View Full Version : ? for Alaska players

03-19-2003, 09:22 PM
Where is a good place to get paint from with out getting bent on the shipping? Are there any fields around Anchorage?

03-20-2003, 12:21 AM
Hey another Alaskan.... Well If you are interested in paint at a reasonable price I will PM you. I am in Juneau.

Doc Nickel
03-20-2003, 06:54 AM
If you're in Cordova, catch a ferry to Homer and hit Ulmer's. They usually have a fair (for small-town backwater Alaska) price and a decent stock.

But that's about it. The Soldotna hobby shop recently closed, but that's not that much of a loss as he usually charged over $100 a case. The K'Ame-apart in Kenai is closing as well, so we can't even buy Brass Eagle locally.

Up in Anchorage, Sports Authority and K'Mart, Fred Meyers and Wal-Mart all carry Brass Eagle, for the usual decent but not great Alaska prices.

The guys at Urban Paintball on Muldoon usually have a fair stock, but I sure can't say good things about their prices. Well, I can- their prices are lower than Airguns Alaska on Dimond. $125 to $135 for a case of Tiger Stripe, for example.

Dave at Sector 7G used to carry Diablo for a fair price- $50 to $70 a case, depending on which type- but Dave was active military and got called back up last year, forcing him to close the indoor field and store.

I'm told that the Urban and Team Element guys will be running semi-regular games at Goose Lake in Anchorage come spring, and I'm told the Big Lake field has survived another year, but I have no contact information for them. I can dig it up if you need it.


03-20-2003, 09:39 PM
Hey thanks for the info. The only thing stoping us from having alot of players is the cost of shipping paint. We have the field,co2 and I'm working on hpa. Right now I'm the only one running hpa on a Minimag with a RT valve thats how far behind the times we are. So any one else has been through this hassel of finding a good paint supply please let me know.

03-20-2003, 10:38 PM
We were in your shoes about two years ago. Myself and a good friend were also the only ones who were using HPA. We had a hard time finding a place to fill our scuba tanks because we did not have a PADI card. Finally I met up with our local scuba store and explained to them our Paintball situation. They now supply air to us and we even got her husband in the sport. Do you use scuba tanks? Do you have a scuba fill?

The only problem we Juneauites have now is a true field. Since land is lacking in Juneau, we are using state land with verbal approval from the state forest service. We clean up all trash around the field every time we use it and all of our bunkers are made from natural materials (ie: Fallen trees and rocks).

I PM'd you a message about paint. Check your PM's. I think I can help you out. Again, I know exactly what you are going through. I am glad to see Paintball growing all around Alaska.

Doc is also an Alaskan. I believe he is from Kenai. His Paintball reputation is well know Nation wide in the paintball community. Been to his web site many times. If you ever get to Anchorage check out Alaskan Airguns, located on Diamond Blvd. They have a nice supply of Paintball items.

In conclusion I would like to welcome you to AO. This Forum is the best I have seen so far. And were else can you go and talk with the inventor and President of Airguns Designs. Tom is a great guy and a great business man!!!!

03-21-2003, 08:35 AM
Gadget,,,, you're such a "suck-up"!!!! :D

I joke!!

And yes, welcome to the forever challenging endeavor to bring full-on paintball to Alaska! Keep up the fight, tho! The more of us there are, the more we can accomplish!



p.s. Gadget.....where's that X-Mag? Can't believe I let you tease me this long about it!! ;)

03-21-2003, 10:41 AM
Contact me when you get a chance, Im in Kenai and get my paint through Jim at the goose lake field. I could get you paint really cheap.

I have paid for, but not picked up the old goose lake field from Jim. I work on the slope and come home on the 25th and thats when I will pick it up. We will be playing on the 29th and 30th of March.

Also I was told by a player out of Homer that Ulmers will be discontinueing there paintball stuff.

Also as for Doc he does live in Kenai and he does the best work on markers worldwide. He does all the work on my markers.

email me at [email protected] and I will get you my phone number and we can talk paint prices.

03-21-2003, 10:42 AM
here is my marker. One of the two I have had.

03-21-2003, 10:54 AM
Hey Prime...

How long have you had the x mag? What do you think of it? Also, how do you like the angel air? I've heard people complain of the bulkyness of the reg. What do you think?

