View Full Version : You know when you're obsessed with paintball when...

paint magnet
03-27-2003, 10:14 PM
You try to 'rip' on the following item's triggers:

Windex bottle
Pressure washer
Space bar

You look at hunting magazines and for a second it freaks you out that there's a guy without a barrel plug in his .30-06

You've spent more on Paintball than on your car/house/wife(or boyfriend/husband, I knew Bea or someone would bring it up:rolleyes: )

You use paintball terms in ordinary conversations without realizing it

You've ever tried to look up paintball words in a dictionary

Please add more :D

03-27-2003, 10:19 PM
You know your obssessed with paintball when you do a search to make sure this hasnt been done before...and it has :D ;)

03-27-2003, 10:22 PM
I've ripped on several "triggers", windex bottles included, as well as Guncon light guns at arcades (Time Crisis 2, boo yah). I tend to use a lot of paintball terms in my everyday life, especially "bone stock".

Too bad I'm grounded for the rest of the school year, and I won't be able to play during that time... :mad:

03-27-2003, 10:24 PM
or try to see what a roller trigger is like with the scroll button on the mouse

03-27-2003, 10:32 PM
You dream about your girlfriend modeling your gun in her swimsuit on your bed(because you like your flannel sheets)

You dream about being in a DYE ad, and pose in the mirror with all your gear on.

You get your mom to teach you how to sew syou can fix your own appearel.

Everyone you know, knows that you play paintball.

People you've never met, know that you play paintball.

Welts are sexy

03-27-2003, 10:35 PM
You know when your obsessed with paintball, when your walking to you next class in school, your in the hallway, running, like you are holding your emag, yelling, hes in the back right. :) (Yes I have done this)

03-27-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by darklord
as well as Guncon light guns at arcades (Time Crisis 2, boo yah).

did he really just say "boo yah" ?!?!?!?! :confused: :confused: :eek: :eek:

03-27-2003, 10:46 PM
You know your obsessed when you play paintball on Sat, and while in church on Sun you think about bunkering the choir.

(I do like the one about sewing :) I have now sewed up more paintball gear than regular clothes.)

Evil Bob
03-27-2003, 10:53 PM
...or the person behind the pulpit as they're speaking...

-Evil Bob

03-27-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
...or the person behind the pulpit as they're speaking...

I could not bring myself to say that one, but ...... yes.

03-27-2003, 11:01 PM
ripping on the space bar is nothing like pulling a trigger . . .

03-27-2003, 11:01 PM
you are obssessed, if you have to buy/sell paintball goods on ebay to the point of being a second job, to pay for this habit. ;)

03-27-2003, 11:16 PM
im definitely the culprit of ripping on misallaneous (sp?) objects. btw ever try ripping on the mouse click accelerator of an electric go ped? :D yep sometime at the pizza place where i work when i got to close and im busy cleaning shiz with windex, i suddenly get the urge to turn the other way and start ripping 18sps on the trigger burning 1/4 BOTTLE of windex

03-27-2003, 11:20 PM
You're obsessed with paintball when...

on the first day of school you say your hobbie is paintball. (yes, I did this in ALL of my classes)

You wish paintball was a part of Physical Education.

You hear a new band and think "Man, if they could play this as I step on the the field..."

When instead of wearing sunglassed you throw on your pb mask that has a chrome lense.

When you skip homework becuase you want to do somethign paintball associated (play paintball computer game, play pb, buy pb stuff, clean your gear)

When you are proud to tell someone you own an E-mag...Even if they havent played paintball before.

Your gun is worth more than your TV, stero, cds put together.

You make fun of someone spending 1000 dollars on a car stero system, when you have more than triple that invested in paintball.

You spend 30 minutes thinking of reasons you would be addicted to pb.

03-27-2003, 11:26 PM

(for good laughs go to www.homestarrunner.com :D )

03-27-2003, 11:53 PM
its funny how many times i laughed at these thing because i do them.

you know your obsesed when you learn how to say my favorite sport is paintball in french

03-28-2003, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by paint magnet
You try to 'rip' on the following item's triggers:

Windex bottle
Pressure washer
Space bar

<b> ah ha ha, i do the windex (well, its not windex, but its what htey use for hte gogs) at my local field

i do the pressure washer at work, i work in a wash bay at a car dealership SIX SHOTS A SECOND BABY (pathetic that i even know how many shots a second i get)

space bar, naw, im not into the electros
You've spent more on Paintball than on your car/house/wife(or boyfriend/husband, I knew Bea or someone would bring it up:rolleyes: )
when i get my mag, all my gear (including both my cocker and mag) will be worth more than my car, and in ebtter condition, lol

03-28-2003, 02:31 AM
You know your obsessed when:

you try to get everyone you meet to try paintball, even the UPS delivery person...he's hesitant, but he won't be able to hold out much longer!

you've bought everything you need for pb and you still feel incomplete.

everything you own (with the exception of pb gear)has the possibility of being liquidated for more/better pb gear.

you feel that it is your destiny to play pb!

nuclear zombie
03-28-2003, 07:36 AM
or when you play one of those turkey hunting arcade games , and you shoot one turkey paintball style so fast , and so much that it causes the game to glitch and instead of seeing the turkey fall over dead it completely dissappears. (yes this did happen to me )

or how about when your parents bring up the difference between obsessing about something and a "hobby".

03-28-2003, 08:07 AM
when a co-worker is also on your team and you get board while closing, one with a guacamule(sp?) gun and the other with a sour cream gun, and one in the back of the store, the other in the lobby, and play a lil 1on1.

taco bell is a great place to play too.

or when you look around at your current surroundings and say,"man, this would be a killer place to go paintball if it wasnt for all these stupid in the way."

03-28-2003, 08:09 AM
When you spend 3 hours a day on AO

03-28-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Fatjon
When you spend 3 hours a day on AO
3 hours:rolleyes: If you check the "Users browsing this forum" my name is ALWAYS there. :D

You know you're obbsessed with paintball when: Your friend farts and you yell, "CHECK YOURSELF PLAYER!!"

