View Full Version : HEY TK!! standardised barrel threads

03-26-2003, 08:09 PM
In NiteWolf1138's post about not being able to find a very good variety of barrels for Mag's, cgrieves made a great point...

"The real question should be "Why don't all markers standardise on barrel threads".

I suppose I can see why people like Smart Parts design proprietary threads for their markers, after all their main business is making barels, but it's not as if it stops other manufacturers from producing and marketing barrels with the same thread.... you can't patent a thread after all. If it's going to have a thread on it, why not use the same as everyone else? You'd widen the appeal of your marker because everyone can use all their existing barrels with it.

Makes no sense to me, but I guess it must make a lot of sense to marketing departments."

I thought maybe somebody knowledgeable could provide some insight on this subject...

03-26-2003, 08:24 PM
its too hard to change now. most new markers are using 'cocker threads but its too hard to change new spyders to cockers

03-26-2003, 08:36 PM
its all about the money if they can get you to buy a new freak back or boom stick etc

03-27-2003, 01:53 AM
Even though other companies have them, I think AGD should make a automag to cocker threads adapter.. or even automag to angel threads adapter... I'm sure AGD can easily make them, make money off them, and make many players happy using them.

03-27-2003, 10:05 AM
1) ULE bodies and Xmags come with cocker threads from the factory
2) There already IS an adapter for Mag to Cocker threads. Run a search in dealer for them.

03-27-2003, 10:37 AM
Don't Mag threads, or lack of them, make the most sense? I don't know about you, but I think that the "Twist & Lock" system rules! I don't know why more people haven't made their barrels to the Mag standard! I hate unscrewing barrels--it's a waste of time. If you need to squeegee, or want to change your barrel, shouldn't you be able to take it off in less than three seconds? Makes sense to me...

03-27-2003, 12:59 PM
Those are all some good thoughts, but nobody's really touched on the real question. Why don't paintball manufacturers get together on one standard set of threads for barrels? Your company's barrels would appeal to a much wider crowd of players, and it seems like it would make people happy because they could get any freaking barrel that they wanted for their marker.

03-27-2003, 01:20 PM
it simple take smartparts for example
you make different barrel threads for
cocker, mags, angel, model98, shocker...etc..etc..etc

so if you have a cocker and a SP barrel for it they made money. NOW you sell your cocker and buy an angel. guess what you have to buy a new barrel more money for them

they wont standerdize because it would kill there sales
imagine going from sellin X amount of barrel threads to just one barrel thread

Aint gonna happen.