View Full Version : IM SOOO sorry everybody, please forgive me!!!!

03-19-2003, 07:49 PM
I went to buy paintballs at my local retail store. Well, the owner was fixing his own angel so i told him "angels aren't the best". He looks up at me, walks to the wall grabs an ir3 and some nitro, gasses it up and tells me to fire it as much as i like. I fell speachless I didn't know what to say to defend mags. I know their better, but i didin't know what to say. So I fired it a couple times and still knew mags were better, but i just couldn't work out the words. I'm sorry if any one in their heart to forgive me i'll be eternally grateful!

03-19-2003, 07:54 PM
Speachless huh? Its hard to argue something that isn't entirely true. Mags rock. I love them. I would LOVE an x-mag (though some efficency upgrades would be nice...)

There are a lot of REALLY well built guns out there. Angels happen to be in that group, along with lots of other markers.

03-19-2003, 07:55 PM
"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise; and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."
-Proverbs 17:28

In other words: Never pass up a chance to keep your mouth shut. :) Our lesson for the day! ;)

03-19-2003, 07:55 PM
Yea i know my mag dont even compare to my friends dark ir3

03-19-2003, 07:57 PM
Nothing wrong with that! You got to shoot a high end marker and for fun. You just need to learn to get your tounge back and hand it back and say very cooly..."Well thats nice" ;)

03-19-2003, 08:11 PM
See, that's the problem. Don't go picking fights, persay, with people about whose gun is better. It's a lost cause. However, if someone were bashing mags, then yeah, you would need to know stuff about mags if you were to defend them. I have an e-mag, I love it, I've shot (not owned unfortunately :( ) a bunch of different guns, and I really like my e-mag. I'd love to shoot a 'trix, timmy, angel, imp, or a shocker, but I can't really afford a switch right now.

Anyway if you want to defend mags, it's always good to know the features of AGD's best marker, the x-mag. First off, it's lighter than a fly angel. It has manual, hybrid, and e-modes, which no other gun has. It also has the x-valve, which has a recharge rate tested beyond 26bps without shootdown. It can be shot without a battery. It has an ACE (anti-chop eye) and the level 10 anti-chop bolt, stock. It also has interchangeable feed modules. The board is capped at 16bps with the ACE off and 20+ with it on. The e-magnum board (morlock board) can be set at basically an unlimited bps, too. Can't forget that it has a magnetic trigger, either.

03-19-2003, 08:26 PM
well, technically, if you were doing agd's best marker, you would have to say sfl ;) olny reaons being, is it goes up to 24 bps:) or you could say sfl with x-valve.... but ten we would have to call you load :)

03-19-2003, 08:30 PM
you must have not gotten the memo

angels are the best

03-19-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by magman007
well, technically, if you were doing agd's best marker, you would have to say sfl ;) olny reaons being, is it goes up to 24 bps:) or you could say sfl with x-valve.... but ten we would have to call you load :) Well, technically, the SFL is a Shocktech marker, but, who's checking? ;)

Originally posted by Cliffio
you must have not gotten the memo

angels are the best

And funny, I must've missed that memo, too, same with the majority of other paintball players ;) :p Angels rock, no denying it, but I'm not going to say they are the best.

03-19-2003, 08:35 PM
i was just playin

but to just walk in to a shop and tell the guy that his gun isnt the best? why would someone do that? thats just acting like a jerk if you ask me

03-19-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
i was just playin

but to just walk in to a shop and tell the guy that his gun isnt the best? why would someone do that? thats just acting like a jerk if you ask me

Thats an excellent point. He was challenged to show you it was a good marker. And you should have known that it was. You can like some things about it and some things about the high end Mags too. A lot of people do. But to get so general with him as to say ALL Mags are better than an iR3 might be going a bit to the limit where he felt you had to at least take one in your hand. You may come away with the feeling its better than a classic and not an X Mag and then again you may be sold on one. Thats his job to sell em! So he lost nothing and you learned its a nice marker. You may not be convinced to buy one.

And since you didn't hand him an emag or X mag to counter your initial statement...then what was realy accomplished the other way? Nothing. He may have been truely impressed too. I bet he never gave one a try!

03-19-2003, 09:04 PM
I have a Dark Angel and an X-Mag. I prefer the X-Mag by far but that doesn't mean the Dark Angel isn't also an excellent marker.Is the X-Mag faster? Yes. Does that matter for normal players? No. Both are excellent high end guns. It really comes down to personal preferences. I like the look and feel of the X-Mag. The Angel has a boxy feel but that is my preference. When it all comes down to it, any marker including other X-Mags are just nice shiney targets to me because they aren't my marker. For me the only marker that matters is mine as I suspect it is for most of you. Which is the best. Mine of course (for me any way) and Yours (for you). How's that for pontificating the philosophical?

03-19-2003, 09:06 PM
good point cyberious

03-19-2003, 09:15 PM
angels and mags good guns

03-19-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by magman007
well, technically, if you were doing agd's best marker, you would have to say sfl

Yeah but the SFL is just too heavy when compared to the C&C X-mag... ;)

And software upgrades are easy (if you even come close to the current limits), how are you gonna put that SFL on a diet? :eek: :D

03-19-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by AutomagBoy
I went to buy paintballs at my local retail store. Well, the owner was fixing his own angel so i told him "angels aren't the best".


"Its better to let him think you are a idiot then open your mouth and prove it."

I will agree with Cliffo, you must have not got the memo. I know I did :D

03-19-2003, 09:32 PM
Got the memo about a month ago ;) It was so obvious too!

