View Full Version : Q about pre-star automag

03-23-2003, 08:44 PM
I was recently assigned to fix an automag by my friend who happens to be a field owner. It is a pre-star valve, which means that it is somewhat of an older gun. Put oil in the two holes for oil, and aired it up. Now, when it is aired up it leaks down the barrel, I adjust the velocity using the back velocity adjuster via allen wrench, and it still leaks down the barrel. While I am adjusting the velocity I am firing the marker, but no luck on preventing it from leaking. Any tips?


03-23-2003, 08:55 PM
Change the powertube o ring

03-24-2003, 01:26 PM
Does it have powertube spacers or a spring?

03-24-2003, 03:42 PM
Don't use the "oil holes". Put oil in the valve air input or ASA. This will allow the oil to get blown completely throughout the valve and provide the necessary lubricating.

For a leakage problem down the barrel:

Check the powertube o-ring
Check the powertube spring or spacer. Use a shorter spacer if you have one (or change the powertube spring if you have one of those from an older kit).
Check for wear on the sear assembly, especially where the sear makes contact with the bolt.

03-24-2003, 04:55 PM
If the air is leaking from the barrel then check the power tube o-ring. You will allso want to check the bolt spring, it should be at least 1/4in longer than the bolt if not the bolt may be sticking slightly. If its a pre-star valve it probaly has the power-tube spring, and it may be worn out, just replace it with the spacer kit.