03-28-2003, 10:08 AM
You upsest with paintball the first time you play

03-28-2003, 10:22 AM
well i do alot of that stuff, plus more

-after a test in school you shoot the "air tirigger" on the bar of your desk

-you have your local mall mapped out for a perfect urban assault, center flag version of speedball (yes i want to do this...now if they'll only let us borrow the mall for a night)

-you're currently trying to get ahold of your school's stadium so your local feild can hold a tourney under the lights

-a teacher bends down behind their desk and you think what a great time it would be to bunker them

-when you bunker your pets w/ out paint or air for practice (i forget who's idea here on the boards it was to do that, but it works)

-you can't go a single lunch period w/ out talking about paintball

-you can feild strip your mag apart in 12 seconds blind folded

-you go to your local proshop even when you don't need paintball gear

-your local pro-shop owners often will give you free fills cause they like you

-the average trip to the paintball store, even to just get paint and air, takes 45 minutes

03-28-2003, 10:24 AM
....when you buy those banana-scented paintball JUST to see if they taste like banana too

....when you name your guns....with first AND last names

....when each of your barrels has a tigerskin case

....when instead of reading the paper in the morning, you read paintball 2xtremes over

....when you try to practice snapshooting behind the fatkid in class, and your target is your teacher

03-28-2003, 10:38 AM
you KNOW that you are obsessed with paintball when

you give the light guns in the arcade(yes, time crisis) a super short and lite trigger job...:rolleyes: guilty

and when you open up the guns and give them auto response(oh the guys really like that one, seriously)...:rolleyes: guilty

when you used cocker componets on nonpaintball related things to make them work:rolleyes: guilty

when you go skeet shooting with your angel(and hit them) rolleyes: gulty

when you want to go hunting with your paintball gun, not very effective(unless you use your RT valve,lvl7, and a modifed barrel shooting marbles) :p not guilty

well I'm at work, so don't have too much time right now. later AZZKIKR

03-28-2003, 11:16 AM
You consider re-arranging the cubicles at work for an indoor field.... and using everyones access cards for 'mission keys' for restricted/bonus areas. (I have done this several times, on paper, at a job I once worked at)

Someone calls your name, you duck and try to snap shoot them.

You've practiced snap shooting in rush hour traffic.

You day dream of Mad Max-Road Warrior with PB gear in the same rush hour traffic.

Your idea of trash talk is threatening to bunker someone most heinously.

No matter where you walk you feel the urge to dive for cover in case there are PBallers out there you missed.

You think it would be easier for a country to settle its disputes with paintball gear instead of real weapons. You nearly drool when thinking of a Braveheart scene in the same situation.

I'll have more I'm sure:D.

03-28-2003, 12:48 PM
you know you are obssesed when:

you wear your bruises like badges of honor.

every bruise you see on somebody you think: "that could be a paintball welt"

nobody elses briuses are as impressive as yours, cause they just got them from a measely car wreck or some other non-paintball related activity. (my girlfreind came up with that one)

03-28-2003, 01:08 PM
No matter where you walk you feel the urge to dive for cover

that's just called being paranoid man, but i know the feelings, i've often had paintball games in my head as i'm walking threw the halls at school..using the people for cover

03-28-2003, 01:50 PM
... you sell your car to pay for your new e-mag, and drop your insurance to pay for paint.

03-28-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by TheJester
...that's just called being paranoid man...

True, it has been hard to tell if many of my actions are a result of paintball or everyday life. Oh well.

paint magnet
03-31-2003, 04:48 PM
During class you practice writing left-handed to improve your off handed shooting skills :)

And about the light gun thing, me and my friend discovered an awesome trick on games that require you to shoot outside the screen to reload: Put your hand under the gun to hold it (the one that's not shooting) and when you run out of ammo, flip your hand up over the barrel so it's blocking it and fire, and since it doens't hit the screen it registers it as a reloading shot. We beat Jurassic Park like 4 times the day we discovered that :D And Time Crisis II has a pretty sweet gun with the moving slide and all.

Or you've ever been in an argument over wether paintball was a sport. They think cheerleading is a sport, but not paintball :rolleyes:

03-31-2003, 07:17 PM
You dream PB.......

They are wet dreams (X-Mag).......

You make 40,000 Plus a year and you don't know where it all went.....

You have to borrow some elses computer to get on AO because you don't have money for your own......

Everyone at the local PB store knows your name and no they don't have your X-mag yet......

You get very angry and pissed off when someone gets an X-mag, even when they are on your team......

You sleep with your gun(s)......

You talk to your gun(s).......

You think they talk back......

03-31-2003, 07:19 PM
dude i fight about that with our fat ugly cheerleaders too

03-31-2003, 08:43 PM
When you goto an arcade looking for Konami's Police 911 - and you can't find, then you hope that you find Time Crisis II or Silent Scope 2 - hopefully in good working order. Then wind up playing Time Crisis 1 and the the whole gun is jacked but you play anyway.:confused:

03-31-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
You're obsessed with paintball when...

on the first day of school you say your hobbie is paintball. (yes, I did this in ALL of my classes)

You wish paintball was a part of Physical Education.

You hear a new band and think "Man, if they could play this as I step on the the field..."

When instead of wearing sunglassed you throw on your pb mask that has a chrome lense.

When you skip homework becuase you want to do somethign paintball associated (play paintball computer game, play pb, buy pb stuff, clean your gear)

When you are proud to tell someone you own an E-mag...Even if they havent played paintball before.

Your gun is worth more than your TV, stero, cds put together.

You make fun of someone spending 1000 dollars on a car stero system, when you have more than triple that invested in paintball.

You spend 30 minutes thinking of reasons you would be addicted to pb.

Thats perfecT!!! agh I was shocked when I read it

03-31-2003, 09:13 PM
You know you are obsessed when:

Your decision to change posts hinges completly upon whether or not there is a paintball park nearby.

The first thought when you get accepted to fly helicopters is "I wonder if I could shoot paintballs out the side while flying?"

The words your daughter learns in order is "Dada, Mama, and Tom Kaye.

When driving you often think "I could setup a field there, and there, and there."

You have owned at least one marer from all the companies that make markers.

You question whether or not your two year old is old enough to play yet.

03-31-2003, 09:17 PM
The first thought when you get accepted to fly helicopters is "I wonder if I could shoot paintballs out the side while flying?"

you've had dreams of having an air battle between the gliders and all the students at your local soaring club (guilty)

When driving you often think "I could setup a field there, and there, and there."

there's a feild you see every day from the bud on the way to school that you dream of building a paintball feild on(guilty)

03-31-2003, 09:28 PM
You build a shooting range in your backyard to practice your marksmanship

You buy yourself an Emag so you can let your friends use your minimag to play with you.

You try to convince your friend to turn a piece of his land into a 2-4 man field set-up (and he's seriously starting to think about it)

You hope your unborn son will get into PBall when he get's old enough to play - I'm saying 5 is a good age to start actually playing - but target practice can start as soon as he can pull the trigger on any of my guns.

You can't tell your pregnant wife you just bought yourself an E-mag w/warp feed and Angel AIR to go with it.. (Shhhhh)

03-31-2003, 09:31 PM
when you grow your hair out so you can see if it catches bounces. (i have curly hair)

03-31-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Army_Pilot
You know you are obsessed when:

When driving you often think "I could setup a field there, and there, and there."

