View Full Version : Bad day of Paintball it still beats a good day of yard work anyway...

03-29-2003, 05:25 PM
Meh...shoulda got my garden tilled but I took off an played some paintball anyway...

My darn Micro E started missfiring again. This is the first time since Black fixed if for me last summer and its run like a champ up until today. Just refuses to reset again from time to time. Like a slight bolt stick sort of on reset. Level 10 set up seems fine even though pulled it out and I reset it up just in case. I bet that Sear plunger rod has backed out of spec like it was the first time but I didn't want to go tearing it apart at the field. Have to tear it down tomorrow and find the problem. If its that then it should be easy to discover and return.

The X Mag sure got a work out. Although not by me. I loaned it out all day for people to try and everyone realy was impressed by it. It ran great all day. No one seemed to think anything but nice things about it. I think there are a lot of non mag users the would indeed be glad to have one. I never got to play a game with it today. But its all good. Thats why its here is to turn people onto Mags. And it worked! Mixed reactions on the roller trigger. Most people were able to figure it out but I not so sure anyone is sold on that.

I pulled out the RT Pro and played with it. Its a no rise and level 10 with a halo B. And you know that still is a sweet marker. I forgot how nice that marker shoots. You know....I could play with an RTP all day long and not even miss an emag. I may start using it more and more now. Heck I might even set me one up with one of them ULE bodies and play with that more often.

My play however stunk it up. Was hanging out a lot, which I tend to do and take chances cause I realy do not care all that much. I am not a serious player in that way. I just go and have fun realy. And got tagged on the foot by Charlie for it. Another game Adam gogs me with his pump! I peak out just as his ball gets there. He is realy good with that thing thats for sure. Dam good player.

Ah...me...now I got some marker work to do with that Micro E and a cold beer to drink now...still need to get to that garden... life is sweet in SC today! :)

03-29-2003, 05:29 PM
Sounds like you've got quite the collection of guns there, Phil. Have you even used your x-mag in a full day of play? What a nice guy, lending it out like that. But I think the question that is on everyone's mind now is....

What happened to the garden?!?!? :eek: :eek: :eek:


03-29-2003, 05:31 PM
You got kids, make them do the garden work - tell em you're teaching them some responsibility;)

03-29-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by darklord
Have you even used your x-mag in a full day of play?

No! As a matter of fact this was the first time its been to the field! :)

03-29-2003, 06:31 PM
wow ide never let an xmag out of my hands if it were mine. Not even to friends lol, Thats cool that people may turn to mags.

oh and hey could u check out my thread about your xmag?:D
(if u didnt already)

03-29-2003, 08:32 PM
I did yard work today. And there is no contest between horrible paintball and yard work. The stupid thing is I did the yard work so I could play a tourny tomorrow and they canceled the tourny cause not enough teams signed up.

03-29-2003, 10:09 PM
But on the other hand, I could not have had a better day of Paintball. Not just playing like a god(!), but without a single mishap of any sort.

X-valved Red Baron could not be stopped, I was getting players out left and right. I've lightened the trigger up to the 'nth degree, so making it rip like a demon in Hybrid AND Manual is on demand at any time. I was asked a number of times to not use the Emag anymore, "it's not fair:("...so I switched to the MiniMag. Little did they know that I have put the Emag valve in it! MUHAHAHAHA:D Again, I could get from the back to their 10 at any time, wasting players all the way in...it was beautiful man!

A case was gone in less than 3 hours, so was 2 liters of Dr Pepper, a JB's croissant breakfast Jack, 7,500psi of air (two tanks), .5 gallon of water, and the cool morning air...we hit 85deg today! I was hit but twice, but one is a bleeder under my left arm....it hurts:)

Load SM5
03-29-2003, 10:13 PM
It was rainy and nasty here. I rented a pressure washer and cleaned my pool deck in between showers.

Glad someone had fun.....jerks.;)

03-29-2003, 11:10 PM
orange beach made my feet go numb... my g/f made me go beach walking for like 1 1/2 hrs in the cold! Yes I am a wimp when it comes to temperature. Army could you post a pic of the red baron? I've never seen your e-mag. But all in all I had a good day. going to play paintball tomm (sunday)!

03-30-2003, 12:06 AM
Do a search for "Red Baron". Lots of pics around.

03-30-2003, 10:00 AM
Phil isn't a bad player, I mean he actually made it to his bunkers Saturday :)

We love you uncle phil.

So he gets in the back stand ups and puts fire wherever it is asked for. He didn't mention we were playing almost 10 man. At one point it was 9 on 9. This field could support a 10 man,but 7 is a little more comfortable.

Phil had the X out there and WOW. If I had the cash I'd have one. On demand high rate of fire like my other electros, but if you have a problem, manual is a click away.

I must say that Tom / AGD has out done himself. I wasn't a fan of the roller trigger but it is a nice feature for people who want it. I'm thinking scenario :)

The Xmag is the Zenith of this marker design. They made it light (only took 10 years :) ), the super bolt keeps the recoil in the marker down because the bolt is lighter and with level 10 doesn't move as fast for as long. This means it is easier to keep a long string in one spot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not selling my Race Framed AKA Merlin or my Sonic'ed out bushy, but the Xmag has officially made "The List" of markers for my bag.

Thanks for coming out phil, we don't get to see enough of your smiling face on the field.


03-30-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by ezrunner
Phil isn't a bad player, I mean he actually made it to his bunkers Saturday :)

Um...I got owned! But I enjoyed it even so! :)

03-30-2003, 03:00 PM
Welp just fixed the Micro E! Runnin like a champ again. All the stuff was still in spec.

I just replaced every functional critical o-ring and wear part and wella! Have no idea which one was causing it but I prescribed to the Jon C. method of trouble shooting. Replace it all and if it's fixed....something musta been wrong! :D I even replaced the Regulator Assembly thingie just in case.

Anyway its fixed and rocking again. Most likely was the middle on off oring, but who can realy tell now. I didn't have enough air handy to try one thing at a time so I just went all out and made sure. And now it never misses a beat. Even let it sit five minutes to see and then it went right to shooting.

By the way Black, the Sear Plunger is still exactly where you lock tighted it. So that looks like that is fixed for good.