View Full Version : ??? about cfm ???

03-25-2003, 10:46 AM
wha tis the cfm on most paintball gun and what is the cfm on a mag thanks

03-25-2003, 11:19 AM
Cubic Feet per minute? On a mag....7
Cockers tip the scales at 9 though

Just kidding :)
I think the only thing CFM is good for is testing the flow on tanks.

Maybe you mean BPS (Balls per second)
Anyhoo, I'd say the average person could pull like 5 or 6 BPS on a classic mag, maybe 11 on a retro mag, and 13 on an emag. Obviously everyone is different though, but that's pretty close to my #'s I think, although I haven't shot over a red chrono for a while.

Anyhow, Some electros have been known to shoot upwards of like 15bps, like angels, timmy's, stuff like that. Mind you an emag can shoot that fast, and has the capabilities to shoot faster (there are videos around of them shooting 20bps with paint).

Anyhow....explain what you mean and you'll get a better answer.

Welcome to AO

03-25-2003, 11:23 AM
Cubic feet per minute?

Erm, a 68tank only holds about .03 ft^3 at whatever pressure its at.

Assuming you are expanding it to around 400 PSI before it gets released, thats .29 ft^3 in a 68/3K tank.

Shooting at 13.3 BPS for 60 seconds assuming 800 shots per tank would be .29 ft^3/min.

To shoot 1 cfm, you'd need to shoot around 40bps for a minute straight. Good luck :)

03-25-2003, 05:18 PM
what am doing is working on a valve thats a e-valve and i need to know how much air per shoot i need or per ball. that would be cfm also right ?

03-25-2003, 07:03 PM
it's usualy done in PSI

03-25-2003, 09:50 PM
psi is pounds per squard inch you know i cant spell so make fun of it if you want cfm are cubeic flow per min that how much air can get through in a a given time psi is the in presure witch i now i need the cfm of a mag and other gun thanks now laugh

03-25-2003, 10:11 PM
It depends on the cubic inches of volume of your air chamber. If youre working on something you just need to turn up PSI til you're shooting 300.

Tell us what you're trying to do, there's no way we can help you if you're this vague.

03-26-2003, 11:03 AM
i am work on a silanoid valve for a gun but i need the cfm becouse you can only put so much air and then you need a bigger silanoid wah twould the cfm be for 200-250 psi then 250-300 psi i dont want it to be a high presure gun i want low preasure will that help ?

03-26-2003, 11:20 AM
Dude you really really really need to learn a bit or two about the way these things work before you go buying a gun. I have zero experience with these things, but I understand that you need an air chamber big enough to store at least enough air for 1 shot at whtaever pressure you want, as well as a valve to let the air out. Electronic guns have adjustable dwell times for that reason, you can't always get a properly working gun with all of the variables the same every time. the size of your air chamber is set once you make the gun, but you'll need to adjust the open time of your valve and your pressure in order to get the gun shooting acceptably. Dude, crack open an imp, bush, any normal stacked tube electro and take down the #'s on their solenoids. It's probably on the site actually...but anyhow, if you understand how their solenoids work and how the airflow in those work you can transfer it over to your design. Dude, I dont understand this stuff well at all, but I think i get how electros work better than you do and you realllly need to brush up and research before you dump money into this thing.

that is all.

Tom Sparkman
03-26-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by detroit
you know i cant spell so make fun of it if you want

I can help you with that. :)

Just type your message in Word and use the spell check. Then cut-&-paste it into the reply box.

That way you can at least sound intelligent...

Works for me
Tom :D

03-26-2003, 01:17 PM
i think i know what your saying. you mean use the solenoid directly to shoot the paintball?

cant be done without a fairly large solenoid, and then you need a big battery, too.

thats the ONLY reason there are no guns already out that work that way.

03-26-2003, 06:50 PM
sniper is right that what i want to do they aer to big but that what i am work ing on i need to know the cv to start at i have lot of solenoids i every gun yu taked about all they do is push the ahmmer to open a valve even in a matrix they move a bolt that trips the valve thanks