View Full Version : ATTN: Wisconsin Players - Dairyland Tournament Series!

03-19-2003, 08:58 PM

The Dairyland 5 man Tournament Series for 2003

Dairyland has chosen 4 tournaments to include as part of our statewide ranking system. Teams that participate in a minimum of two selected events, become eligible for statewide team ranking. Each event is also a stand alone tournament that will award prizes (by the hosting field) based on team placement at each event . Dairyland will keep a cumulative record of team’s placements at these 4 events to determine the 2003 championship team! That team will earn a spot on the coveted Cow Cup Trophy that records yearly winners. In addition, the top series teams will be awarded individual medals. Each team is responsible to register with Dairyland, and in addition pay the appropriate event entries fee’s to the host fields.

For more details go to: www.psychocows.com

Thank you -

Scott Seefeldt
Dairyland Coordinator

03-19-2003, 11:24 PM
Count the Crimson Men in!!!!

03-19-2003, 11:27 PM