View Full Version : Bodging an AGD Warp onto another gun

03-19-2003, 04:21 AM
I've been looking up warp feed systems onlne. the AGD Warp says it's for AGD guns only, and I'd need to get a Pro Team Products warp to fit it on another gun. Is this the case?

I'm asking because the "Project" is not an AGD gun. What it is, I'm not saying yet (I'll unveil it soon enough... MUWAAHAA HAA!!!!). But, if I can get all the pieces together kinda soon, I'll have it in time for the Sam's Game in May.

(And, Tom, if you're reading this, I think you'll find what I'm up to amusing. :D And I'll let you take a REALLY good look at it at Sam's, providing everything works out perfectly...)

Other question, best place to obtain a "Warp Feed"? Go through the Automags Online store or through a 5th party distributor?

Thnaks in advance to everyone!


03-19-2003, 04:49 AM
Putting a warp feed on a pump gun, may just be the additional grounds needed for the men in white coats ;)

03-19-2003, 04:50 AM
yes you can mount it on pretty much any marker. AGD warps come with plenty of hose and a 90* apator to fit most needs.

PTP warps come with different mounts that allow for slightly more mounting angles(and external vib sensors(I've seen a lot of problems with this version))

If your new to warps This (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50487&perpage=30&pagenumber=1) thread may help you out a bit :)

03-19-2003, 05:20 AM
Havoc : Thank you for the linkages. I read the manual online, but the PTP stuff got me more than a little confused. The project is having a warp bracket made for it, I just didn't know if the interals were the same or not.

And, Manike : I'll show you the project at SPPLAT 2. You get to choose which end. :p 'till then, I'll keep you guessing. Besides, Fred's done a warp on a pump gun. I mean, click here to see it! (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=701702#post701702)


03-19-2003, 04:53 PM
the PTP warp comes with a Al powerfeed adaptor while the AGD is a plastic one. The PTP also comes with various feed necks(at least it used to). The other thing that was already mentioned was the location of the vibration sensor.