View Full Version : Welts

03-23-2003, 10:25 PM
What's the longest it's ever taken you to completely heal a welt to where you couldn't even tell it was ever there? ;)

03-23-2003, 10:28 PM
just shy of 4 months, after taking 5 or 6 to the inner thigh

03-23-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by synreal
just shy of 4 months, after taking 5 or 6 to the inner thigh

Ouch. Like right on the exact same spot?

03-23-2003, 10:32 PM
about the size of a golfball. faded 80% within a few days then just lingered as a faint red spot for months.

03-23-2003, 10:38 PM
i don't know if my brother has weird skin or what, but the first time he played on the car ride back we were looking at our welts and he had these giant rock hard black and purple raised welts...i mean they were raised up like half an inch.

03-23-2003, 10:41 PM
someone was shooting hot...

03-23-2003, 10:43 PM
I was shot in the neck about 4 times in the same spot. Needless to say it bled. It was completely healed just over a week though.

03-23-2003, 10:47 PM
Ive had one on the inside of my leg for about a year and a half now. I told my dad, he said maybe it hit something the wrong way and scarred it. Anyway, it is still their. It was the first i had been bunkered and the guy had his gun at 360 or so, he felt bad. I got him back though, with my MAG!!:D

03-23-2003, 10:53 PM
I have scars on my arms that have been there since 1999.

03-23-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Troy
I have scars on my arms that have been there since 1999.

same here, I have two scars on my hand from probably 96ish. The joy of being shot 4 times in the same spot from less than 2 feet away. :rolleyes:

Mag Master 04
03-24-2003, 12:04 AM
my friend was messin around w me and i had my mask off..well there was still a ball in the breach and pressure in the reg cuz he had a shutter and they hold like another 200 psi in there well yea there was a ball in the breach and he shot me in the cheak, i had to have surgery and crap...it was bad, u can barely tell now though, i had to have my cheak bone pritty much put back into place and i had 35 stitches after they closed me up

03-24-2003, 12:06 AM
ouch magmaster! that had to hurt!

big E kingpin
03-24-2003, 12:19 AM
iwas playing with my cousin and we were runing around with pgp's. wearing just a mask shorts and a t-shirt. anyway i took a shot almost point blank in the knee on a full co2 charge. it bled for like an hour. this was a year ago, and it scared into a perfect fime sized circle.

Mag Master 04
03-24-2003, 12:29 AM
i was like 13 too so i was a lil guy, yea that was 3 years ago

03-24-2003, 12:55 AM
I have 1 on each shoulder still each from a different time getting bunkered from about a foot away about a year ago. They healed pretty quickly but you can still see the faint marks from where the welts were.

03-24-2003, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Mag Master 04
my friend was messin around w me and i had my mask off..well there was still a ball in the breach and pressure in the reg cuz he had a shutter and they hold like another 200 psi in there well yea there was a ball in the breach and he shot me in the cheak, i had to have surgery and crap...it was bad, u can barely tell now though, i had to have my cheak bone pritty much put back into place and i had 35 stitches after they closed me up

Sure he was your friend?

03-24-2003, 01:34 AM
Usually my bruises/welts go away pretty quickly but I've got a couple on my legs and my back that seem like they may never go away. I'll always get the "she must be beaten by her boyfriend/husband" look from strangers, I guess!

03-24-2003, 01:51 AM
1 year and its still there...

03-24-2003, 02:26 AM
he guys there is a website to show off your welts and win some prizes majorwelt.com

03-24-2003, 03:21 AM
i have one on my inner leg thats over a year old, still has a faint burise too.

03-24-2003, 04:06 AM
Much blood at first, faint greenish/brown spots 7 months later.

Took 12 to the chest from 10 feet while yelling "OUT" and making my way to the sideline with my arm above my head.
"He" was/is a local NPPL pro "slumming it, and terrorizing the noobs for kicks in some low-life walk-on ball" (his words).

