View Full Version : 1/3 DRAGON TIMMY STOLEN! at Northwest Tourney

03-23-2003, 04:22 PM
My Friend Micah, goes by Foscko here, his dragon timmy 1/3 yellow-green prototype timmy was stolen at the paradise throwdown yesterday march 22nd

if you guys see this gun please take it from the person and keep it in your car, get the person's information so they can go downs for theft and shiz after you get micah's gun please call 1-425-837-8583 or 1-425-391-0509.

It had Clear Dye Stickies
Chrome Accents
Custom Boomstick with lots of stickers including a honey bucket one
Green Macroline
Black drop with on/off
And it was again yellow/green prototype dragon timmy.
it had 1.8 was equilizer and no sideplates cause it was a prototype.
The front reg section was loose when not gassed up and when you gassed it up it got stiff again
the feed tube is loose so if you fall wit dis gun the feed will come off.

This is not nominal and the person that stole dis should be hurt! :mad:

03-23-2003, 04:30 PM
Do yall have any pics of the gun?

03-23-2003, 05:07 PM
Ill keep my eye out on pbn, ebay for it.

03-23-2003, 05:49 PM
as the above poster stated, a picture would be helpful. also, if you guys had one, an id number of the gun (i'm not sure if timmys have them).


jae park

03-23-2003, 07:49 PM
im confused do you mean its one of 3 intimidators or a third of an intimidator? also pics would be nice however i doubt id see it

03-23-2003, 08:22 PM
FutureMagOwner, I'm pretty sure he means there were only 3 done in that certain fade or something.

Since you know that it's a hard to find fade, it should be pretty easy in tracking it down. Good luck, I'll keep my eyes open too. And yes, pics would be nice.


03-23-2003, 08:48 PM
Well it was stolen for one night, and apparently a 13 year old took it. and when he saw all my posts everywhere, he got scared and came to the field and gave it back.

So he got his gun back and I guess we can close these threads :D