Yep, I do this, but I also take it a bit farther. Places you could play paintball:

in church (the pews make wicked bunkers)

in a theater (not a movie theater, but one with box seats and balconies)

on a battleship

in an aquarium or a museum

in an airport

in the BatMan thrill show set at Six Flags over GA.

in a water park

on a speeding train

on the Mall in Washington DC - with like 500 ppl on each team (one starts at the capitol and one at the Lincoln memorial, hang a flag on the Washington Monument


03-31-2003, 11:08 PM
How about if you head to Lowes or Home Depot for pvc piping elbows and zip ties. Then to the local material store to make bunkers for you backyard. Hey you would be surprised how well cloth works for bunkers lol. Im working on a set of 18 for backyard lol.

03-31-2003, 11:30 PM
1. You are pretty sure that you can fit a couple of rounds in before your wedding.
2. You pick a place to have the honeymoon that has good parks and weather.


04-01-2003, 12:38 AM
You walk into a porno shop looking for X-mags.

04-01-2003, 01:06 AM
in all you spare time u think about paintball (yes iv been doing it for 2 years)

go on the AO forums evryday

think about playing on computer game maps sucks as counter-strike de_dust, oh man that would be awsome

yeah and about the paintball instead of pe i went to my principal and askd if our school could do it. I told him that pe stands for paintball education.

and why in the hell does evry one know about homestar runner???

oh yeah i also evry time we go on family trips i also say that that area would be good for a field, and my family gets all pissed cause I always do that.

04-01-2003, 01:29 AM
when you start calculating expences by cases of paint, and not money.

04-01-2003, 01:49 AM
I'm not just saying this, guys, but the other day, I was watching the news on the war. They showed a group of marines filing out of the back of an APC, and as I looked at each of them as they came into view, my first thought (and I'm not kidding...)was

"WTF?!? Where is that guys mask?!?! He could get hurt...":confused::rolleyes:

Also at work, (I work in a stereotypical office environment with cubicles and all) I find myself subconsiously(SP?) noticing which cubicle walls would provide more cover, a better angle, etc. Supermarkets, too

Originally posted by Demonio
You buy yourself an Emag so you can let your friends use your minimag to play with you.
I'm actually saving money with that specific goal in mind

Originally posted by Demonio
You try to convince your friend to turn a piece of his land into a 2-4 man field set-up
Did that

04-01-2003, 10:16 AM
When prior to taking a trip anywhere and for any reason, you always inquire what fields are on the area and how to get there from where you will be staying.

And in the "you just can't make this stuff up" category.

While at a pre-show, opening night party for a Broadway musical, your middle and index fingers unconciously practice pulling the trigger whenever your hand is at your side.


paint magnet
04-01-2003, 09:49 PM
You look at airsoft stuff and think "Hey, that would be fun to play with at the field while eating lunch!"

You plan events around your paintball schedule.

And yes, I'm guilty of planning vacations around good fields :)

All the 9v/AA batteries in your house are used to power hoppers or guns, yet you can never find any for your flashlight or CD player when you need them.

You've ever asked a Radio Shack employee a question about Intellifeed.

You've asked ANYONE other than a cocker tech at a store if they carried or knew what size actuator rod coupler set screws were. (try that at Dick's sporting goods, who claim to know about paintball :D )

You use the term 'cocker' in school/public.

You wonder why Ace hardware doesn't carry anything but cast iron 90 degree elbows and why heat shrink tubing is so darn expensive.

You go to the paintball store just to see if any of the new stuff is in to drool over even though you're broke. And they know you by name.

04-04-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by jpdgas

everything you own (with the exception of pb gear)has the possibility of being liquidated for more/better pb gear.

Oh totaly, sell the stuff that doesnt matter, i dont even miss my mattress:D :p

04-04-2003, 10:30 PM
My 1989 grand marquis cost 200 dollars. Its air conditioning is broken.

I just spent 375 on a rt mag, choosing paintball over a nicer car/air conditioning. I live in florida btw.

I am officially obsessed with paintball.

Oh btw you may be obsessed with paintball if you pop a car tire, but choose to buy 3 cases of paint instead of replacing it.

04-04-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by TheJester

-you go to your local proshop even when you don't need paintball gear

-your local pro-shop owners often will give you free fills cause they like you

-the average trip to the paintball store, even to just get paint and air, takes 45 minutes

I'm guilty of all 3 of those, but instead of a 45 minute drive, I drive 90 minutes, and I have 2 stores about 10 minutes from me that I refuse to deal with cuz they don't appreciate Mags.

But you know you're really bad when you work at a senior apartment complex, and look at the residents and try to figure out who would be the most fun to bunker behind their walker, or what it would be like to do a "Drive by" in one of their motorized scooters.

04-04-2003, 11:43 PM
i think they should let us take those scooters on the field that would be fun

04-04-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
You've ever asked a Radio Shack employee a question about Intellifeed.

I have...:rolleyes:

04-04-2003, 11:48 PM
what did he say

04-05-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by StuDawggie
I'm guilty of all 3 of those, but instead of a 45 minute drive, I drive 90 minutes, and I have 2 stores about 10 minutes from me that I refuse to deal with cuz they don't appreciate Mags.

who said anything about traveling 45 min? the shop is only 10 min away....i'm in the shop for 45 min when i'm only getting air

04-05-2003, 12:43 PM
You spend 9 hours making pants specifcally for paintball because you can't find any that you like.

04-05-2003, 04:39 PM
you know you're obsessed when you compare people you know to different guns :rolleyes:

04-05-2003, 05:19 PM
:confused: what

04-05-2003, 05:24 PM
me and my friend will be sitting down and he'll just start talking about people like they're guns. "she's a timmy, but he's more of a bushy."

he's a problem child :rolleyes:

04-05-2003, 05:33 PM
thats not obsessed thats just well really wierd

04-05-2003, 05:43 PM
yeah, he's got issues. ADD, probably smoking something. he's a decent player though.

04-05-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
You know your obsessed when you play paintball on Sat, and while in church on Sun you think about bunkering the choir.
Or from the pulpit, while delivering the message, you get the urge to "air-bunker" a parishioner that you know play paintball too. (all the while thinking how great a bunkering position the pulpit would be - if this was a game)

paint magnet
04-05-2003, 08:34 PM
Heh, lets see, I guess I'd be a shocker... due to bad air effeciency (asthma and allergies), heavy weight and large size (self explanatory) , but I'm not quiet. So I don't know what I'd be. Maybe a... um... whatever :cool: :D

You've ever turned off the TV during a major sporting event like the super bowl or the final 4 because it was distracting you from cleaning your paintball gear.

...and you had money on the game.

...and you have already cleaned your paintball stuff 3 times.

You buy a car and your only concern is if you can make it to the field with all your stuff and not have to drive back to your house for the rest.

