View Full Version : Regs And Mags

03-21-2003, 10:44 PM
i have a pmi pure energy reg, and every time i put it on, it screws in funny, and then when i gas it up, it makes the gun recharg real slow. i can only get out like 1bps becuase if i go faster they drop off. i dunno if it is the reg or what. if anyone has a KAPP dropzone cradle, can you give me the measurements (lenght and drop). for the drop mesurement, see below

03-22-2003, 12:10 AM
The problem is the reg is starving your mag for air.The mags already have an internal reg,and your tank also has one.So putting a third one in just causes to much recharge time.Also automags prefer a higher pressure input.Generaly you want at least 750psi going into the gun (sometimes more or less)this isn't an exacting number but a good generalization.When you adjust the screw on back of the gun for velocity you are actually changing the internal regs pressure up for more speed or down for less.So your inline regulator isn't needed on the gun at all.Hope that helped a little.