View Full Version : Looking for my Old RT

03-24-2003, 02:11 PM
This is probably a long shot...but I am looking for my old rt that I sold like 3 years ago...it was very unique and had the following on it:

12 inch dye stainless
Black body
gadget grip
black benchmark frame
chrome powerfeed plug
micro guage on body rail

it came with no stock site rail or grip

it was unique becuase of the trigger
it had a chrome trigger shoe on it that was trimmed at the bottom to fit inside the guard..it had a set screw for back slop, and shims to stop all side to side play...on top of the trigger was a stainless pin with a spring that held the trigger against the sear pic...I know the chances that I will find this gun again are slimm...but I want it back..please help

[email protected]

03-25-2003, 08:47 AM
Uh it must be a lost cause...I really miss that gun...now that we have hoppers that can keep up it would be sweet to have it back....it jsut so shot fast...it was like a blender not a paintball gun