View Full Version : Need Help, RTPRO Trigger runs away

03-23-2003, 08:31 PM
Question for those in the know.

My RTPRO has been working great other than the fact that the Level 10 leaks in cold weather (Juneau, Alaska). I've pulled the level 10 out and have been using the level 7 without problems for awhile. The last 2 times I played I started to notice that the trigger would double or triple fire once in awhile (making a mess).

I took the trigger frame off and noticed quite abit of brass colored dust on the body rail. The Last couple times I've tried dryfiring, it fires 3-4 shots every trigger pull and often will goto fullauto.

I'm thinking the trigger sear is messed up but it doesn't look bad.

The marker is not very old, I'm the original owner and it has only about 3 cases of paint through it since new.

Any Suggestions? I need to get it going soon so I can put some paint on Gadget68's new Xmag.

Setup is
RTPRO, JAVA Preset 88CI, KAPP Drop w/On&Off and level 7 bolt.

Thanks for the help.

03-23-2003, 09:04 PM
i would say get a new sear assy and a longer on/off pin.... that should take care of your problem

03-24-2003, 01:29 AM
Thanks Virus, Is there a longer pin available? assuming that the correct one was originally installed at the factory, I would already have the longest available, I think.

One other thing, this gun arrived from the factory with a leak in the on/off, I was able to fix it with a new o-ring. I Just don't want to replace parts only to have it happen again.



03-24-2003, 09:32 AM
there should be a link in blue at the top of the page..... it leads you to the AGD store.... there you will find a complete listing w/pics of everything.....

03-24-2003, 04:53 PM
Also check the bolt for wear. Does it have all stock parts on it (ie. Bolt, grip frame, on/off, etc). Also, you have not played with the trigger rod length?

03-24-2003, 05:26 PM
SInce I took the LVL X back out, all of the parts are stock (original) except the barrel and the drop. Maybe I'll try to post a couple pic's later on. I'll look at the bolt tonight. I've definitly not messed with the trigger rod.

Thanks for the input.

03-24-2003, 05:50 PM
Try turning down your input pressure

03-25-2003, 01:03 AM
I can't turn down my input, the cheap tank I have is preset. I tried starving it by just cracking the on-off on my drop and it did the same thing.

Anyway, I totally disassembled it, looked at every part and couldn't find any real wear hardly at all. I rebuilt it, charged it up, and it had all the same problems. (Level 7)

Then since our weather is warming, I took it apart again and put in the level 10. I haven't been able to use the level 10 in the cold cause it would be working fine and then just quit firing. We had 3 different Level 10 mags do it on the same day at the same time. Anyway, with level 10 it's working fine. All single shots, I shot about 50 shots without a problem or runaway.

03-25-2003, 09:29 PM
a similar problem i thought it was my on off but turns out i needed a new bumper. just offering an easy solution.

03-26-2003, 01:08 AM
That very well could be the problem. I'll check it out.