03-19-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by darklord

Anyway if you want to defend mags, it's always good to know the features of AGD's best marker, the x-mag. First off, it's lighter than a fly angel.

You sure about that ? I know Manike has those sort of figures tucked away in the recesses of his mind and will probably let us all know ;)

03-19-2003, 10:12 PM
i would have asked him to put a ball halfway in the breach and pulled the trigger, maybe even his finger OR TOUNGUE

03-19-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by MarkM

You sure about that ? I know Manike has those sort of figures tucked away in the recesses of his mind and will probably let us all know ;) Yeah I remember Tom saying that before. I think he may have meant a 2k2 LCD, not an IR3, but I could be wrong...

03-19-2003, 10:23 PM
you wouldn't have to apologize if you didn't tell us . . . Also I don't get how people insists mags are "better." They are definitely a high quality product but it's all about preference.

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-20-2003, 12:05 AM
cliffo, i got the memo and i threw it out! I had an adrenalin angel but the best thing about that gun was i traded it for a micro emag!

03-20-2003, 12:29 AM
hey thats funny, i used my adrenalin angel to get 2 teams mates to go from emags to angels

lots of people can say things like this, doesnt make one gun better than any other


03-20-2003, 12:34 AM
I have the best marker in the world, which is an automag w/X-valve. Why do I say that? Because I bought it, I own it, and I shoot it. In my opinion, that's all that really matters. If you use a certain kind of marker, there is a reason why you have it in the first place.

03-20-2003, 12:37 AM
bwaaa, i want an emag timmy and angel... it's not cool... I've shot all 3 and i want all 3...

03-20-2003, 11:01 AM
Which store did you go to? I live in AZ too...

Normally if thats the case I ask them to remove the battery and fire .... they cant, I can!

Then I ask them to stick something in the breach and see if it chops ... they wont ... I will ...

Then I ask them to beat the hell out of their marker to simulate years of gameplay and see if it still works .... they wont ... I wont either, but I'll bust out the classic mag and show em it still works after 7yrs of use.

Dave K

03-20-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by AutomagBoy
I went to buy paintballs at my local retail store. Well, the owner was fixing his own angel so i told him "angels aren't the best". He looks up at me, walks to the wall grabs an ir3 and some nitro, gasses it up and tells me to fire it as much as i like. I fell speachless I didn't know what to say to defend mags. I know their better, but i didin't know what to say. So I fired it a couple times and still knew mags were better, but i just couldn't work out the words. I'm sorry if any one in their heart to forgive me i'll be eternally grateful!

DOH! So that's what I've got to do to try out the IR3 that's hanging on the wall at my local store. :)

04-12-2003, 10:24 PM
Well, I've played with alot of good players. And one thing I get told alot is, "You really gave me a run for my money" They say that because I can keep them down and behind their bunkers and snap shoot them until THEIR tired, and I use my RT. It's not even electronic. 95% of the people who say these things to me after a game use a very high-end electro. I also know a a group of guys who use pumps and will take anyone out in a woods game.

It's not the gun, it's how you use it. Sure, it would be nice to have an IR3, or something else, but if you can play good without them, why change? I've shot my team captains Angel, and it was alright. Sure it was fast, but that didnt stop the other team from surrounding me. I was so far up the field that they couldnt help me. I got rushed from all sides, and you think that Angel helped me? Maybe an Xmag would have. Or maybe a really tricked out Matrix. The answer is none of these would have done anything. The gun is 10% of the game. If you can't play good with a bad gun, channces are, a good gun isn't going to do the trick you're looking for.

I'm a front player, ask Cyberious, and when things get down to the end of the game, thats when it's time to blow it open. I run my @$$ off and blast anyone I see, and it works. I don't need a fancy-shmancy 50bps Angel to do it either.

04-12-2003, 10:36 PM
[Dr. Frankenstein]"It's......aliiive!!!"[/Dr. Frankenstein]


04-13-2003, 04:20 AM
you should go back to the store and show him up. bust out some mag knowledge and tell him to give you the ir3 so you can put it out of its misery

04-13-2003, 11:44 AM
I can easily forgive you! My friend always implies that his Imagine is better than my mag! I really don't no what to even dsay to prove him wrong except the price difference and the fact I think Spyders are not built very well!

04-14-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
fancy-shmancy 50bps Angel to do it either.
I want that marker!
Realy I don't thing that any two people can agree on the best marker, because they will like different barrels or drop forwards or something so why just go up to someone and say your gun isn't the best, maybe to them it is.

04-14-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by AutomagBoy
I fell speachless I didn't know what to say to defend mags. I know their better, but i didin't know what to say.

Read the sig.;)

04-14-2003, 03:31 PM
There are times when I really love readin these posts.

To me it's like people comparing 3/4" wrenches. [My wrench has an extended and angled reach. Well mine is titanium plated and blah blah blah] Ya know what, they'll all turn that 3/4" bolt. What REALLY makes the difference is the hand and mind behind the tool.

I have a Mag because sometime in the EARLY '90s I decided to get into paintball. I got a VM-68 'cuz I didn't have much money or experience. Then I got a chance to 'learn' what a cocker and a mag was like, and I really couldn't tell much difference except they had different shapes. When I actually did some research into the guns themselves I found the design and concept of the Mag more favorable and that AGD was the company I wanted to support.

Whenever I hear someone say "Mine is best" I find then rather lacking in maturity, so THERE :p!