View Full Version : holy crap!

03-19-2003, 08:31 PM
i was watching the thing on the war and i heard a chopper fly over my house twice i jumped up and looked out the window.... heard the chopper land then saw two squad cars race down the street... i run out into the kitchen see thatr my parents are outside i then race outside seeing the chopper cutting off its engine 5 police cars 3 fire department cars includibg the big hose carry truck... then down the rode there are two more squad cars in my neighbors drive way and a abulance to... dont know what hap. but it sure did scare the crap outta me.... the way my parents were actin i thought they were looking for someone but i think my neighbor had a heart attack.. i hope hes ok :(

03-19-2003, 08:35 PM
WOW the way that started, that sounded like it could be really bad. But if there are that many po pos it could have been like a shooting. Hope everything turns out ok.

03-19-2003, 08:56 PM
im confused what kinda of helicopter a hospital one or a military one? did this happen because of your neighbor or something or what happen to him come as a result of them doing whatever it is?

03-19-2003, 09:09 PM
it was either police chopper or med. i THINK the guy (my neighbor) had a heart attack.... but why were there so many police? my dad said he saw the police and ambulance at their house at 6 o clock then when this happened it was like 7 why did all the calvary come in a hr later? maybe they satabalized him but he started up again im still in the dark here so your guess is as good as mine