I try to stick with a typical screw in tank because my Impulse is already so tall, but have been thinking about upgrading cuz of 'quality issues'.

here's my Mini Mag:
Level 10 hates the cold, tho! :(

03-21-2003, 11:25 AM
Just picked it up last time home. Paid 1400 for the total package minus the loader and the drop doc made for the angel air.

The air is great, I had a 88/4500 but it was way to big and bulky(sold it doc) the 68/4500 is perfect. The marker is so balanced now.

I just cant say enough good about the marker.

Will you guys make it to any tourneys this year??

03-21-2003, 01:43 PM
Ok NeroWolfe.....It should be here at any time my friend....Xmag that is. Can't wait to use it against you in the next game. Just have to hit you first!!

PrimeTime.... I know myself and NeroWolfe would like to make some tourney's this year. Just not sure of our schedule and funds. (This living in a capital of a state that you have no access to by a road realy sucks!!)NeroWolfe, what do you think? We (my wife and I) are expecting our second child this summer so everything is up in the air. Also, how would you compare a Flatline set up to the Angel Air?

Glad to see more Alaskans on here...even better more Paintballer Alaskans that use Airgun Designs products.

One of my Back up Markers....

03-21-2003, 02:01 PM
Hey nice marker.

As for the Angel Air to the Flatline, I wouldn't be the person to ask on comparasions. I think as long as you can get at least 650psi output to feed the mag that has a level 10 in it, and the the system can recharge quick enough then your doing good. Also just depends what you can get your hands on.

Also I have a led for sale too. you can email me and I will give more info on it.

One more question. Trade you the chrome NW QD/block on your mag for my black one? Been looking for a chrome one.

What color is the X-mag that you are getting?

03-21-2003, 02:17 PM
Primetime...Call me and we will make a deal. Check you PM.

03-21-2003, 05:18 PM
I hate to say it Gadget....but I'll call you from every tourny I hit this year to see if that kid popped out yet!
:D :) ;)


I doubt that I'll make more than my weekend trip to Seattle next month, and The Shatner II event. I can't make any tournaments, so would my goal is make a scenario game. Wife says you and I must go to Shatner II, Gadget! (mine, anyway :rolleyes: I'll send her to work on Bridget!!!)
So try like hell to figure somethin out!!!!!

Hey, since we're showing off our back-ups! Check this baby out!!!!!!! I'm so darn proud of this Puppy!!! Eat your hearts out mag lovers!!!

03-21-2003, 07:23 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

A REBEL!!! I haven't seen that baby in a while. I gues that is your Backup-Backup-Backup marker.


ShatnerII would be an Awsome Goal!!!!!!!!

03-21-2003, 07:38 PM
Hey gadet I will call you after 8 today or this weekend when I have free min. on my cell. Will that work? here is a picture of the led I want to sell. I will also have doc go through it again and make sure its all ok too.(even though he did that last year for me.)

03-21-2003, 08:34 PM
I was talking about the quick disconnect...Sorry for the confusion. I had a 2002 LCD about a year ago. Angels and me don't do to well....It was a blender. I tried everything. Even spoke to "The Angel Guy, just couldn't get it to work for me. I have an Xmag that should be here tomarrow. (Thats right Nerowolfe, I checked in with Carleen and it did not make it in today). But I am willing to deal with the Quick Disconnect. How many bases do you have? (the part that goes on the gun) Give me a buzz whenever you can.

03-21-2003, 09:02 PM
Sorry, I call later

Doc Nickel
03-22-2003, 06:59 AM
Hey Primetime- remember we need to pull that solenoid doohickey out before you sell it.

Take a couple of minutes to refit the wires and such.

I also have to drive a small batch of parts up to Anchorage to the chrome shop- if you guys haven't made a deal for the QD parts by the time you get back, let me know.

Nero- No go on that URL. Temp down or "coming soon"?


03-22-2003, 08:21 AM
Yea Doc I was going to bring that in this time home to get that taken care of.

How much for the chroming?

03-22-2003, 08:53 AM
I have a friend that i believe lives up around the Anchorage"question spelling" area, He uses a m98c silver one not a bad looking gun, i'll talk to him and see if you guys could get a game lined up?

03-22-2003, 09:17 AM
Yea there is a Field at Goose lake in Anchorage, one in big lake and soon one in Kenai. I think there is people that play at Kincad Park in Anchorage too.

