View Full Version : Sfl Problems Need Help Asap!!!

03-22-2003, 11:33 PM
Ok, I played today and I had a buttload of problems with my SFL again. I need help b/c I want to play tom. again with my SFL. These are the following problems.

*My new warp breech that I purchased chopped soo much paint that it almost made me cry. Supposedly AO'ers told me that it should fit my LX LVL10.

*I tried my vert feed breech and it seemed ok but there was a light coat of paint that went through the breech and coated it. Backsplash from barrel mabey? Whether the SFL breech works or not is questionable but my guess is that the SFL breech is fine... just the crappy barrel.

*I'm still waiting for my J&J Edge kit so I am playing with my crap stock Matrix barrel (blech!)

*If it would help I will say what upgrades I currently have on my marker if anyone thinks that it may be the prob... they are Warp feed, LX LVL10, warp breech/vert breech, and ACE.

That should be about it but I can't play with a marker that is not very consistent with feeding and chops about every 15-25 shots. I need to play with my warp also so no taking warp out! Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

03-22-2003, 11:52 PM
How about I Trade You My PGP Pump for your nice Pewter SFL.

Heh!!...Heh!!....;) :p

GRRRRRRR!!!!!:mad: T'was sooooooo cold today at CPX.:(

Dye Angel Guy
03-23-2003, 11:13 AM
NATO, I know how to fix your whole problem......I will trade you a DYE LCD for it. You have posted on my ads before saying that I will never find one but if you are having problems with it why not trade it for a marker that works great. I have no problems fooling with it until it works.

Dye Angel Guy
03-23-2003, 11:30 AM
your even in chicago, I could fly there and meet you. I go to school at UD, In Dubuque, IA.........just a thought....but no I was thinking about your problem. Try shooting your SFL without that ACE on and see if it chops. IF not then your ACE is just to sensitive. And if you are using dark colored paint the ACE will think the paint is in the breech before it really is and then you have a problem.

03-23-2003, 12:47 PM
You might also look at your Lvl 10 set-up. There is no way that you should be chopping paint if that is set-up properly. I think that the Lvl 10 is the key to your problem. What spring are you using? Which carrier? Make sure you clean out the gun very carefully once you break alot of paint like that. I had that problem when it was very cold and I was shooting crappy paint (Zap). Clean it all out, check you Lvl. 10 and try making sure that the Warp breech is putting the ball squarly in front of the bolt. Check to see if you detent is jammed and that your barrel doesn't have and burrs on the end.

I shoot a Lvl 10 Warped E-mag and I have pinched a few balls with the Lvl. 10 but never really broke any in the breech when playing in mild tempratures with regular paint, not even good stuff.

P.S. When I was playing in the cold with crappy paint the Angel guys were blending just as bad. Paint was pouring from around the rotatable breech area.

03-23-2003, 11:01 PM
Sorry guys but my fellow SFLers are also also experienceing this problem. The reason why this is occuring... so we think is that the warp breeches are not properly fitting our SFL LVL10 bolts. I'll post up on the progress. Thanks!