View Full Version : How2:turn O.K , into WICKED!! CHECKIT!

03-20-2003, 08:45 PM
Sup yall. For those that know me, you know i dont like to go too long without modifying somthing, which means ripping it apart and hopeing my idea works. Well, one day i thaught to make a Streight frame for my mag, out of my old Stock AGD composite frame (which had been modded already to 2x finger) As i got into and chopped the frame apart, i realized that the Bottomline holes wouldn't line up without hacking the frame into no use, or getting 3 million ton epoxy (if there was ever such a thing) so I studdies my options (frame was already chopped) and i rememberd the Zgrip!! well its obviously been done, but, i thaught if give it a wack (literally).. SO i got at it, about 45 minutes later i came up with my Zgrip... Minute by minute, i realized diffrent ways to stabalize the frame the best, to minimize any wobbeling, and bring it as far back to AGD's stability they intended on. And i finally got it!!! (WARNING: anything you do to your gun or frame becouse of this thread, isn't my responsability!!!!) So here it is. Ill post up the Blue sprints on the most officient way to make it ASAP... Though there are no bugs to the design i have lane forth, There are some things im not completely satisfied with, though you may be... So here you have the pic, Blue Prints Soon to come. ATVhead i better get that Benchy soon man, Ill be sunk without a primary frame, lol!!!! MORE PICS COMMING!!!

03-20-2003, 08:48 PM
umm, i see you made a z grip... what are you talking about with blue sprints?

03-20-2003, 08:52 PM
Uhhhhhh, so what exactly did you modify, it just looks like a regular mag with a z-grip

03-20-2003, 08:56 PM
Next pic. HERES THE BUG!!! I messed up, by not using my head, Instead of cutting a notch in the BACK of the grip panel, i just started takig the easy rout and that cost me my panel... I hack sawed it away to fit in the metal Atacher from top(frame) to Bottom(frame), it of course has a skrew in each side keeping the frame snug. I only cut the bottom half of the frame, Not touching the deseign AGD has so officiently made (where the sear would fit) So really all that was messed with was a peice of Composite Plastic, flip it around, and there yo have it,
pre-measured from the factory, 45 degrees the OPOSITE direction, just like a Zgrip.. You take a Power drill, and make a holl going through the pannels, and completely through the frame, Then you pout small skrews in each side where you drilled. You Epoxy or hot glue gun where the to peices join (top:frame/bottom:frame). And after your all done positioning it right, and line sup perfect, you drill a hole through the top of the frame, where there is a cave made for the sear... You make a nice hole 10-11mm. Then stick a small skrew in that, and that holds them together... When you are takeing it all apart you will notice a ring, like a small cup about in teh center of the frame, cut the bottom so its still there, yet it is just a hole. Later you will use that to set the to halves together... MORE TO COME BY DARTHY!

03-20-2003, 09:00 PM
Thats not a z grip... Its a hacked stock , carbon fiber frame. Lol did yall read the begining of his thread at all?

03-20-2003, 09:24 PM
yeah, i read the first post, but didnt comprehend it until i read it again, after posting. its been a long day

03-20-2003, 09:40 PM
I must say, that looks VERY nice, and very professional. Honestly I bet you could make a little money servicing peoples stock frames like that here on AO.

03-20-2003, 10:17 PM
hmmm... looks interesting, I'd like to give that a try but my grips would beg to disagree with a z-grip design.

Mag Master 04
03-20-2003, 10:30 PM
change yur message under yur username...im the only mag master here...

03-20-2003, 11:13 PM
Ok Magmaster, happy? Hope so cuss im not changing it, lol. Great idea about serviceing Frames, I am going to make sure i have every bug worked out b4 i start doing that though. I also Polish bodies, but iv always been afraid id manage to skrew somthign up, so i never started doing it. If i where to Zgrip peoples stock Composites id do it for like 5.00, mayby free if shipping was paid round trip. Anything for a fellow mager... Im working on diffrent things all over, I setup a telly feed on my old benchmark, heres the pic.... Stuff like that i do in my free-time. In that pic i just had the battery running externaly, and hook up a servo onto a regular 32 Degree 200rd Hopper body, worked good if the hopper was half full. ): But i hooked it up telly style later, Pull triger, Servo makes one rotation, Ect ect.. Anybody in the Ohio area that might be going to the Big Monster Michigan game that owns a mag, LMK. Or any Turny in Ohio, LMK.

Mag Master 04
03-20-2003, 11:21 PM
yur a funny guy darth, lol thats cool bro thanx, where u from in OH? how far from IN are u?

