View Full Version : What can I do ??

03-19-2003, 06:32 PM
I've been playing near the front on the sup-air fields,but now I will be playing in the back.The only problem is on long shots I am getting out ranged with cockers,and angels.I know the debate about all guns physics are the same, but for distance and consistancy these laws are out the window on the field.Is there anything I can do to my mag or will I need another gun?I would love to use my mag for every position,set up is in my sig.I also have an older crossfire tank+reg,would changing regs help?

03-19-2003, 06:45 PM
as you mentioned........consistancy/ velocity/ ETC is what determines range and acuracy. if you are shooting near the field limit and have a consistant gun, there is no reason you are being "out-ranged". it may seem like it, but you are not.

03-19-2003, 07:22 PM
I probaly explained it poorly.What I mean is these guns carry with a flatter trajectory and better accuracy over longer distances.The cocker I played with only got 5-10 yards of better flight,but that was enough to cover the next bunker.I just wondered if there is anyway to make my mag more carry better with more consistancey.Maybe you have used a different bolt,barrel,spring setups,some paints seem to carry better.Not miracles just little tweaking you have come to find out.

03-19-2003, 07:26 PM
believe that if you really want to, but it is total crap.

I have shot side-by-side against cockers with my spyder, and we both hit the same place over and over. paint to barrel match, consistant air system and chrono speed are what determine range.

no gun has a "flatter" trajectory than another, that is a myth, always has been a myth, always will be a myth. but people continue to believe it.

03-19-2003, 07:39 PM
I know the debate about all guns physics are the same, but for distance and consistancy these laws are out the window on the field. First off, it's not a "debate", it's physics. Belive what you will, but it's all about velocity. 300fps=300fps. The paintball doesn't know what gun it was shot out of.

03-19-2003, 07:43 PM
oh come on.......you know the laws of pysics only apply at the target range or the chrono station. the field has a magic anti-pysics field. ;) (kinda like a force feild)

johnny dee
03-19-2003, 08:13 PM
First off, it's not a "debate", it's physics. Belive what you will, but it's all about velocity. 300fps=300fps. The paintball doesn't know what gun it was shot out of.

thats jsut what i was going to say....

03-19-2003, 08:15 PM
OK lets go on your theory that it is crap.I played with my mag back to back with the autocoker 2k model and the cocker carried better.I'm not saying it is because the name on the gun just the set up.I don't have the money to try all the tanks,barrels,etc.So what I was looking for was some helpful recomendations on what other people use.Do they have a 10,12,18" boomstick or a lapco,shooting bigballs,dusk,did the new crossfire have a faster recharge or higher output than a bulldog, things like that.Or is it cheaper and easier for me do buy a new gun set-up.I can make a Talon shoot the same tree as an angel,but it won't hit that spot repeatedly,or shoot as well at the same velocity.

johnny dee
03-19-2003, 08:18 PM
i use a 14 inch dye aluminum on my mag and i seems to shoot fine from wherever i play on the field...and i use either draxxus blaze or n e thing diablo.

03-19-2003, 08:19 PM
Then again nobody said it had to be a cocker,maybe an rt is a better choice,or an emag.I just wanted to get some useful imput here,not debate physics.(it was just an expression)

johnny dee
03-19-2003, 08:23 PM
i know what u mean i thought the same thign b4....im me i dont really wanna post DETHMETAL85 AIM

03-19-2003, 08:40 PM
Hope nobody got to bent out of shape,I know this topic gets touchy.I got some pms that helped but feel free to post,this may cut down on some other post,and answer some questions for people.

thanks again guys

03-20-2003, 09:48 AM
Keep your gun maintained, have a range of barrels to ensure a match for whatever paint you may be using (or purchase a freak barrel kit). Too tight a bore and you get fluctuations invelocity from ball to ball (see below) and too loose a bore means the ball joggles on it's way down the barrel and might not exit completely straight.

If you use consistent quality paint and your gun is firing consistently in terms of velocity then there's no reason for you to be outranged. Poor range is really just your perception of poor long range accuracy: A 10fps spread of velocity over a burst of fire will show itself as poor accuracy at long distance, and you might interpret this as "poor range".