View Full Version : Mag Is Very Inconsistent, need help!

03-23-2003, 07:41 PM
Ok Ive dealt with my mag's inconsistency for quite a while but when my teammate got his shocktech bushy and got numbers like 290,291,290,290,290 it was the last straw. I got up to chrono my gun and getting numbers like 280,274,300,281,285,301 it pissed me off. Here is my set up:

Misc. barrel but fits my paint perfect
48/3000 Crossfire Steel tank

What is the problem, the paint to barrel match is perfect and I think it might be the tank, or the valve. Please post remedies and parts needed to fix this.

03-23-2003, 07:50 PM
do u know how to crono right? i had the same problem

03-23-2003, 07:52 PM
Yes, I know how, I even let somebody else crono it and got the exact same thing.

03-23-2003, 07:55 PM
He means with RT's you are supposed to pull the trigger, hold it back, then release and shoot quickly.
However, this is for safety, so you're not shooting over 300fps when you pull the trigger, that shouldnt matter with consistancy.

I'd say this. Crack your valve apart (unscrew the back), and clean off your reg seat. Get any junk or debris outta there.

Put a few drops of oil in your airline and shoot without a barrel into a trash can or outside like 30 shots or so.

If that doesnt at least help things then try a different tank.

let us know if that helps anything.

03-23-2003, 08:44 PM
my mag was the same way when i got it, the first 4-5 times i played with it i was getting around +/- 15 or so fps.

the last time i played i shot 290,291,290.....i hope it wasn't a fluke ;)

yes and like everyone will probably tell you most likely your problem is a dirty reg seat (or a cracked/cut one) Also i don't know if it affects the air flow at all but make sure the reg seat is in the right way...the fatter part sits in the hole on the back half of the valve.

03-24-2003, 03:25 AM
Check your paint/barrel match.

03-24-2003, 10:05 AM
My guess is incorrect chrono process. Try to chrono the way Mossman suggests.

03-24-2003, 10:16 AM
My Emag seems rather inconsistent too. My paint/barrel match is usually pretty good. I usually forget about the RT chrono method. I chrono in E-mode. Would that result in inconsistency? I guess I'll check my reg seat as well. Machu, keep us updated.

03-24-2003, 03:08 PM
that wont result in inconsistancy over the chrono, but it will result in penalties at tournys. ;)

the RT/retro valve has a slight shoot-up effect from the air heating when you rapid fire. if you are close to the field limit, then you will be shooting hot when you rapid fire.

03-24-2003, 04:45 PM
trying cleaning out your entire regulator w/ warm soapy water, the gunk in the reg greatly effects your air flow and will then effect your chrono.

It worked for me!

03-24-2003, 04:59 PM
Hmmm, after checking my reg, I noticed something in the reg seat. Looked like there was a piece of oring wedged in there,took it out, so I think this will solve the problem once I go back to the field. Thanks for the tips guys.