03-20-2003, 11:38 PM
haha, I like to hear im funny, It takes peoples eyes away from my mental illness (a joke) Umm ILy eh? im not sure in hours, But im sure you can do the math for me (Ihatemath)
I'm near Akron, its about 45min-1hr from cleveland. I was thinking starting an All Mags team, RT, CLassic, E, X. Whatever, anything AGD. (well i guess thats all mags then) Or just to get together at The Big Michigan Monster game if i go, (crossing fingers) Its pretty expensive to camp out there and buy paint and all, but itd be a blast im sure. I have a friend going down who owns a shop, he can get cases of paint for like 35-40.00-flat But we have to play on his Ohio team, but thats ok, i think there should be a couple mags comming with him who are regulars at the local field. Anyways, yeah , thats my story, live to plees. Love mags. What can I do, im hooked. D-day, and a couple other scenario games are comming up around the bend and over the corner, up the chimney, and through the gates, a leap over the fire, and into the dungeon, Oh sorry, comming up, think mayby some of you guys might be interested in any? within 7-8 hours of Central Ohio??? Peice love, Im going to bed, gatta work tommarow. (gee how i love to constridict the Webmaster, (: j/k guys, here is your molment of Zen """Me!!"""

03-21-2003, 01:28 AM
Can you alter a stock carbon fiber frame like that without removing the trigger guard?

03-21-2003, 09:49 AM
Yes, I can alter a carbon fiber frame without changing the trigger guard. I simply already cut mine earlier in time, and when i came up with the idea i already had it cut. But yes i beleive i could, i cut below the guard line, SO basicaly all you have to do is cut from the back of the grip to the front rather than vise versa. That way the guard isnt in your way comming in from the front. If I do this again its going to look 10X better than b4, i just ghetto slapped bolts and junk on, Im going to go to the hardware store and buy some actually sized nuts and skrews. I have figured out a way for a streight frame, and its totally awsome, easy too, well, for some of us. But its going to be wood, untill i can buy or find a slab of raw aluminum to mill into a sized block. From there i would drill a hole streight down into it, and basicaly repeat this Zgrip proccess. If anybody DOES try this, ask me first cuss theres some things you should know b4 you do it, that you wouldnt think of in a million years, otherwie your going to have a floppy frame that may hinder your seers movement. IF YOU GUYS DO THIS TO YOUR GUNS ITS NOT MY RESPONSABILITY WHAT HAPPENS!! oh and guys, be carefull around dremel, and powertool, they get the job done fast, but they get it done faster to flesh, its happend to me, and i dont wanna see your precious trigger fingers be lost forever, AGD needs em for up-comming events. lol. (8 Any more questions im here to answer all the way, Looks like im not going to work today, its raining (splash N' Dash carwash). seyall.

03-21-2003, 09:55 AM

me and at least 4 other AO'ers will be at the monster game, as allways.

we should make sure we hook up there.

03-21-2003, 10:17 AM
Hey Pimp Wassup. Sounds great, we'll have to. And ill have to shoot your Xmag a couple times, k? haha, Yeah if i Hear a couple of you guys are going down there with mags how can i not go???? Plus the guy i was talking about who has the shop and cheap paint, just got an Oracle Eclass Cocker, and totally disses mags, its lame, Mayby we could show him how mags really operate while hes cleaning his barrel (no offense to cocker owners, just joking round, i actually like, and respect cockers). I think PB2X and a couple other magazines will be covering the game, if we play together most of the day, i bet it will draw some attension if you know what i mean... The distant purr of mags devouring the field like lions. haha (8 Alright, well, Ill let you know weather or not ill be going (still crossing fingers) its all a money issue now, But by that time i should be good2go. AND NOW YOUR MOMENT OF ZEN ~~ME~~!!!

03-21-2003, 01:10 PM
Doesn't look to bad, if you were to make them, how much would you charge?

03-21-2003, 04:15 PM
isnt the trigger at a weird angle?

03-21-2003, 04:46 PM
If i where to make em, I guess id probably just buy used stock frames, single or double, for as cheap as possible, which is around 13 shipped... Id put 10.00 on that, so around 23.00 shipped. 23-25.00 5.00 for me, and 5.00 to ship it. Pretty cheap really. If i get a frame cheaper, ill sell it cheaper. Umm, the trigger at wierd angle? Nah not really fealls pretty cool actualy, Im probably going to take into testing, a ring trigger for it, so ill have a ring Triggerd CarbonFiber Zgrip. You'll understand why when you get the frame, it will help your ROF out ALOT! I just got a burst of ideas for the frame, to make it more durable, Better looking, and Easier for me to make. Ill probably make my own Grip panels if i get ahold of some sheet Aluminum. And im also making some Trigger guards that Pop right on the Body skrew, for those of us who hacked off our Single trigger, trigger guards, and want to play in turnies, or just be extra safe. (all metal of course) Probably Diffrent colors, but ill have to see how it goes. Since Im not a company ill charg next to nothing if anybody wants somthing, Just basicaly pay shipping and a small fee for the product. Right now my color options are Red, Black, and Chrome. Or red and black mix... Just LMK what you want and ill let you know if i can do it. Alright then, guess thats it. ttyl. (ill get back and take some pics of the trigger guards and Stock AGD frame panels).

03-21-2003, 07:57 PM
sorry to do this but.....

Hey Mag Master where at in indiana do you live? i live in south bend any where near there?

Mag Master 04
03-22-2003, 12:29 AM
im in chesterton...i know where yur at