View Full Version : LX problem

03-20-2003, 02:06 PM
alrighty...here goes:

I got my LX installed a month ago and just got it tested and set up and it was working fine, i didnt use it other than just in testing.

So a few weeks later i'm in a tourney and my impulse goes down (internal oring bust, that's another story), so i whip out the mag inbetween games and scramble to get it set up with drop, air, hopper, elbow, etc. and get it setup like 2 minutes before the game starts.

I run to the chrono crank the reg in a bit and start adjusting. I get it to about where i want and take a few test shots and all of a sudden it stops firing. I keep hearing the pshh pshhh or the bolt stoping on something. So i turn the hopper upside down shake out the paint and try firing again, still no luck.

The bolt moves about half an inch then resets like it is bouncing off something...but there is NO ball in the breech and nothing is touching the bolt or stopping it! So i go back, dump the gun into my gearbag and borrow a electro piranaha for the rest of the tourney.

I just the mag out today and aired it up and tried firing and i got off about 20 good shots when the SAME thing started happening. I would get maybe 2 good shots then it wouldnt completely fire. Or maybe it wouldnt fire for like 20 shots in a row, then it would go fire, not fire, fire, not fire. I dont know it seems pretty random. So i shot out my tank just trying to figure out what was going wrong and i have no idea.

I didnt install the LX so i dont know what's in it or that type of stuff. Please help!

03-20-2003, 03:50 PM
Larger carrier.

03-21-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by cgrieves
Larger carrier.

also you could need to turn up your velosity.

03-21-2003, 02:44 PM
If it is using the largest carrier that does not leak and you have the velocity where you want it you need to use the next smaller spring. The problem is that currently the poressure is just barely enough to make the marker fire. It needs to be higher (ie turn the velocity up). If that causes the velocity to be too high, use a smaller spring which requires less pressure to fire.