You have more equipment than the field.

...including markers.

You have ever played a game without a gun just to be playing . :D (hey, I almost made it to the flag :) )

You have ever thrown paint instead of calling yourself out.

You skip lunch to buy another case of paint for your baby to eat instead :)

(By the way, Radio Shack employees don't know much about Intellifeed. They can help you with hopper timers and maybe even mask fans however :D )

You say something someone who doens't play doesn't understand, and even if you weren't talking about paintball they assume you were.

You buy your shoes according to how well they will feel when playing.

Most of your normal clothes have paintball logos on them.

All of your normal clothes have paintball logos on them.

...and they are just stickers to save money for more paintball stuff.

The only reason you own a computer is to check out cool paintball stuff online.

You read P8nt, APG, PB2X and Facefull before even thinking about picking up the paper.

You also check out online paintball comics and ignore the news that pops up when you sign on.

...and it causes you to be behind in the news ( "Hey, the earth's supply of drinkable water will run out in a year and Saddam Hussein burned down all the rainforests." "Yeah whatever, but man, have you SEEN the new ULE bodies?!?")

You've ever called in sick to play paintball.

...and the only reason you went back to work was so you could pay for more paintball stuff.

People thinks your dad beats you because of all your welts and bruises

Fat Llama
04-05-2003, 09:58 PM
...if you've ever asked a doctor if he could surgically attach a low pressure regulator to help lower your blood pressure.

04-05-2003, 11:04 PM
ya i had the welts thing happen but mine were bloody(got bunkered with about 14 balls) and my school thought i was burning my self with one of the cigarete lighters in your car

04-06-2003, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by elpimpo
ya i had the welts thing happen but mine were bloody(got bunkered with about 14 balls) and my school thought i was burning my self with one of the cigarete lighters in your car
lol, that sux, so what happened? dam i hate how nowadays schools are too dam nosey. they need to mind their own business:rolleyes: :D

johnny dee
04-06-2003, 01:22 PM
you know when your obsessed when...

you hold the guns at the arcade real close to your body, like your trying to get in a bunker.

tell your friends your buisy, so you can sit at home and clean your gear.

skip 4th 5th and 6th period on a friday to get to the field before it opens.

04-06-2003, 02:49 PM
5 min after i got into class this nurse person comes into my class and gets me out and has me si down with her and she says some of the staff is conserned that you have been burning your self. i was like no i was playing paintball. she was like whats that. so i explaned it. she go oh so you shoot each other and when you get hit a ball blows up and leaves scars. i was ummm ya sure that works. they called my mom in after that and asked her about it.

04-06-2003, 03:51 PM
lol, i know they mean good but sometimes the school is just too dam nosey (sp?)

04-06-2003, 03:54 PM
it was pretty funny. i had one on my cheech it hurt sooooo bad

04-26-2003, 04:53 AM
You're thinking...if I sell my car and only ride my bike to work...I can afford that marker I really want.

You're thinking...kids college savings...they should be able to work and get scholarships...can't they.

You're thinking...I don't want to do anything in a lite sprinkle but I'll play paintball in the middle of a hurricane.

You're thinking...how to translate paintball into other languages before even learning how to order a beer.

04-26-2003, 05:06 AM
I don't know if these have been said, forgive me if they have I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder, but I'm not about to read through five pages of this silliness to find out. You know you're addicted to paintball...

...when the paintball gear is worth more than the car it's riding in (and the car is a loaded 2002 Chevy truck in my case)

...when you brag about meeting Tom Kaye to people who don't actually play paintball.

...when you know what Tom Kaye's real name is (and tell that to people who don't actually play too)

...when it wasn't called a KP-3 it was called a "Sheridan Rifle

...when constant air was the "new hotness"

...when your first AGD product was a "Six Pak"

...if you've ever been scared shi!tless of a "SMiG 60"

...if you remember "trees" (kids you can't inflate those)

And one more for the less humble me
You know you're addicted to paintball...
...when Bea Youngs stays at your house.

paint magnet
04-26-2003, 04:31 PM
I actually have bragged about meeting Tom Kaye to people who don't play. And my uncle's name is Tom Kay (no 'e') if you were wondering :)

..if you not only know Tom's real last name but also know where it came from, and how to spell it correctly. (Koustiopolous? Koustopolis? Kerioadsfl;ksajdf;) :D

Bea Youngs....staying.....at...my....house....:eek: :eek:
ajljajioendfja;lsdjkfjkfj;aj;ajs;j *sorry, the drool short circuited my keyboard*

04-26-2003, 05:40 PM
When you back out on a date to go to a school dance because a tournament came up.

All the rest have been stated.

04-26-2003, 06:27 PM
When your spare paint wears a seatbelt but you dont...

-Jason ISU Redbirds

04-26-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet

You have ever played a game without a gun just to be playing . :D (hey, I almost made it to the flag :) )

People thinks your dad beats you because of all your welts and bruises


Our Front man max rushed the far sides 40 without a gun, and won the game by bunker taggin the 17 players, ending the game in about 1min.

I was pulled to the side of the hall by a teacher who questioned how if my father has hit me before.. haha

Here are some others,

One of the first things you (want to) do when you get your license for the first time is drive down to your local pro shop to talk with all the employees.

You've applied (multiple times) to your local pball store to get a job

you come up with slogans to yell as you bring the flag to the opposing teams side of the field after you max them (FIVE HOES IN THE BACK!!!)

You almost envy midgets... well, little people because they could play twice as tight as you

You've grown out an afro ( I have extremely curly hair) to catch bounces off your dome... and it works!

You yell at a friend because his gun is dusty

Anyone you've ever talked with knows you play paintball... and that you think there is something wrong with them because they dont

04-26-2003, 11:02 PM
You know your... When on a busy, understaffed saturday at work you set up a field in the back of the resturant and play pb with water guns you bought on your break. We also even had refs! No joke this a true story maybe thats why i just got fired! :D

04-26-2003, 11:17 PM
wow lol. u must of not really cared for that job too much to go make a field on an understaffed day and play water paintball lol:D

reefer madness
04-27-2003, 03:50 AM
once i was at a party and started telling this girl about my paintball exploits and my gun. for some weird reason she didnt think i was very cool...

04-27-2003, 08:25 AM
1. You figure out expenses in terms of Pb gear and paint (EX: $400 dollars for a entertainment system, $400 will get me a really nice tank...)

2. You are on a first name basis with every field in town.

3. You spend more time picking out a drop forward than you do a piece of clothing.

4. You think models would be prettier if they were holding a marker.

5. You manage to tell people that you play paintball within five minutes of meeting them.

6. Every where you go you look for paintball fields. (I actually saw one when when I was TDY in Kuwait last summer!!! Cool, huh?)

