View Full Version : Who here Refferees? Couple a Q's to get a picture..

03-27-2003, 10:46 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.

How long have you reffed for?

How often do you ref?

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?

Thnx yall

03-27-2003, 10:52 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.


How long have you reffed for?


How often do you ref?

almost every weekend, not asmuch anymore caus fields closed

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?

was cash, occasionly worked off stuff i bought, soon to me check

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?

kinda u get to see the fields alot, and get good moves

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?

yes, i know what i have to go througha and dont want to make others doo it

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"

no, most of the players are rec, those who arnt know not to screw around or hoppy the mag man comes out and hoppy the ref looses all the rules

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?

great, we ran outta paint and our local store who we were at odds with helped us out

03-27-2003, 10:54 PM
A ref here. I started as a "pick-up" Ref in '01. I ran a 2-day Big Game in '01 and '02. Due to locals graduating I have been appointed Head Ref for '03.

How often: This year, almost every Sat except every 3rd or 4th when I play.

Pay: Ca$h

Better player: It has inproved my situational awarness, so yes.

Level headed: No, I have always been level-headed.

Naughty players: Yes. I know when they are shooting those e-Spyders in "burst" mode and I don't let it slide. (Semi-auto only at my field)

Community: Fragmented. Our field has our group and the other field's have theirs. We don't mix, but not because of any fighting or bitterness. We just have our routines.

03-27-2003, 11:07 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.
I do.

How long have you reffed for?
About a year or so.

How often do you ref?
Almost every weekend. I ref on the more casual days when the rec-players come out, and play on the days the teams come out. Most of the time when I get shot out in games, I'll put my stuff down and jump in as a ref.

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?
Money, free entrance/air at my field, plus a discount on paint.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?
Definitly. On rec days, no, but on team days, it helps alot. Teams have to split up field time, so I often just ref when were not playing. It gives me the chance to watch the game from a different point of view; I get to see multiple angles of the game plus everything going on on the rest of the field, too. I can see what teams do that work effectively, like plays and moves, and what doesn't go over so well, like getting mugged or not communicating.

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"
Lol, yes. Theres always those one or two teams that all swear that the hit was old, coulda sworn they nailed the guy, and start fights when they're overshot.

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?
Very competitive, for the most part. Most of the players are all-around good, but there will always be the few teams and players that swear they're the best because they can shoot 14 bps on their $1500 Super-Cocker or Angel. I forgot who said it, but I'm reminded of this quote: "You can only hide behind you rate of fire for so long." I think it was Danny Love, but oh well...

Thnx yall
No problem, always glad to help.


03-27-2003, 11:52 PM
i ref

ref for 3 months

paint, 20% discount, free field entry, free food

it has made me a better player

no i dont have run ins w/ "naughty" players

03-28-2003, 12:09 AM
How long have you reffed for? - 2 years

How often do you ref? - 20 hrs a week typically

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field? - paid in cash, check, or diminishing of debt from field paint

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player? - yes, it gives me a chance to analyze other players as i watch them and learn from their mistakes

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player? - im not sure what this means, but reffing has given me a different view on paintball after being on both sides of the fence

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players" - occasionally but everybody at my field maintains a good attitude for the mostpart, everybody is friendly

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area? - growing, to describe it in one word

p.s. can you believe they pay me to do this!!?? i love watchign people play paintball

03-28-2003, 12:16 AM
I do

3 years

Every time I play

No payment, do it to help out

Yes, because it gives me a chance to see the field at all different angels.


All the time

Its ok.

Temo Vryce
03-28-2003, 10:58 AM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.

Add me to you list.

How long have you reffed for?

I would have to say that I have reffed rec ball for over 10 years.

How often do you ref?

Not as often as I used to. I would say once every couple of months now.

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?

I usually do it for free or just basic wages.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?


Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?

I've always been level headed.

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"

No but if I do they are told to stop and play fair.

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?

Fairly popular and well respected.

