View Full Version : Free board

03-27-2003, 10:03 PM
I just got a free board, if u havent heard of it, it is a a long board type of thing but it has a wheel in the center of the trucks on both sides. The wheels in the middle cause the board to slide like a snow board on the cement. It is really cool and feels amazingly like snowboarding on the street. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of these or own one. If u anwsered no to either of these questions u should chck out their site at freeboard.com

03-28-2003, 12:36 AM
Wow!! that is the cool!! I want one!!! I was saving to get a banjo, but that might have to wait. Maybe I can sell my old mag, or the z-grip, or my soul... How much did you pay?

03-28-2003, 05:56 PM
Hmm, very interesting, very interesting indeed.

03-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by gimp
Wow!! that is the cool!! I want one!!! I was saving to get a banjo, but that might have to wait. Maybe I can sell my old mag, or the z-grip, or my soul... How much did you pay?

Dude, get a Banjo, they are ubersweet.

I wish I could play one, but it's soo much diffrent then violin/guitar/bass, etc.

03-28-2003, 07:41 PM
I got an x-80 with hooks so i paid around two hundred something. It is really worth the $ and I have had the greatest time on it. If u are not shure check out the forum at freeboard.com. The guys there are really cool, ask some questions they will know everything that u need to know. Forget the banjo and go freeboard.