View Full Version : HELP! Gun reommendations

03-26-2003, 08:05 AM
Hey, I'm a little bit of a nub, and I'm looking for a new gun that is nub and money friendly, and also runs good on CO2 cus im not getting N2 for a while. I'mthiinking autococker, mag,or bushmaster. Please say which one and tell me theupgraades. I also play back n tournies.

03-26-2003, 09:11 AM
Well, the mag is definately newbie friendly, but it doesn't like CO2 very much, if you want to get a mag look for a used HPA tank.

I really don't think of cockers as good newbie markers. They are more complex, and require more care than some of the other markers out there. If you have the self resraint to not try to mess with it until you understand it completely it will serve you well They do function pretty well on CO2.

Both the mag nd cocker upgrade well.

I don't know much about bushies though, someone esle here will.

03-26-2003, 10:03 AM
You should look into the Impulse for a friendly Co2 gun rather than the bushmaster. The Impulse runs great on Co2. You can get the impulse for about 400 bucks.

03-26-2003, 10:10 AM
I'll second that impulse.

03-26-2003, 10:15 AM
As for cost and co2, I'd go with the cocker. Its actually not as hard as you think to time or maintain one. Some struggle with getting a cocker propperly tuned right of the bat without any prior research. If you do some reading online before timing or messing with your gun you'll be fine. There is a wealth of cocker information on the web. Mags will be much simpler, but as for co2/efficency, the cocker is the way to go.

03-26-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Reo5th
As for cost and co2, I'd go with the cocker. Its actually not as hard as you think to time or maintain one. Some struggle with getting a cocker propperly tuned right of the bat without any prior research. If you do some reading online before timing or messing with your gun you'll be fine. There is a wealth of cocker information on the web. Mags will be much simpler, but as for co2/efficency, the cocker is the way to go.

Shutup Reed :) Jello shots!

Anyhow, I'd say if you're deadset on co2 you have a few good options.

Check the forums for a cheap old cocker, or ebay. You can get great cocker packages for like 200 bucks on ebay with a decent hopper, maybe a mask and upgrades too, and a lot of em are old school and are set up to work well on co2. 200 bucks can buy you a decent 99ish cocker package if you hunt around.

You can also get a classic mag that either has a palmer's stabilizer or an expansion chamber. An anti siphon co2 tank is great, it should only be about 10 extra bucks to have an anti siphon tube installed.

3rd option is an impy. You can get a stock impulse with bottomline maxflo for the 250-300 range. It's a lot faster than the other options, and will run just as nicely as the other two on co2. I'd suggest an anti siphon tube on this one too. Imps are pretty nice guns, and with a few upgrades they can be shooting like the high end electros. It'll take you a while to outgrow the imp, and if you don't get bored of it you can toss an Iframe on, vision maybe, nice barrel, delrin bolt, an LPR, and it'll serve you well for years.

Thank you, i'll be here all week folks. Wait...was I supposed to make a joke before that? I guess I was...Oh well, maybe next post :)

03-26-2003, 10:52 AM
Where would you get a impulse for 250-300 range? Are you meaning a used impulse for that much.

03-26-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

200 bucks can buy you a decent 99ish cocker package if you hunt around.

I sold a friends cocker on eBay and it only went for 200. I was expecting it to go for at least 300 with its upgrades. You can find some good stuff out there...

jello shots

03-26-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10
Where would you get a impulse for 250-300 range? Are you meaning a used impulse for that much.

He probably does mean used, but there are several good deals brand new if you know where to look.

For example E-Paintball Outlet (http://www.e-paintballoutlet.com) has a deal where you get:

Stock Impulse
Vertical Max-Flo

for $401. This is approx. $75-100 in upgrades already, making the actual Impulse only cost you about $300! (Although you can't buy just the impy for that price =/)
EPBO also offers their 'Freshman' and 'Sophomore' packages for a bit more money and adds a few more upgrades. I think that EPBO offers you some of the best Impulse deals around.

On that note, I recommend an Impulse in your situation, the Max-Flo is a great reg on co2.


03-26-2003, 02:38 PM
Go with a used mag and a cheap used HPA/N2.

03-26-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Blindcabbie
Hey, I'm a little bit of a nub. I also play back n tournies.

gun choice is personal.. go try some out and see what you like best... the M3 Black Dragons are good quick runs, Spyders are your "low' end...

bushmasters and impys and mags are in the $200 and up range... check the Marker sales forums.. you might find something there...


If your a nub, why play back? Back is the most under rated and hardest spots on the field.. get yourself into mid-front...
if your a bigger kid.. then mid... but that's just my thoughts.. lol..

good luck


03-26-2003, 02:58 PM
new shockers are dirt cheap right now. just get a big co2 tank.


03-26-2003, 03:37 PM
Thanks a lot but I still don't know what to get. Since no one really mentioned bushies they are out. I think mag is out too because it isn't CO2 friendly, Now I will start looking into Impulses. But auytocockers aare stil my first choice now. grrr I'm so frustrated

03-26-2003, 03:41 PM
mags ARE co2 friendly as long as you arent using a retro valve...

03-26-2003, 04:38 PM
In that price range, get an impulse. They run better on CO2 than n2, and are great fast affordable reliable markers.

03-26-2003, 04:49 PM
I say go with the Impulse just because they are great guns. They are fast, simple, and run great on co2. I would pick the Impulse over the cocker just because I have never liked cockers very much, they seem too complicated for me although a lot of people love them. Your call.