View Full Version : Awesome game coming up

03-22-2003, 04:30 PM
Heres the story...
my friends and I have been playing paintball for about 2 and a half years.
My family and I own 40 acres of land that our house is on, and my friends and me have plotted out approximately 6 acres which we will use as a "battlefield" for the big game in june.

We've all gotten jobs and have started savin up for air, paint, more air, and more paint. We've already started setting up the two "base camps". At one end of the 6 acres, there is a set of cliffs, at the base of which will be one headquaters, with tents, bunkers, tree posts (bunkers in the tops of trees) and garrisons on top of the cliff.

On the other end, we have a smokehouse which will serve as the other teams base. This will have the same as above for defense. Across the length of this tract of land, a trail about as wide as a normal road runs through the middle from end to end. Along this road, bunkers will be set up and stuff. My dad and I have restored an old lawn tractor, and will screw two stingrays (SELL ME SOME STINGRAYS) on stands on the top of it. This "tank" will pull a trailer, which we will stuff with players and we'll have one player run along side it to protect the driver.
Now--if you're still reading, I'm amazed.
Anyway, if you get tagged in this game, we have to go back to our base camp and sign in on a sheet.
This game is going to go all night, and at night, my team is going to replace their sights with night-vision scopes, but at 11 PM, it will be "masks-off" time. Anyone caught even carrying a gun out of their base will be penalized.

Anyway, I know most of you don't care, but I thought I'd brag about the plans we've made, and have started acting on.

03-22-2003, 04:52 PM
well you got to get some pics of it to show AO

03-22-2003, 05:13 PM
Although I am not a recballer, I used to do that same type of thing, just not on that magnitude. It sounds like a fun thing. To get a break from tourney ballin me and some of my buds are gonna leave our gear at home (besideds masks of course :P ) And play some talon ball with only 30 shots a game...it will be fun. Also, I have a stingray for sale, PM me if you want it.

03-22-2003, 05:20 PM
Actually, that sounds like you guys have it all planned very well:) Wish I could be there!

03-22-2003, 11:21 PM
hmm where do you live? sounds like a fun game

03-22-2003, 11:28 PM
Very cool. I used to travel from MA to PA once or twice a year to do the Wayne Dollack 24 hour scenario games held at Skirmish. Now I've moved to Fl, where Waynes worls is, and have not yet played there.

03-24-2003, 04:04 PM
I live in CT.

anyway, we've started working on the "battle tank" now.
We may have to use a different tractor, as the wheel base for the one we're using is VERY narrow, so any additions would have to be on the back of the tractor.
We've also bettered the design for this tank. We will put a whole box around it, turning it into a half-butted car. The windshield will be a rectangular hole cut in the front with hardware cloth (I'm assuming everyone knows what this is--it's similar to chicken wire) stapled over it. This work's really well against paint, but you get splattered pretty bad, because people go for it from a distance because it looks like theres nothing there.
But in our games, splatters don't count.
ANyway, in the ceiling of this "car", we will cut a circular hole with a gun mounted on the roof, where a person can stand and swivel the gun, up and down.

The problem-
The engine, as we were restoring it, stopped working.
We aren't getting any spark. Compression is fine, etc. We found that a wire had been chewed by mice, so the insulation is gone, and whenever the spark runs through it, it grounds itself out on the chassis of the engine. We think that might be the problem. We've also taken off the fly wheel and are cleaning everything. We're goin to buy a tune-up kit, also.

we might just use a freakin working tractor.

03-24-2003, 07:22 PM
anyone have ideas on how to build this armored vehicle?
im at a loss

03-24-2003, 07:29 PM
sounds damn cool, buuut

Having your mask on for that many hours can be a pain, I suggest having maybe a 'fort' or two that have netting so you can take a breather.

03-24-2003, 07:38 PM
never thought of that...anywhere I can get good netting?
hrrm..big project heh heh.
Got 4 people coming over friday to help set up bunkers...thats a LOOOONG road, i walked it today...less than half is bunkered, and one part goes VERY close (within 40ft) of our neighbors garage (idiot trailer trash built it right on the boundry...the water from their gutters LITERALLY goes onto our property).
But it's kind of uphill from the playing field.
We'll see.

03-24-2003, 07:48 PM
I don't like woods ball, or scenarios too much, but what you have just described to me sounds MAD cool. Dude, if I could make it down I would, but sadly have no money. Good luck, sounds AWSOME:)

03-25-2003, 03:32 PM
thought more people might know about building one.

03-25-2003, 03:38 PM
Sounds awesome, how many people are you planning to play this with?

03-25-2003, 03:40 PM
Opinion: don't build lots of bunkers, instead rely on natural cover like fallen trees or thick scrub brush. Only allow smoke grenades if you've recently had rain to avoid fire.
Make reinsertion/reincarnation every 15 minutes, if you get shot out at :14 minutes, you wait a minute then go to a reinsertion point. If you get shot at :16 minutes, you gotta wait. Have a designated reinsertion point for each team, near thier base.
Have certain "missions" to do, one popular is recue a downed pilot. Use either a manequin if you can get one, or just a heavy bag about the weight of a person.
Some missions could be like "hold this base for 10 minutes", and as long as that teams flag is displayed and there's a team member in there, that team gets the points!

03-25-2003, 03:58 PM
So far, we have 21 people on the invited list.
The only bunkers i'm going to build are sporradic log bunkers.
Other than that, the two bases will be well-lit and have many bunkers and a "goggle-safe" area.
Missions would be, say, to take flags, rescue our armored vehicle if it is taken over, etc.

03-25-2003, 04:01 PM
Sounds good.
See if anyone at your local field would be interested at all.

03-25-2003, 04:17 PM
only played once at my local field. and we're kind of worried about, you know, lawsuits, so we try to just invite people we know.

03-25-2003, 04:34 PM
That's true.
Who knows? Maybe someday you could get field insurance!
Make sure ya got a chrony. You really have to lower it for night play, like 260 fps.

03-25-2003, 05:03 PM
got a chrony already...
yeah...i hated playing at my field because they wouldnt let me raise my velocity (197-201fps)
The damn balls were BOUNCING off the chests of my opponents.
anyway, i've finished one headquarters. It's going to be a "no-fire" zone, where anyone in there cannot be fired at. It's well protected, I'll go tank some pictures.

03-26-2003, 05:12 PM
this has started to be expensive :p:P

03-26-2003, 06:55 PM
Pictures of the first base are up...IM me if you want them

music 311 hive

03-26-2003, 08:49 PM
can u send some pics to [email protected] ? thanks..it all sounds good (and expensive, too ;))