View Full Version : Accuracy Drills and Distances.

03-22-2003, 11:28 AM
I am working on my accuracy drills and wonder at what distances you practice? I know over half of you are saying Practice? I practice every weekend when I shoot up all those newbies. This is for those of you that have shot a case of paint at pie pans and 2 litter bottles.
Share your techniques.

03-22-2003, 05:02 PM
I usually set up a bunker and target in my back yard about the distance I may be from another player and practice my snap and accuracy shooting. Nice to be a front guy cause I don't need alot of room to practice.

03-22-2003, 06:06 PM
the newest issue of APG has accuracy drills in it. (May issue) here's a little overview...

Snapshoot at a target in three round bursts at 30,40, and 50 yards.

Stick a old hopper somewhere and practice hitting it while on your knees, bending out of a bunker, lying on your stomach, standing and running.

If you have teamates practice using spotters, have a teamate set up some targets around and have them yell at where they are at.

Run toward a bunker shooting at a target and when u hit it immediately switch to another target...and so forth.

Run all these drills with your "off" hand as well.

03-23-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Skoad

Snapshoot at a target in three round bursts at 30,40, and 50 yards.

That is 90-150 feet. That seems a little excessive.

03-23-2003, 03:48 PM
I usually shoot at targets at about 30-50 feet. My formula for figuring distances that work - Go to your local feild and count of steps as you walk from bunker to bunker, figure out the average from one bunker to its nearest and set up your targets in multiples of that distance.

03-23-2003, 03:48 PM
distance depends on the type of ball you play 3,5,7,10?

figgure the distance of a field you normaly play at and go with that.

want to add a little challange, if you are a back player have a teammate or friend get on his gear and carry one of those round sleds as a shield, practice your break out move at the pace you would usualy move at on the field and have your friend move to a back bunker try to get a feel for taking out back players across the field on the move.

or set up mock bunkers with a soda bottle partialy exposed behind it and practice your snap shooting, allow three seconds for a snap (being behind the bunker pop out take a three shot burst and be back in in three seconds) vary it up go left, go right.

play a game off had only, get used to using your weak hand it will make you a better player when you need it.

if you are a front player practice your slides and getting small in the bunker... try staying as tight as you can and do things you would normaly do IE loading, snap shooting, getting ready for your next move, always look at body position make sure you are not exposed. try to run up and bunker the above mentioned soda bottle with one shot.... on the move..... try doing this as a teamate suppresses on side of the bunker you are going after.

hmmm i think that is about it for now
hope it helps

03-23-2003, 05:17 PM
with a warp feed your weak hand can stay where it was ment to be, supporting the gun, not shooting it :D:D