View Full Version : level X problem

03-19-2003, 11:25 PM
I know there is a sticky for this, but I need immediate help.

When I install my levelx, I can get the 1.5 size carrier to work w/ no leaks, so then I work on shims, I put in 1 shims w/ no leaks but the bolt will not reset after it hits something. I put in 2 shims and still no luck. 3 and four are the same.

One thing that might cause it is that my sear is REALLY worn.

03-19-2003, 11:29 PM
If it works without shims, go for it. Don't mess with what works.

03-20-2003, 10:49 AM
it won't reset the bolt w/o the shims!

03-20-2003, 01:52 PM
It sounds like you may be using too small a carrier.

Here's a test- Take the oring and put it into a carrier. Slide the carrier (oring first) onto the bolt stem. Dangle the bolt from the carrier and give it a shake. It should be JUST snug. It shouldn't fall right off (too loose) and there should be some play in it, not just staying still (too tight).

Just an FYI- the shims dictate where in the stroke the air is venting. If you can get away with no shims, go for it.