7. You have several ideas for your own trigger frame.

8. A paint marker is the answer to all of you problems.

9. You spend the majority of your paycheck on gear.

10. It takes you three months to buy a paint marker because you have to research everything.

11. Your marker cost more than most people's first cars.

12. You can break down the various marker types and explain the differences to people.

13. You walk around pulling an "air trigger" so you can work your fingers faster and thereby shooting faster.

14. You set your schedule around paintball.

15. You think there should be more female players so you could hook up, and not have to worry about her getting mad at you for playing all the time.

16. You read this thread, and realize you are not alone.

17. You might be the founding member of PBA "Paint Ballers Anonymous". Though you won't stop.



04-27-2003, 10:29 AM
when the dorr bell rings or the phone rings you duck because you think someone is shooting at you

04-27-2003, 10:44 AM
...you have to barrow money from your 6 year old brother to buy paint...

...the local pro shop knows you by name and you have a running tab with them...

...the first thing you think about when you wake up is paintball...

...the last thing you think about before you go to sleep is paintball...

...you run around your house with your gun shooting at family members and pets saying "I woulda soooo lit you up right there"...

...you bust into your dad's office with your gun shooting at him and his clients...

...you shoot paintball guns at work even if you can outshoot them...

paint magnet
04-27-2003, 12:34 PM
...you regularly do finger exercises in hopes to improve your trigger speed

...someone insults you and your comeback is 'well I can rip 14 bps on my mag'

...you know what a 14 way is, how to time a cocker, troubleshoot a mag and build a Matrix from scratch but when you take your car to the mechanic none of what he says makes any sense

...for everyone's special events (weddings, birthdays, etc) you try to find an excuse to play paintball or involve it in some way

...you look at a paintball poster and pay more attention to the marker than the model

...you can flip open any paintball magazine and name any marker and the acessories on it almost instantly

...you've ever been involved in a fight over who's marker was prettier

...you spend more money on the stuff you put on your marker than it cost new - and the gun is an Angel

...you wonder why people consider cheerleading, golf and curling (if you don't know what that is visit usacurling.com) sports but not paintball.

...at school you have completely covered your bookbag, notebooks, and papers with paintball logos, stickers, and slogans

04-27-2003, 02:09 PM
when you meet someone you try and work paintball into the conversation as soon as you can

04-27-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
when you meat someone

so you've meated someone? how'd they taste?:D
jk im just playin

04-27-2003, 07:25 PM
when you volenteer your friday to go work in the blazing hot sun for 8 hours of pounding in 600 grommets in the net for you're local shop's soon to be feild and the only expect to get in return is to do another 200 foot section of net to do soon, and then hang them both. hey, at least i got lunch out of it (he wouldn't accept the money i offered) maybe that's just bein a nice guy, but i did it just cause i can't wait 'till the feild is finished.

04-27-2003, 11:34 PM
when you can get stiff/reach orgasm just by looking at an xmag

04-27-2003, 11:51 PM
well thers a new one!:D

04-27-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
when you can get stiff/reach orgasm just by looking at an xmag
wow someone needs to get laid

04-28-2003, 12:07 AM
lol! PWNED!

04-28-2003, 11:53 AM
i dont need to get laid (i got some last night) but i do find it odd that i can get stiff easier looking at an xmag then a girl

04-28-2003, 12:45 PM
You are obsessed with paintball when......

You have been playing since paintballs were about .20 cent....a piece.

You have scars on your body from when paintballs that had liquid flour fill. {Those things really Hurt!!!}

When your first "Real" semi was an automag....and after about 26 markers you come back to an automag.

You have to trade in your new car for a smaller, less expensive one to pay your credit card off from paying for paintball.

When you go to the doctor and try to explain how you blew your knee out at "work" so your company health insurance will pay for your paintball injury.

If you have to explain to your wife that the welt on your neck is NOT a hickey.

When you think that you can really do a good job painting your house with your emag instead of buying a wagner power blower.

If you have ever written off a trip to World Cup as a business expendature!!! {I got a tax writeoff!!! lol}

Claimed a paintball gun as the most expensive item taken when your house was broken into. {Got a nice replacement}

When the paintball company you order your parts from know you by the sound of your voice.

Here is the big one.

When you divorce your wife for pawning your 1300 buck SFL Emag for 150 bucks... then getting remarried to the girl who bought it. {Really happend to my brother in law!!}

04-28-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Thing
When you divorce your wife for pawning your 1300 buck SFL Emag for 150 bucks... then getting remarried to the girl who bought it. {Really happend to my brother in law!!}

ha ha ha ha

thats great. if she sold a SLF for that much she couldnt of been worth it

04-28-2003, 02:45 PM
when you and you're freind see a garbage can in the middle of the hall and you both race for it, sliding into it as if it's a bunker, only for your friend who's a little slower to bunker you as soon as you get there

04-28-2003, 03:52 PM
1. When in every situation you look for the nearest avaliable cover
2. You have talked to your mom in the car about pb but she has blocked you out for the last 30-60 min of it
3. Your 1st impressions of people you meet consists of weither or not you can "take em"
4. When both straps of your bookbag have fallen off you do nothing but the most miniscual scrach on you marker you notice and replace any equipement that is broken or damaged
5. You have written a school paper on any subject relating to pb
6. You plan for a day of playing pb at least a week in advance
7. When you don't show up on Sat at the local field, they call your house to make sure your ok
8. You have no problem of help setting up a field for the owner for free, but hate community service and voluntiring with a passion
9. You have a special place in your room for paintball
10. You inspire to become a doctor or lawyer in order to not face finacial problems with playing pb
11. Your marker is your most priced and cherished possetion
12. You use the word, "Marker", instead of "Gun"
13. People say you are grumpy everywere but on a paintball park
14. English teachers tease you for misspelling when you write; Spider:spyder, Die:dye, Light:Lyte, Gun:Marker
15. Leaving the pb field after a day of play feels like the morning after you drank WAY too much beer
16. Your plan of escape for your house incase of fire, emergency, etc. includes first getting your paintball gear
17. You took up a instrument like piano to strengthing your finger speed and indurence
18. You hate science but your favorite teacher is the science teacher because he has shot and liked a pb gun
19. You drone over math but have no lack of enthusiasm to convert FPS to mph, kph, m/s
20. You acually reconized anything in what i have just said to appy to you
21. You acually took time to read this

04-30-2003, 01:36 PM
when you acually read all 4 pages of this thread and everything applies to you! you have convinced your 2 little bros to play and your mom and your gf and your princible at school and... well everybody i meet!!:D