Thnx yall

Thank you

03-28-2003, 02:50 PM
used to ref, though i still work at CPX. reffed for 9-months, now i run the air station

not as often anymore, now i just do it to do it, like tourney practice, but used to ref for 25-30hrs a week.

did it for free admission and $6.50 an hour.

reffing has deffinately made me a better player.

i have always been relatively level headed, reffing neither helped nor hurt

i have had players threaten to kill me when i catch them violating rules. i try to be nice, and give warnings, but when they immediatly start screaming at me before i can even finish giving a verbal warning, action has to be taken. im sorry but 5 shots to the head with polar ice is not going to slide. people never understood that the rules were there to make the game safe, not to ruin someones bachelor party.

paintball is growing, but is often abused and thus looked down upon by the general community. damn stoners.

The Frymarker
03-28-2003, 04:37 PM
I reffed for 2 years when my hubby had an indoor field. I did it mainly because we would get a lot of new and young players, me being a mom would keep things under control for the little guys.

I reffed about 20-30 hours a week.

I reffed for free basically.

Reffing I think did make me a better player because you look at the field differently you also find out the playing strategies of certain regulars that play.

Level headed I would say females usually are.

Naughty players well I would say no because since your the bosses wife no one really took pot-shots at me. I did get hit by the usual new player that didn't no how to aim. But those were accidents.

Paintball community in RI and some MA, I would have to say very competitive business wise, we no longer have a field and yet I still hear gossip about other fields.

Some really childish stuff.

03-28-2003, 05:28 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.

<b>How long have you reffed for? </b>
I've been reffing at Paintball Sam's for about 4 or 5 years now.

<b>How often do you ref?</b>
Not as much as I used to. Only big games now but Pride's reffing one of the fields at the College Nationals on 4/12.

<b>What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field? </b>
I'm one of the lucky guys that gets a paycheck for reffing plus free play, air, and discounted paint.

<b>Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?</b>
Definately! reffing gives you a different perspective on the game. Watching really great players (or really bad ones too) helps to show you what works and what dosent.

<b>Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player? </b>
Perhaps... I havent reffed in a while so my pent up anger needs to be vented in other ways! :D

<b>Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players" </b>
Not on my field. ;) The majority of the rule infractions I've seen are by very new players who "forget" not to take their goggles off during or after a game. Also, they seem to lose their barrel plugs quite a bit too.

<b>How is the paintball "community" in your field or area? </b>
Great! Wisconsin/Upper Illinois has some of the best and well behaved players in the country! :D

<b>Thnx yall</b>
Your welcome!

03-28-2003, 05:39 PM
1.I've been reffing at Rexplex for about a month now.

2.About once or twice a week, depending on work needed to be done.

3.Our team refs and works at the field in exchange for paint, air, and field time, as well as tournaments and equipment.

4.It might be starting to, I haven't reffed long enough to give me an accurate answer to that. It provides a new perspective on the game though.

5.Nope:D Still yell at lazy refs once in a while:D

6.Once in a while there'll be a bit of a problem, nothing worse than "Oh come on ref!" or something like that. We seem to have a good crowd.

7.Our community is pretty good, mostly tourney players who play pretty honestly. Most of the time they'll call themselves out, and can usually agree on close bunker move calls.

03-28-2003, 05:39 PM
- Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.


- How long have you reffed for?

Off and on for 4-5 years.

- How often do you ref?

Couple times a year. I usually head/ultimate.

- What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?

It's either as part of a league I run or as part of a sponsorship agreement my team has.

- Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?

You can't get any better than this. ;) (Serious answer: Yes. Teams who ref on a regular basis will be better than those who do not.)

- Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?

If you mean by behavior, no, I'm pretty level headed to begin with. It does make you much more aware of how games go from the official's perspective, which means you have a much better idea of how to play those games to make sure the officials have an easier time making the right calls.

- Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"

By and large, no. Most of my reffing is done in the college league, where on the off chance I run into a naughty player, the penalty is generally enough to correct that behavior or motivate their team to just not bring that player back.

- How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?

Not sure what you're asking - there are the usual factions/rivalries, but I'd have to say me and my team get along with most everyone. We're real big on our reputation with other players.

- Chris

03-28-2003, 08:40 PM
WOW! some great responses folks! lets keep em rolling in. Anycase hesres the skinny on me

Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know. Me!

How long have you reffed for? 3.5 months.

How often do you ref? 2x a week, about 7 to 6.5 hrs a day. saturday & sunday and an occasional weekday game, parties and such.

