View Full Version : Help finding field by Thousand Oaks, CA

03-22-2003, 09:36 AM
Anyone have any input on where to play around Thousand Oaks, California? I know SC Village is south of LA, but I don't really want to drive a couple of hours to play. Suggestions and comments about the fields appreciated. Thanks.

03-22-2003, 01:16 PM
There are a few places you can check out that isn't so far down as SC Village:

X Park: Van Nuys, www.xpark.com
California Paintball: Castaic, www.paintballpark.net
Conquest Paintball Park: Glendale, 818-503-7627
Fields of Fire: Santa Clarita, 661-297-7948

Or, you can check out pbreview.com and they have a list of paintball parks in CA: http://www.pbreview.com/fields/6/

I hope this helps some.

03-22-2003, 03:01 PM
Don't forget Urban Quest, north of you in Oxnard/Ventura

03-22-2003, 03:48 PM
I live in Simi Valley, dude there is a ton of stuff close and within a hour drive. urbanquestpaintball.com (www.urbanquestpaintball.com) is a great place. Fields are a little junky, but man there is some nice talent there. 2nd u have conquest paintball wich isn't far. There's like 3 fields over by Magic Mountain, and we have a field in Simi which all the local cops play at it's not a real field, but its free and about 50 ppl, mostly cops, play there. Just go to the ANS store they will give you directions to it...

*EDIT* I had to fix your post so it was read-able. Army

03-24-2003, 01:53 PM
Checked out Urbanquest and Conquest on the net. Seems like Conquest in Glendale may be better for rec ball. Urbanquest got slammed on pbreview. Thanks for the help.

03-24-2003, 04:41 PM
Heh In response to a feild new T.O. I live in Camarillo and We have a personell field we use and have anywhere from 10 to 30 heads out there at any givin time.The Players range from of course begginers to advanced so whatever kind of player you are you more than welcome to join us out there somtimes Sunday usally Saturday.

03-24-2003, 06:13 PM
Hey I like Field of Fire because its my home field but Urban Quest is the closest field to you i think, i have been there once, its a little pricy but i gotta love the wheather there (its right near the ocean so its all nice and cool) and they have an a really nice N2 filler there that goes up to 4500 i think.

Tom Sparkman
03-25-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by azheat99
Urbanquest got slammed on pbreview. Thanks for the help.

I loved the weather in Oxnard, especially in SoCal summers. However, the last 2 times I went my truck got shot - the last time (~year ago) it was hit 5 times. Then, while driving home another friend was shot on the driver's side window, (luckily, it was closed).

Just my experience, but none of my friends will go back.


03-25-2003, 06:40 PM
Yeah, UQ is somewhat nasty looking, but the games are well run by tourney winning players. Team(s) Urban Quest cleaned up at the Vegas Pan Am last year.

It helps to park as close as you can to the check in shed and ready area, to keep your car clean.

You know...SC Village, Tombstone, and Hollywood Sports Park isn't all that far away from T.O. I live 3 hours north of you, and have gone a few times to SC Village and wasn't bothered with the drive....(of course, gas was cheaper then:D )

03-25-2003, 07:25 PM
I have been to SC once and man, it was not my luckiest day. First off on the way there (seemed like it took forever) my car got him by a rock that just fell out of the sky. Nice $200 fixer. Then my buddy sprained his ankle. But SC was nicely run, and had lots of nice fields with room to run.

03-26-2003, 02:56 AM
urbanquest is a really cool feild if u like competitive play and really dont mind the feilds u play on then thats the place if u show up when there having team practice thats the best. sometimes they will let u join, u can see where u realy stand in the paintball world..:D