04-30-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by MagmanLee
1. When in every situation you look for the nearest avaliable cover
2. You have talked to your mom in the car about pb but she has blocked you out for the last 30-60 min of it
3. Your 1st impressions of people you meet consists of weither or not you can "take em"
4. When both straps of your bookbag have fallen off you do nothing but the most miniscual scrach on you marker you notice and replace any equipement that is broken or damaged
5. You have written a school paper on any subject relating to pb
6. You plan for a day of playing pb at least a week in advance
7. When you don't show up on Sat at the local field, they call your house to make sure your ok
8. You have no problem of help setting up a field for the owner for free, but hate community service and voluntiring with a passion
9. You have a special place in your room for paintball
10. You inspire to become a doctor or lawyer in order to not face finacial problems with playing pb
11. Your marker is your most priced and cherished possetion
12. You use the word, "Marker", instead of "Gun"
13. People say you are grumpy everywere but on a paintball park
14. English teachers tease you for misspelling when you write; Spider:spyder, Die:dye, Light:Lyte, Gun:Marker
15. Leaving the pb field after a day of play feels like the morning after you drank WAY too much beer
16. Your plan of escape for your house incase of fire, emergency, etc. includes first getting your paintball gear
17. You took up a instrument like piano to strengthing your finger speed and indurence
18. You hate science but your favorite teacher is the science teacher because he has shot and liked a pb gun
19. You drone over math but have no lack of enthusiasm to convert FPS to mph, kph, m/s
20. You acually reconized anything in what i have just said to appy to you
21. You acually took time to read this
1.OMG DUDE all the time
2.every time we go driving, i always add in a part about me having sex with a teacher to see if she's listening
3.yup, and ive taken most of em
4.ha ha, yup, my backpack held together by duct tape my paintball gun on the other hand is hung on my wall with a padded hook
5.yup, my english teacher is now fluent in paintball
6.2 weeks
7.yup i get it all the time
8.yup , 8 hours to set up a field but do i really have to take out the trash when i go?
9.i have a whole wall with tag board with all my pb stuff
10.accualy the military pays good:)
11.my mag cost 4 times what my car did
12.nobody ever gets me when i say it either
13.im accualy really mellow but hyper when i play
14.see #5
15.feels so gooooooood
16.yup, the path in my room to my door curves from my bed to my mag then the door
17.i play trombone but ive been wanting to play trumpet since i started pbing
18.ha ha, yup i talk pb with him all the time
19.im great at math, which is why i like to convert:)
20. why do you think im writing this
21.if its about pb i read it)

Lone Wolf2
04-30-2003, 03:40 PM
You know that your obsessed with paintball when.......
....You are employee of the month at your local paintball shop and you dont even work there.
....Your wife tells you to paint the barn and you go to the pro-shop and pick up a case of red paintballs.

Ill get more soon.

paint magnet
05-03-2003, 07:52 PM
...you have a licence plate/bumper sticker that reads "I'd rather be playing paintball"

...you ordered custom vanity plates with paintball related sayings on them

...you have ever denied yourself food, clothing, etc. so you could buy something for your marker

...your paintball gear costs more than your REAL firearms

...you've ever accidently tried to put a barrel plug in any of your real firearms

...you type paintball words like "Automag", HPA and "LPR" so much that your spell checker has given up on trying to correct them

...not only the paintball store but the SCUBA shop knows you by name, and your paintball terms have started to wear off on them

...you buy a SCUBA tank but no equipment (like the regulator, air lines and the little mouth piece thing) and they ask you if it's your first time SCUBA diving and you look at them like they're crazy since you bought it for paintball

...if you've not only read through all 4 pages of this thread but have also contributed to it and realized that nearly every one of them applies to you (with an exception for getting turned on by the X-mag, that is rather disturbing)

...you've typed 4 pages in posts and don't think about it but you still haven't done your English term paper

By the way, my bookbag straps are held on by paper clips, zip ties and one D-ring, the metal zipper handles broke off so I tied old shoe strings on to them but it is covered in logos as is every one of my notebooks :D

...you take offense at someone calling your marker a 'gun'

...you quit playing for a while and people ask you if you quit smoking because you have so many withdrawl symptoms

05-09-2003, 11:58 PM
... you go to a tourist site/city (smithsonian museums, and Williamsburg) and all you can think and talk about is how amazing it would eb to have a massive senario game there.

05-10-2003, 01:00 AM
You sold your car and use your friends horse to get around because of paintball... guilty.

(people look at me funny when I go to the field and tether my horse)

05-27-2003, 09:56 PM
You are obsessed with paintball when:

you fracture 3 vertebra in your neck, and therefore cannot play paintball for the next 3 months. SO despite that, you attempt to continue to manage your team from your house, watch the videos of practices, try to buy equipment you have no money and no use for. And wish that you could at least practice snapshooting, if it wernt for the fact that you couldn move your neck.

05-28-2003, 12:29 AM
...when you find out your girlfriend cheated on you and you deal with it by submitting a huge order at the AGD online store. :(

05-28-2003, 01:56 AM
I've done all the first poster has.

I try to walk the school mice when I'm sitting at the computer...

and when I'm pressure washing the driveway or car I try to rip on it... along with pressure washers (I swear I'm getting atleast 5 sps (Sprays per second))

05-28-2003, 02:01 PM
when you ask teachers in school if they can mill parts and modify things for you

05-28-2003, 02:15 PM
When you get into heated(yelling and name calling) discussions with people over wether or not one gun can have longer range than another.

05-28-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by JT2002
when you ask teachers in school if they can mill parts and modify things for you

guilty:rolleyes: i tried to get my tech teacher to mill some spyder parts, and a pro/carbine body. That would have been cool.

05-28-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by JT2002
when you ask teachers in school if they can mill parts and modify things for you

when you've brought in almost every part of your gun (not at the same time though) and did it your self peice by peice

05-28-2003, 08:29 PM
A bloody horse!

05-28-2003, 10:02 PM
its crazy this thread comes up at least once a month

05-29-2003, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by elpimpo
its crazy this thread comes up at least once a month

i guess that means that we're all obsessed w/ paintball. so in that case...

....you know you're obsessed w/ paintball if you are a member of AO

05-30-2003, 08:17 PM
... if your locked out and u try to press your doorbell faster than u can rip on your e-mag

05-30-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Big_Chops
... if your locked out and u try to press your doorbell faster than u can rip on your e-mag

that takes some madd skill

05-31-2003, 03:07 AM
I shot the gun in Time Crisis 3 (yes, the new one) so fast that i shorted it out. I slowly placed the gun down and walked away...

paint magnet
05-31-2003, 02:04 PM
Yeah, the Time Crisis 2 ones were easy to shoot faster than the slide could keep up. I think thats why I start seeing more games with pump shotguns instead of semi pistols, to slow down my rate of fire :D

05-31-2003, 03:59 PM
you know when....

when your asleep and you get punched you call for a paint check.

you have nightmares of a paintball flying over the fort wall and nailing you in the mask and suddenly spring out of bed saying "IM HIT".

when you find yourself staring at your marker for hours thinking about playing painball.

you have more o-rings than any man should have in his life time.

