View Full Version : An Academic Question

03-25-2003, 12:32 AM
Probably a longshot, but hey, there's a few smart cookies here.

I've a research paper due in about a week and a half. So I was wondering if anybody might have an idea where I could find some good sources.

So far I've made it about 15 pages into the darned thing I've got some good figures and tables to go with them but...I feel it needs more work. Something that will really bit the prof in the butt if you know what I mean.

Effects of Aggregate Extraction on the Hydrology of a Wetland Environment

03-25-2003, 12:41 AM
Take it to your school's writing center if it has one...

03-25-2003, 12:55 AM
University actually.
I've been sifting through articles, and I come up with a lot of crap that is aimed at people who have no idea of hydraulics and contamination sources. I need technical sources, it's for a 400 level course.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

03-25-2003, 12:58 AM
Can't really point you to the right direction, but from that title, sounds like your a Science or Poly Science major.

03-25-2003, 01:47 AM
I've taken a couple environmental courses. Good places are always the US EPA and some of those environmental groups. A google search has always treated me well. Look for existing projects or sites, and what was done. At least in the US, superfund sites have caused many reports to be put online... it's just a matter of finding specific examples, then finding the supporting reports. G'luck.

03-25-2003, 02:15 AM
search professional journals. most university libraries subscribe to search engines that have full text of most popular journals. check your library's home page. most will have a link that says "seach online databases" that will link you to a search engine.

03-25-2003, 07:18 AM
InfoTrac - Health Reference Center - Academic

All great search engines for finding actual research with raw data.

03-25-2003, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Quiet
Effects of Aggregate Extraction on the Hydrology of a Wetland Environment

Heh, thats something my company would be involved in. I even know the engineers who do that stuff :) Unfortunately, I'm in marketing, so I know nothing about it.

Good luck, though :)

03-25-2003, 09:15 AM






03-25-2003, 12:24 PM
Well lucky for you I'm a Watershed Science major at Colorado State University!

Unlucky for you is that I'm only a Freshman which means I have yet to take any ACTUAL classes about it! But good luck to you... I know there are plenty of research papers coming my way...

03-25-2003, 07:41 PM
cplillip - you were really working on it weren't you


The first is my class homepage;)
The second came out of my department.

I'm impressed you found them

03-25-2003, 07:47 PM
Koosh - maybe it's luckier for you, I spend about 60 hours a week in our wetlands research laboratory here at Waterloo. If you need any help in your studies, there's a good chance I could help.