03-22-2003, 10:41 AM
Strange, I just tried the link...worked fine.

Hmm. Maybe a temp outage.

I'm in the process of taking over the site, as the current owner doesn't have enough time to update it. It should be under my full control by the end of the month. Then, Gadget and I will do a lot of updating. The pics are old and somewhat "politically incorrect". (bad safety practices of the olden days.)

Anyway, I have a ton of pics and short videos of our big scenario game we held last year!! It was a great turnout!! Kingmann donated shirts, hats, lanyards. Our local Scuba shop donated all the compressed air. Coca Cola donated all the soda, and I rounded up almost $400 dollars in prizes! Including a Brand new Tippman A-5, x-board revy, paint, and a co2 tank!! Following we had a huge hot dog roast, and played speed ball until 1130pm!!! Then some of us camped over night. Can't wait to do it again!

Gadget and I would love to go somewhere that we can play in decent weather! Rains way too much here! :mad:


03-22-2003, 10:50 AM
My machine work is a far cry from your creations!

I wish I had the tools/machines to make my own stuff!!!
I started making drops for friends....
here are some. never polished them tho. just rought work.

my friends' automag...

03-22-2003, 10:52 AM
when i first got my mag, I needed a drop, so.....

03-22-2003, 10:55 AM
last one I'll show, but made about 15 in all..
my spyder...

03-22-2003, 11:28 AM
Those are some haggard looking drops my friend, but nice work. How did you make them?

03-22-2003, 03:47 PM
Hey cool markers! I just got back home and my E-mail was packed from this thread.LOL Going out to play pb in the snow today we'll see how many people are interested in the sport. Keep us guys in Cordova posted when there is a big game. For those of you that gave me links to paint,Thanks alot!

03-22-2003, 06:39 PM
I spent no more that about 35 min on each of them. The only tools I had at my disposal were: 12 foot industrial lathe, 32" industrial band saw, a 21" 1940's vertical disc sander, large 60's cast drill press, and a dremmel! :)
It wasn't easy! All the tooling is so big, that I couldn't do any fine detail work. And didn't much care. They were functional to get us by, as we didn't have a P8ball store in Juneau.

My mag as it stands now is up more in this thread. Looks a lot better now. :)


GADGET......That X-mag in yet?? I'm about to call you!!! :)

03-26-2003, 07:48 PM
Hey gadget got the QDs in yesterday, also did the Xmag come in?? we need pictures..

03-26-2003, 10:48 PM

Above thread has the Pics!!!
Yes Xmag showed up...Love it!!!!!
Glad you got yhe Quick disconnects.

I will be shipping the knee/Shin pads out by Friday.

05-22-2003, 04:08 AM
nice x-mag there! Here I thought Ron had the only x-mag in AK so far.

I'm the guy that told Ron that ulmers here might be discontuing paintball stuff here in Homer. well so far their making too much money selling paint and co2 ( the people who fill co2 now have blown more burst disks in the last month that all of last summer (LOL.... not funny) while using scales none the less!!)to us players that they wouldn't dare, but since the main guy who took care of the paintball stuff got another job here in town I think that the shelves may not be as full of stuff as we have been use to.

paintballing is a rapidly expanding sport in Homer in this last year or so. I could tell you whats going on one week and it then changes the next week again.

We just go through a big "scenario" game last saturday that in the end I put together for what it was worth :P
things didn't exactly go according to the plan in part because I had only two calls from people able and willing to help while I was putting it together ( perhaps may WAS alittle early to plan such a thing, who knows?)

One side note about the game was that we had a Homer news reporter come up and take pctures and interview a few players. and then got into the action for a few games.
I haven't read the article yet because the paper hasn't hit the newstand yet, but from someone I talked to tonight that chatted with the reporter after the game is the we, as a group made a postive impression on him as far as paintballing being a legiment sport/ group activity and not just a bunch of crazed war game fanitics prancing around the woods shooting each other. I guess the article will tell all in the morning when I get my hands on it.

Nobody hears much about people in the southeast playin paintball, but I guess it should be no suprise that people do.

BTW doc how is kenai any less backwater than homer?? :)
I thought Homer was more the crunchy granola type of place.

EEEECChhhhhhh.....granola, I call that stuff squirrel feed