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field? the perks include Free play, air and I have a choice of money or a case of paint.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player? Yep, ive been able to bunker people more often, and better situational awareness and iam able to recognize a players strengths and weaknesses, as well as mine of course.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player? yes, i tend to talk more with the players in the staging area, ive met more cool people. Im more patient with Noobs rookies.

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players" yes, a slower fella name "Darrell" who alway gets to emotional and curses when hes bunkered or is getting suppressed in a bunker thats just bareley big enuf for him to hide in. Hes usually apologetic about it, but sometimes....

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area? Great, growing every week, we have repeat walkons as well as folks that has "just got outtta the woods" become regulars. Lots of military folks (best behaved by the way) who get a kick outta this stuff. Paintball nerds like you and me, some with high $ guns some without, but overall great people to be around. Doctors and lawyers. almost the whole gammut of people i guess.

03-28-2003, 08:57 PM
<b>How long have you reffed for? </b>
I've been reffing 15 years now.

<b>How often do you ref?</b>
Often as required

<b>What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field? </b>
All of the above, depends on the deal on the table ;)

<b>Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?</b>
Yes, just a shame it doesn't always translate :D

<b>Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player? </b>
See above

<b>Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players" </b>
Yes, but then they know to avoid the issues thats what makes them "naughty" but I get them in the end.

<b>How is the paintball "community" in your field or area? </b>
Not wonderful but all that is changing with a new tournament league just starting up.

03-28-2003, 10:10 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.

I ref.

How long have you reffed for?

Just about a year.

How often do you ref?

A few times a month.

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?
Paint or free play at the field.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?
Definately has made me more aware of field safety.I don't know if I have become a better player , but I certainly get to see what works and what doesn't up close.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?
I have always been pretty level headed in my game.I just hate to see when other people get worked up about the game in an unsportsmanlike way.

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"
No , we make sure that they are dealt with swiftly.You cause constant problems and you will be banned.

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?
Paintball is very popular in this area , and for the most part people leave you alone after you explain what you are about and how you are being safe with it.
Thnx yall

03-28-2003, 11:31 PM
Who here Refferees?, Im curious to know.
Add one more to your list.

How long have you reffed for?
Since '99.

How often do you ref?
Not that often any more, but I used to ref every weekend I had available.

What do your take in payment? Money, paint, free play at the field?
Depends, for rec ball reffing I'd normally take free play, paint discounts,etc., but for tourney reffing my team was usually paid.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a better player?
Yes. You get to watch how others play (good and bad) and learn from their mistakes/good moves.

Has reffing, in your opinion, made you a more level headed player?
Yes. Because you know what it's like to be the one that no one likes and that everyone yells at.

Do you have frequent run-ins with regular "naughty players"
Fortunately, at the fields that I've reffed at we didn't have frequent run-ins, but we did have our "naughty players" that would show up occasionally.

How is the paintball "community" in your field or area?
In the area I'm in now, it's non-existant (Middle East), but where I live in NJ it's actually pretty good. There are a lot of fields in the area with players that have good sportsmanship (for the most part).

Thnx yall
Your welcome.

03-28-2003, 11:36 PM
How do I get a job as a ref, theres a field openin near me hopefully. Im thirteen and need money, so how should I go about it. I dont wanna pressure teh owner so could ne one help? Thanks!

03-29-2003, 12:28 AM

Its a tough proposition for a younger fella to get into reffing. For some reason "older" folks dont respond as well to yourger people telling them what to do. Ive seen it on the field i ref and play on, older teens - twentysomethings tend to wanna just blow you off.

Your best bet is to not only convince the field owner, but to prove you are MATURE enough to handle & be in a pontially hostile situation. Your best shot is to become an "asistant" reff and pay very close attention to the ultimate reff. kinda tag long if you will and learn the ropes.

Oh yeah ya gotta not mind getting shot a buncha times and purposely gettin gettin in the line of fire.

As a reff your main concern is to police and ENFORCE safety.

hope this helps good luck

Hey yall you think AO would host a board on reffing? I cant seem to find any swift on the ball type boards out there that is as rich and resourcefull as AO. You think there would be enuff demand for it?