It was my second time playing, and I wasn't sure I wanted to go back.
He said it was my fault for walking behind him, and couldn't believe the ref tossed him for overshooting (only one game).

He took a lot of "accidental" shots to the back in every other game he played that day from people that saw what he did. :D

03-24-2003, 04:38 AM
Originally posted by RHYNO
Much blood at first, faint greenish/brown spots 7 months later.

Took 12 to the chest from 10 feet while yelling "OUT" and making my way to the sideline with my arm above my head.
"He" was/is a local NPPL pro "slumming it, and terrorizing the noobs for kicks in some low-life walk-on ball" (his words).

It was my second time playing, and I wasn't sure I wanted to go back.
He said it was my fault for walking behind him, and couldn't believe the ref tossed him for overshooting (only one game).

He took a lot of "accidental" shots to the back in every other game he played that day from people that saw what he did. :D

There are some times when you just have throw the marker in the dirt and kick some ***.

One of my good friends still has his mark. I was playing the snake when he ran out in front of me at 20 feet. One shot, center mass (right below the breast bone). Eight months later he still has a faint mark. Shooting below 280 on regulated CO2, so even if it was hot it's still under 300 most likely. Guess he just bruises easily.

03-24-2003, 04:26 PM
well the soon to be Mrs. magmunkey (Denise) wanted to try playing so we could have more to do together.... I thought this was a great idea .... we went to the field and she went out for the first time, held her own very well and was eventualy eliminated with three shots from across field
she wasn't even really stung by them but they turned into MAJOR welts ...she still has marks from them and that was 2 yrs ago

03-24-2003, 06:30 PM
My welts usually go away quickly and its gotten to the point where I get hit and think, hmm that didn't hurt much don't think it will leave a mark and when i get home I take a shower and its like "Whoa! When did I get shot there?" The worst welts i ever had was from when me and the other refs at my field were playing after slow day (everyone went home early) so we decided to play a "Ref Game". Of course we didn't chrono the guns and i took two shots to my thigh man, the welts were tennis ball sized.

03-24-2003, 06:54 PM
A camp counseler asked me if someone at home was hitting me. I just laughed.

I have one on the inside of my thigh that I think is now a legal US Citizen. And it didn't cross the border to get here. It's never gonna go away.

03-24-2003, 07:01 PM
a friend of mine took a welt when i threw a paintball at him.. hit his shoulder but yea, stare at him wrong and he'll bruize. it was crazy

03-24-2003, 08:45 PM
I have a nice sized scar on my left hand, FROM A MAG!, now I wear 1/2 finger Fox racing gloves..That was not the most painful shot though...that was when I got bunkered in "my buddies".
another time my whole right arm went limp due to a shot to a preasure point near my collar bone..bad part was it was a bounce and I was still in the game but unable to move my right arm...I hold my gun with my right arm! :confused: Kinda scared me.

03-24-2003, 10:17 PM
My field owner was reffing and got shot in the neck at point blank by some newby, and he has had the little ring (its a scar now) for years.

edit: When teachers ask me what the rings are I seriously comment to them that they are ringworm, and my math teach FLIPPED (She MAKES you go home if you dont feel well, or try to anyways. She is so paranoid about that stuff.)

03-25-2003, 12:11 PM
I was playin one game and was the first one hit. This particular field was a pain to get to and was a very long walk. The refs told everyone that if you get shot to stay in the fields safety tent area and we will play another game. So there I was the only one in the safety tent, sitting in the corner, mask off and gun sitting about 10 feet from me. When this #SSH*L@ jumps in the tent about 3 feet from me and rips off a round right in my upper arm. He was shooting way way hot. Not to mention the fact that he was off the field. It left a raised welt about an inch. Blood ran down my arm to my elbow. The opened wound mixed with the paint (that ripped through my camo) and I now have a (almost) perfect circle tattoo. This was back in 1995. The person was eject form the field and was told to never return. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t play for the rest of the day. The field gave me my money back and a few free day passes for my trouble. Also to cover their @sses. It’s a cool badge of honor.