05-31-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by TheOmen
when your asleep and you get punched you call for a paint check.

you have nightmares of a paintball flying over the fort wall and nailing you in the mask and suddenly spring out of bed saying "IM HIT".

sounds more like personal problems to me

06-02-2003, 09:59 AM
no acualy i was just thinking of something to put down. lol. just having fun:D

06-02-2003, 08:11 PM
you wake up and get ready to paintball but realize you have skool on your way to the field, but you cut skool to go paintballing anyway

paint magnet
06-05-2003, 05:25 PM
You know you're obsessed with SPEEDball when you play woods and are yelling out the enemy positions "He's behind the tree! The tree!" lol I did that and didn't even realize how stupid that was (especially with only woods players around) until the next day

You tell people you play paintball when they ask what sports you play...

...and even if they don't you tell them anyway

If the majority of your dreams take place at a paintball field

You gain more muscle carrying your stuff to the field than working out at a gym
You have to work out at a gym to be able to carry all your stuff to the field

You calculate large sums of money in cases of paint or other stuff like Freak barrel inserts, etc

You buckle your marker in for the drive to the field

I'm running out of ideas, maybe I'll think of more soon :D

06-05-2003, 05:31 PM
When someone that doesent play paintball says anything about a pb gun, you ask what kind was it?or if they dont know. wat did it look like?(i do it all the time)

paint magnet
06-05-2003, 05:46 PM
Yeah, the other day some kid was talking about how he lit up all his buddies with his 'full automatic Angel' after crawling through a swamp and covering himself in mud and breathing through a straw to avoid being seen. Whats amazing is that people actually believe stuff like that.

06-05-2003, 08:04 PM
1. Your try to stay on good terms with your ups man in hopes he will deliver your newest gun/ part sooner.

2. You moved closer to the UPS Wharhouse so you will get your packages sooner.

06-05-2003, 08:15 PM
the highlight of your month, yes, i said month, is being asked to cover your local paintball shop for a day because they have to go to a tourney.

06-05-2003, 08:49 PM
You know your obsessed with paintball when....

When you read every post of this 5 page thread.

You dont eat lunch to save money for paint/equipment

When you use a drill as you would a marker and people ask "what are you doing?" and you say "Guy behind the traveler ref" . (I was in a theater at the time)

You sit up in the light booth and wonder how much fun it would be to unload hopper after hopper onto the enoying chorus people on the stage below.(also in a theater)

You want to bunker all the enoying actors that take your work for granted. (not all actors just divas.)

06-05-2003, 10:01 PM
you make your kid take pb stuff to shop class to sandblast for you.

someone surprises you at work and you move for cover or duck.

you practice snap shooting at people on tv.

you have one of each paintball category on your favorite ebay searches.

you have a custom made case on your living room wall with old school artifacts in it.

you have no clean white t-shirts, so you wear a mostly white pb shirt under your dress shirt for you kids high school graduaiton.

when you go to a field you've never been to before and they ask you how you like it, you start off with "at the last field i worked at....."

you have to make more than one trip from your vehicle to the staging area.

you drive a truck or suv because it's the best way to get all your stuff to a field that may not have the best access road, and you can nap in it at a 24 hour game.

your idea of decor is an oversized 68 automag sticker thumb tacked to your living room wall.

8 days until i can play again...does it show?

06-05-2003, 10:41 PM
you try and go to a field on your crutches but they woulnt let you because its to slick.

you go the day you get off your crutches.

paint magnet
06-06-2003, 07:20 PM
You play paintball the day after a serious injury (like breaking your arm or something

People don't even know your room has wallpaper because you have so many paintball posters put up

Nearly everything you own is covered in paintball stickers, whether it is related to paintball or not

The people at the gas station look at you funny because you just bought another gallon of Gatorade and you're all sweaty from playing

...and its only 10:00

...and its the third time you've been since you started playing

...and it probably won't be the last

You have used paintball as a theme in a major assignment for school

...and you used it as an excuse to look up paintball stuff and chat on AO

...and you put it off until the last minute to do other paintball related stuff

At night you lie awake and think of the games you played that day and how you can improve

You've actually worn nice clothes not intended for paintball because you 'happened' to be at the field at an good time and didnt have anything else to wear

You wear clothes with paint stains on them and think nothing of it

You alter other sports to help you practice for paintball (me and my friend played racquetball but decided it was much more fun to TRY to hit each other, that left a couple bruises :D )

When you get a shot or something you think of paintball to take your mind off the pain

You rate hardware and home improvement stores based not on how far away they are but how much paintball stuff they carry (like loctite, teflon tape, elbows, etc)

You've ever played paintball in your backyard

...and you live in the city

You are a safety freak when it comes to paintball but when you get home you blow stuff up for fun (guilty :) )and don't think anything about it

You not only have posters covering your walls but your entire house has a 'paintball theme' to it (can't you just imagine inflatable chairs with Sup' Air bunker logos on them?)

You have a framed professional photograph of your marker anywhere in your house

...and its bigger than the pictures of your relatives

...and you moved your relatives pictures to put it there

06-06-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
you try and go to a field on your crutches but they woulnt let you because its to slick.

you go the day you get off your crutches.
it sucked not being able to run i got the worse bunkering of my life

06-06-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by paint magnet
You have used paintball as a theme in a major assignment for school

...and you used it as an excuse to look up paintball stuff and chat on AO

...and you put it off until the last minute to do other paintball related stuff

So true. Im doing it Right Now. lol

06-06-2003, 08:27 PM
paint magnet this is kinda like your shot thing...

You don't mind getting shot in the head half a dozen times with paintballs in under a second, but you scream and cry when you have to get a shot.

You've seriously considered sending a letter to your city's recration department to get them to build and indoor paintball field.

06-06-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by m-98
paint magnet this is kinda like your shot thing...

You don't mind getting shot in the head half a dozen times with paintballs in under a second, but you scream and cry when you have to get a shot.

