View Full Version : Strange Pets?

03-22-2003, 11:53 PM
I was inspired to begin this thread when my cat walked up to me and dropped its favorite toy at my feet, expecting me to play fetch with him; he does this ALL the time, but my dog doesn't.

Do you have a strange pet that does strage things? If so, tell me about them.

03-22-2003, 11:55 PM
I have a 20+ pound all black cat that moo's. Yes it is weird. My family swears he's trying tot alk to us.

03-23-2003, 12:11 AM
I have an imaginary dog that plays paintball with me...

We dont have any real pets...my mom doesn't want any :(

03-23-2003, 12:12 AM
for about 3 years, i had a 30 gallon aquarium filled with snails as pets :eek:

03-23-2003, 12:12 AM
I have a really really fat siberian husky. When we took he to the kennel a couple of days ago to go to key west, they asked us if she was really a husky, because huskys are not supposed to be really fat, but mine is.

03-23-2003, 12:15 AM
I had a smiling dog. He was a Border Collie/something, with a brown and blue eye. Whenever you called him, he would walk over, and do what looked like a snorting/baring teeth, snarling smile, except he was happy. Many people asked if he had rabies...:D

Poor ol' Bandit...

03-23-2003, 01:08 AM
ive had the following strange pets

nile monitor (he was cool)
snapping turtle (he was scary)
box turtle
glass lizard
many snakes
two mini schnauzers
many other pets too

03-23-2003, 01:16 AM
My dog will roll in fecies, or remains of ANY THING. Since we have a place in the country, we just let them free roam... Once in a while youd swear there was a corpse or somthing out back... GROSSE:)

Now we keep a hose and shampoo on standby.

Doc, and Maxx are both german short hair pointers. So from the time we let them out in the morning, to the time they come home, its guarantee'd they wont wander 30 feet from one another. They hunt for rabbits when pheasant is out of season.. when I say hunt for rabbits, i mean they catch them, and eat them.... Not the best for them, but its a dogs life :).. keeps us up on worm pills too.

its all wierd though..

specially when you see that average dog tied to a 10 foot rope.

03-23-2003, 01:23 AM
i have a cat that has no claws but still can climb trees and this are really big trees to and he fell once and i saw it:eek:

03-23-2003, 01:30 AM
So many animals have gone throw my house....

Black Laborador Retriever(best dog in the world)
West Highland Terrier
Cocker Spaniel
18 Green Anoles
4 Blue tailed Skinks
5 Madagascar Giant Day Geckos
4 Leopard Geckos
4 Tokay Geckos(awsome pets)
2 Royal Pythons(Ball Pythons)
1 Blood Python
2 Red-Eyed TreeFrogs
2 Dumpty Frogs
1 Waxy-Monkey Tree Frog

Most of the reptiles were just pets I took care of for a few weeks or months for friends in College and whatever. The only animal we have now though is the Black lab. After college though, I plan to pick up some Carpet Pythons.

The wierdest thing any of them have done is a tie. First, my black Lab, Bernie, is almost 13 years old nd nearly 120 lbs. Last year we took him to the vet for a check up and when the vet looked at him, she asked us to bring him back when he turned 5. He is absolutely the healthiest dog around. He is 100% muscle, but doesn't know it. He thinks he's a lap dog. The other wierd thing was the blood python. For those who don't know, a Blood python can grow to about 10 feet, which is about medium for a python, but they can weigh as much as 120 lbs. Well, I had taken the snake to it's owners house and we were feeding it a rabbit(prekilled of coarse) and this thing missed a few times in it's strike. So we decided to switch to using Hemostats(LOOOOONNNNGGGG tweezers) to hold the rabbit because well, we dind't want to go to the hospital. So we held the rabbit out and snake struck by missed and hit the wall. It hit so hard that it knocked a hole straight thru the drywall. The snake was fine and got the rabbit on the next try, but it knocked a frigin hole in the wall. That was the first and last fat python I'll touch fo a while

03-23-2003, 01:41 AM
My FEMALE Terrier/Shepard dog humps things. Hows that for weird? :confused:


03-23-2003, 11:53 AM
Three dogs, a cat, 8 birds (6 parrots), and Sarah's rat. They all get along, crawling around and playing with each other.....just ain't right...