03-25-2003, 12:37 PM
Got hit from a Tippy from about 10 feet. Luckiest shot this kid ever took. Right into my trigger finger. Split from nail to nuckle.

I also participated in a tactical training scenario where we did room entering & clearing. I took about 10-12 in the head at full open velocity on a tippy. People came over and asked if we were shooting red that day. (Yellow paint...)

Washing my hair was an experience in pain for the next week.

03-25-2003, 01:57 PM
Took 6 weeks till no mark could be seen.
also go to XPB's Welt Gallery (http://www.xpb.us/welts.htm)

03-25-2003, 02:16 PM
A guy on my team had the fluid sac thing in his elbow burst a few years back after taking a hot shot to the elbow from point blank range. Its weird lookin, like a big white spot scar thing. He ended up needing surgery, kept the jersey though, actually ripped a hole through it:D

03-25-2003, 02:38 PM
My friend got shot in the inside of the knee from very close, and that was about a year ago and he has a circle scar from the shot. My welts normally go away pretty quickly but onetime I was changing for football and somone saw a welt on my and actually thought it was ringworm, one of the coaches heard this and tried to make me go see the trainer. It took me a while to convince him that it was a welt from paintball. But the allout most painfull hit that I had ever taken was when I was playing speedball with my local fields sponsered team and I was playin front(I normally play back in with my team), and I made a stupid move and got shot in the nuts. I just laid on the ground on the field for like 5 mins while the game was goin on with my gun in the air.

03-25-2003, 03:52 PM
Ok time to dust this pic down again :D

03-25-2003, 03:55 PM
i would say something, but my choosen vocabulary for it would not be in accordance with AO forum rules...
it's not anything insulting or anything, just thought i should clear that side up

03-25-2003, 03:56 PM
I have two on my neck, one per each side. The one on the left, if you didn't know what it was, you couldn't tell it was a paintball hit. The one on the right side on my sternocladomastoid is a perfect dark circle. I hope it goes away lol

03-25-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by SaS
i would say something, but my choosen vocabulary for it would not be in accordance with AO forum rules...
it's not anything insulting or anything, just thought i should clear that side up

I'm assuming you are replying to the post I made, this isn't the first time I have posted that pic....I took the pic by the way, so it isn't nicked from some website. But the previous posts were a little in the way of weak posts in regard to what was a welt. All of those welts in the pic were gotten by being a field ultimate at the World Cup last year, not one from a hot marker, just bouncers from the barricades after the sun had gotten to the paint making it rather resistant to breaking and from getting stuck in to check players, there are more you can't see that are the same.

03-25-2003, 05:34 PM
that's right, i was refering to the pic your posted MarkM.

sparklie Chick
03-25-2003, 05:46 PM
my RP shell lines are stil visable just 3 years later:(

sparklie Chick
03-25-2003, 05:49 PM
lol mark won't let me forget my welts from world cup although they have all but healed now :D I got shot in the neck reffing last week and it didn't even leave a mark just a tender patch Like I said before it all comes down to the paint:)

03-25-2003, 07:31 PM
That's me an my pale body. THe guy was shooting about 320-330 and this was from 30 or so feet away. Also this pic was posted about an hour or two after I was hit. I went home and I had blood on the top part of my boxers!

03-25-2003, 09:24 PM
thats freaky...

sparklie Chick
03-26-2003, 02:39 AM
hi if your talking to me sparklie the normal size welt is surounded by huge bruise the paint was very bouncy in fact bouncing off barakedes and on to me at all sorts of weird angles:rolleyes: no worrys those have pretty much gone now even the weird marbel effect is barley present on my skin now.

If I had taken a piccy of my hand shots............ now they take the biscut they kept bleeding for 3 weeks but the shell lines are virtually gone now! bearing in mind all my welts get liberal coatings of anrinica if they are bad ones hourly :eek:

but like then Igot shot on my neck reffing and nothing........ it's mostly down to the paint:)