You've seriously considered sending a letter to your city's recration department to get them to build and indoor paintball field.

lmao you cry when you get a shot.

paint magnet
06-07-2003, 03:49 PM
Yeah, it doesn't bother me getting shot, so I'll stay calm and then come home and stub my toe on a rock or something and scream curse words at it :D

Some more:

Instead of having your marker on display you have it locked away in some vault and have to memorize half a dozen different combinations to get to it

...and it makes you forget important stuff like your birthday and social security number

...and you acess the vault at least twice a day

...and you have other, more valuable stuff just sitting around on the table or something, like a Rembrandt painting or the holy grail :)

You're more anxious waiting for your X mag to arrive than your important medical records

...and they are about some life-threatening illness

...the packages arrive at the same time and you open the X mag first

...and play with it before bothering to open the other one

...and you find out you have a brain tumor or something and your main concern is that you won't be able to play with your X mag if you die, or for a long time after surgery

You get paintball stuff for special occasions and holidays

You actually know the mailman and have had in depth discussions about paintball after he wondered what was up with all the packages he was delivering

The Post Office gives you a frequent-shipper discount on packages

06-07-2003, 04:53 PM
when you have a 5 min convo on what the game is all about with your math teacher. and getting him to say that as soon as his back gets better he'll play

06-07-2003, 05:52 PM
and when you shoot YOUR friends mag at HIS neighbors houses, just because you want to shoot his mag

...while he is spazing out that he is going to get in trouble

also, when you have contests to see who can shoot the lawnmower first, even though you know that you are going to have to clean it up

when you shoot the cat, just to see if the paint is ok.

07-22-2003, 03:40 AM
You get all loaded with your buddies and start whipping out your toys. One of your buddies is so drunk he thinks he wants to get shot so you give him a mask and tell him to go across the yard and go at it.
Figuring he's masochistic, he wants to get shot some more - shirtless and about 40 shots later from about 30 feet away at about 250fps - you know you have created another paintballer when he says "That felt gooood!!"

Nick O time
07-22-2003, 04:11 AM
you have a different paintball uniform for every day of the school week and wear them to school.:D

you have bought so much stuff from your local field they know you buy what gear you use and are wearing

it doesnt matter if a person is a geek as long as they like to play paintball

you stay up till 4 in the morning on AO and other paintball web sites

07-22-2003, 12:28 PM

07-22-2003, 05:49 PM
you know you're obsessed with pb when...

-you land a job at your regular field

-you're on a first-name basis with all the refs there

-you ask your boss to pay you in paint

-you and your boyfriend have matching paintbal jerzeys

-a perfect date would be a day at the field

-you form a team with your boyfriend and you brother

-you brother takes days off of work to play pb w/you


07-22-2003, 06:26 PM
You know your obsessed with paintball when your walking out of your house and you next door Neighbor is re-surfacing there roof, using a pressured nail gun and get starteled and hit the deck.:)

07-22-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Brak
....when you buy those banana-scented paintball JUST to see if they taste like banana too

i always wanted to try that

07-22-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by paintballchick
you know you're obsessed with pb when...

-you and your boyfriend have matching paintbal jerzeys

-a perfect date would be a day at the field

-you form a team with your boyfriend and you brother


man i was reading this and i didnt look at ur name and i was like wtf and then i figured out u were a female. p.s. how old r u

07-22-2003, 06:56 PM
When you are regularly sitting at the field when they open the door - and they always open the door an hour before play starts.

When you have ever played 1 on... 0 in order to see how quick you could make the bunker moves - in that hour before anyone else got there.

When you realize that you could get a nice X-mag in trade for your Porsche 924.

When you notice all your hobbies involve paintball.

When you notice your schedule calender is filled up with paintball stuff - and nothing else.

07-22-2003, 06:59 PM
when you keep your stock trigger frame in the car to walk when you are in traffic, and when you still remember all the UPS tracking numbers from guns 3 years ago.

07-22-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by paintballchick
-you and your boyfriend have matching paintbal jerzeys

LOL, Lilsnowpixie and I have matching Jerseys....well sorta. Hers is blue, mine is red.:D

07-22-2003, 07:26 PM
when on a job aplication they ask what sports you play and you put paintball.

07-22-2003, 08:07 PM
when you run around work "splatting" people, then coming up with reasons why their shots missed you, such as "you left your safety on" or "you hit the fly in front of me"

you actively seek out people you work with, sometimes going out of your way and putting off work, to splat them. (I work at Walmart, I play with a bunch of people who work there)

You spend more time on AO than you do on your HW

You watch tv with your paintball gun in hand, shooting it constantly with no air or paint.

Holding your paintball gun brings you peace in this crazy world when nothing else will do.

You buy paint just to go out back and shoot random trees

spore 283
07-25-2003, 01:35 AM
...when you fall in love with your gun
...when people ask if you have ringworm because of all the scars that are perfect circles
...when the only decorations you have in your house are banners and posters of paintball
...when you have been shoot in the nuts so many different times you can't count
...when you are out you make people you don't even know cheers to AGD WOOOOHOOOO


07-25-2003, 03:35 AM
you stop getting a44 or a$$ to check the new threads on AO

07-25-2003, 06:14 AM
when all your "connections in high places" are from paintball. I got on the team by being on good terms (and fixing his emag) w/ mike, i also get random discounts from him becuase i work the store when they're at a tournament. Lisa's my manager (who's on the team). i bought my car from randy (who's on the team, and is lisa's husband).

07-25-2003, 02:26 PM
blakdragon thats just plain wrong thats not an upsestion thats just wrong

07-25-2003, 03:50 PM
...when you ride your bike to work and get rides to the field with your friends or a stranger (yes I hitch-hiked, cause my buddy needed to go to church) :rolleyes:

...when you decide not to go to college and go straight into the work force so you can pay for 2 cases of paint a week. (Guilty)

...when you computer had more paintball stickers than a dalmation has spots.

...when you've tried putting a paintball sticker on a dalmation's spots. :)

...when your bike has more stickers than all the food in a super-market (The price gun stickers)

oh yeah..

...When you practice snap shooting with a price gun while on the job. :D

...When you got fired for reading the paintball magizines when you should have been stocking shelves...3 times (guilty) :rolleyes:

...When your riding your paintball sticker covered bike to work you think about how you're making your legs stonger so you can get to the 50 faster.

...When you see graffiti on walls and such you think about how good you could do it with your marker.

...When you have paintball boxes stacked up to your ceiling and have a room specificly devoted to your paintball supplies.

07-25-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
when you can get stiff/reach orgasm just by looking at an xmag

- :( guilty :( -

07-25-2003, 09:22 PM
hmm i think im seeing the makings of a 40 year old virgin

07-25-2003, 09:51 PM

07-26-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by FeuerFri
when a co-worker is also on your team and you get board while closing, one with a guacamule(sp?) gun and the other with a sour cream gun, and one in the back of the store, the other in the lobby, and play a lil 1on1.

haha, I worked at TB 12 years ago...Make sure you get the guac gun, it has the range for sure!

07-27-2003, 11:32 PM
you know your obsessed with paintball when youd rather oil your gun then, well... "oil your gun"

07-27-2003, 11:38 PM
ha ha ha wtf are u talking about