View Full Version : Nice barrel... not for Mag tho :( (rant)

03-26-2003, 12:36 PM
Why is it I can find a barrel I'd like to try out but its not manufactured for classic Mags? (angel, cocker, tippy yes but not the Mag) WTF?!? :mad:

03-26-2003, 12:40 PM
that wasn't much of a rant, but newer barrels are being made are not mag threaded, thats because for the last few years mags have kinda been in recession, but now I personally believe that mags are on the rise but now coming out with cocker threads so I don't think mag barrels will be as much of a concern for manufacturers


wow I could have just said supply and demand, there just isn't enough demand for mag threads, and cockers threads are more in demand

03-26-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by LawFox32
that wasn't much of a rant, but newer barrels are being made are not mag threaded, thats because for the last few years mags have kinda been in recession, but now I personally believe that mags are on the rise but now coming out with cocker threads so I don't think mag barrels will be as much of a concern for manufacturers


wow I could have just said supply and demand, there just isn't enough demand for mag threads, and cockers threads are more in demand


03-26-2003, 02:02 PM
You could always buy a mag to cocker barrel adapter.

03-26-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by kenshinkandon
You could always buy a mag to cocker barrel adapter.

Ok, where?

03-26-2003, 03:08 PM
Doc Nickel will be selling them shortly. They're still being made. When they're done he promised to let us know, look out for him in the dealer's forum and expect prices to be around 30 bucks.


03-26-2003, 03:14 PM
they arent making them because there isnt a high enough demand and they cost more because of the adding on and extra milling..

03-26-2003, 04:39 PM
Okay, I have a question: Why is it that every barrel (other than Mag ones) have "cocker" threads? Don't cocker barrels just screw in like every other non-Mag barrel out there? It's not like the Cocker was the first marker to use screw-in barrels. I guess I'm just wondering how "Cocker Thread" became the standard term...anyone know?

03-26-2003, 04:47 PM
alot of ppl shoot cockers. alot. and then other guns have to pic what thread they want for barels and seeing as how other ppl have cockers they decide to go with that. BUt maybe it would be better if they did spyder threaded but that might offend some ppl.

03-26-2003, 04:55 PM
The real question should be "Why don't all markers standardise on barrel threads".

I suppose I can see why people like Smart Parts design proprietary threads for their markers, after all their main business is making barels, but it's not as if it stops other manufacturers from producing and marketing barrels with the same thread.... you can't patent a thread after all. If it's going to have a thread on it, why not use the same as everyone else? You'd widen the appeal of your marker because everyone can use all their existing barrels with it.

Makes no sense to me, but I guess it must make a lot of sense to marketing departments.

03-26-2003, 04:56 PM
Well..I've always used CP 1-piece barrels..fairly cheap..and good quality too..and they are available in mag theading (would you really call Mag-style "threading" there aren't any threads)...

03-26-2003, 09:02 PM
so does anyone make a cocker to mag adapter?

03-26-2003, 09:11 PM
if every marker manufacturer used their own thread like ICD does, then there would be nearly about 3x as many threads as there are now, with things like matrix's and timmy's and so on using cocker threads (which happen to be the most common now) it makes them easier to find a new nice barrell for. if they used their own threads they would have to make barrells too, or at least convince a company to make barrels with threads the same as their marker... adn the more threads a company has to make, teh more equipment they have to buy, the more they buy, the less they make...

so why dont they just standardize threads? i realize that in order to keep mags popular, without just coming out with new sweet markers, they need threads that people still make barrells for, such as the freak and stuff... jsut going with teh flow and making it easier and more appealing.