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03-22-2003, 08:57 PM
when i turn my nitro tank off on my classic valved automag i still usually have a few shots left, losing velocity each time, but this is only if shoot straight after turning the on/off on my tank off

if i turn my tank off and wait like 10 minutes or so i have no shots left, it wont even "cycle"
when i put the valve to my ear i hear the slightest faint noise of leaking....is this normal?
should it not leak at all???
what might be wrong?
should i get a new parts kit? i bought the gun used and have not changed it yet...

thanks for any help...

03-22-2003, 10:33 PM

03-22-2003, 10:49 PM
You have a leak. It should not leak. Get a parts kit and change all the orings if it hasn't been done in a while and report back. Hope this helps...;) :D

03-23-2003, 12:25 AM
im kinda confused though....

seriously if you gas up your marker and turn off your tank and let it sit for the night, maybe not ten minutes, but for the night, and you come back the next morning will it still shoot the last few shots?

*edit* i finally got around to checking the exploded view of the valve and i think im missing a few parts and its really really dirty

so i got some buying to do

for indivdual parts is the best bet to order from automags.org or some other retailer/website?

johnny dee
03-23-2003, 10:24 AM
how big is the leak, i used to have a faint small leak, putting some oil in the gun and than gassing up, and shotig like 50-100 rnds usually stops small leaks.

03-23-2003, 02:09 PM
its tiny...but i think i figured this out, thanks anyways for the help