03-23-2003, 12:13 PM
I have a small cat with no front claws. She will sit and allow squirrels to walk mere feet in front of her, she cowers from small birds which mock her all day, but she has scared away every other cat she's come into contact with....even those twice her size.

Also, the vacuum and city busses terrify her, but she is perfectly happy to sit beside a screaming mitre saw and let the sawdust coat her fur...

She doesn't like tuna, salmon, etc, but she licks excess syrup off of breakfast plates...she also like Cheese Whiz and BBQ sauce.

Strange enough?

03-23-2003, 01:50 PM
I have two sugar gliders. They're pretty cute and are really fast and can jump ridiculous distances.
Here's some pictures.
Sakura on top
Ichiban on the bottom
(girl and boy respectivly)



03-23-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by dv8withn8
I have two sugar gliders. They're pretty cute and are really fast and can jump ridiculous distances.
Here's some pictures.
Sakura on top
Ichiban on the bottom
(girl and boy respectivly)I always wanted one of those ... how much do they cost? Do they make good pets (a lot of upkeep)?

03-23-2003, 05:53 PM
Those sugar gliders are possibly the coolest pets ive seen in awhile, but i think they are illegal to own where i live, same thing with ferrets.... damn califorina. (At least its bright and sunny right now :()

03-23-2003, 06:38 PM
hmm... i have a cat with something wrong with his.. central nerve system (couldnt quite make out what the vet said). well, its constantly falling back and forth while just walking, falls down the stairs, when it jumps on the couch he falls back.. ect.. he pretty much acts like hes drunk. i feel so bad for him...:(

03-23-2003, 07:34 PM
That happened to one of my cats once (a couple years back), the vet thought it was poisoned by a flee dip thing. When it walked it fell over and when it jumped it misjudged distances and smashed into things. Its kind of all better now, but its a little stupider.

03-23-2003, 09:17 PM
Let's see... Gliders are kind of expensive. For both of them, the cage, a few toys, food, I'd say it'd bring the investment up to about 450. They're easy to take care of and feed. They just eat fruit and yogurt and some special formula to keep em healthy. And for the first month or so you have to keep them with almost all the time so they get your scent and bond with you. They form really strong bonds with owners and will come on command. You have to get them as young as possible though. The cool part is they're small enough to fit in your pocket and you can take them to work or school with you since they sleep during the day. (They're nocturnal) Chicks dig their cuteness and they're fun to play with.

03-23-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by dv8withn8
Let's see... Gliders are kind of expensive. For both of them, the cage, a few toys, food, I'd say it'd bring the investment up to about 450. They're easy to take care of and feed. They just eat fruit and yogurt and some special formula to keep em healthy. And for the first month or so you have to keep them with almost all the time so they get your scent and bond with you. They form really strong bonds with owners and will come on command. You have to get them as young as possible though. The cool part is they're small enough to fit in your pocket and you can take them to work or school with you since they sleep during the day. (They're nocturnal) Chicks dig their cuteness and they're fun to play with.

that sounds pretty sweet! haha they sound cool i wish i had a pet.... my parents wont let me get a dog! i think that is horrible, not letting your kid have a puppy!! awww poor jack russel terriers!!!

03-24-2003, 06:01 PM
My cat used to go to the bathroom and afterwards put his front feet foward and pull with his front feet...

If you cant picture it, he was wiping with the tile floor...

03-24-2003, 06:50 PM
i have a 16yr old cat and it will not drink out of a bowl you have to turn the water on in the sink so it will drink

03-24-2003, 10:20 PM
I used to have pet ducks. Pretty much the only things they would eat were rice with butter, green beans, and the flowers my mother was growing in the backyard.