View Full Version : who makes really short automag barrels

03-29-2003, 11:16 PM
ive been looking for some time now and i can only find one barrel under 10 inches. im looking for a short 6-8 inch barrel for use indoors any one know any one that makes these?

03-29-2003, 11:19 PM
mr dremel makes short barrels.... no um i think there are some short ones at 888 paintball.com

03-29-2003, 11:19 PM
taso makes a short 8 inch or it might be 10

03-29-2003, 11:19 PM
Anything lower then an 8.5 barrel will result in..well ever take your barrel off your gun and shoot it and watch the paintballs go everywhich way. Well It'd be very much similar to that. :)

03-29-2003, 11:20 PM
damn i cant even get a glass of water and 2 people post. thanks. i saw the ss pro series barrel i think its called but i was wondering if there are anyothers

03-29-2003, 11:21 PM
i know the accuracys not as good when barrels get to short but this is a small indoor feild and was just seeing what is out there

03-29-2003, 11:43 PM
Stock Minimag barrel and they shoot damn good for a shorty


03-29-2003, 11:46 PM
I was about to say that too, stock minimag barrel. Since its the same throughout the whole barrel too, you can adjust its size anyway you want :)

nuclear zombie
03-30-2003, 04:04 AM
Anything lower then an 8.5 barrel will result in..well ever take your barrel off your gun and shoot it and watch the paintballs go everywhich way. Well It'd be very much similar to that.
: magsRus

I use an 8 inch BOA on my mag , shoots just as accurate , as any barrel out there . One of my favorite barrels is the 6 inch autococker threaded barrel that comes with a BE samurai :) .It's fun to see the confused look of the guy with a 14 inch boomstick when a $15 6 inch barrel shoots just as good .

If you are interested in a good short barrel palmer makes a good product and will make any length you want .


03-30-2003, 04:07 AM
I've got a minimag barrel I can sell you really cheap if you want to try it..

03-30-2003, 04:07 AM
I run a 3 inch barrel on my mag... I actually can shoot fairly well with it.

03-30-2003, 08:25 AM
smart parts venturi, bizerk multibore system by equation usa

03-30-2003, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by FooTemps
I run a 3 inch barrel on my mag... I actually can shoot fairly well with it.

Did you get it from Personman, or did ya make one yourself?

I sent PM one of my little ones last summer..

03-30-2003, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by irbodden

Did you get it from Personman, or did ya make one yourself?

he made it himself.. its a pmi ceramic. i stalk footemps i would know.. i mean:eek:

03-30-2003, 09:23 AM
J&J make 8 in, or at least they have 8 in tips for the edge kit

03-30-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by EsPo

he made it himself.. its a pmi ceramic. i stalk footemps i would know.. i mean:eek:


I sent PM one that I made out of a minmag barrel and I think he sold it :eek:

03-30-2003, 09:42 AM
I have what is supposedly a 10' Boomstick. But if you measure the barrell the whole barrel is 10' including the 1.5 inches sitting in the gun. This gives you a barrell that is effectivly 8.5 inches long. I also own a full freak kit that is a 10' barrell and that is actually 10' sticking out of the gun as oppssed to 8.5 with the Boomy.

03-30-2003, 09:58 AM
I've got a custom 6 inch barrel, and it shoots fine

03-30-2003, 10:43 AM
I had a 8.5" TASO Eliminintor and it was just as accurate as a 12". I actually regret selling it.

03-30-2003, 10:57 AM
armson used to make a 7.5 inch pro series. mine shoots very straight with good range and a wicked "behind the bunker" drop to it at terminal range.

smart parts makes a venturi that is like 8". never had one for a mag and i don't know how they shoot. i did have one for a cocker, but i never used it.
i see them from time to time on ebay. the smart parts venturis are more common than the short armsons.

minimag barrels are nice too and are more readily available.

drink beer instead :-)

03-30-2003, 11:28 AM
dude.....just saw this.....[url]http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74674

guy is selling a smart parts venturi....whodathunkit?

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by magsRus
Anything lower then an 8.5 barrel will result in..well ever take your barrel off your gun and shoot it and watch the paintballs go everywhich way. Well It'd be very much similar to that. :)

:) Well seing as that the first 6-8" of a barrel are the most important and effect the performance of the barrel more than any other, a 6-8" barrel is just fine, it's just *louder* than a longer *ported* barrel...


P.S. My Minimag barrel shoots great and is that short. :)

*Edit* : Emphasis (*) on the porting of the longer barrel, please note that I am refering to an 6-8 inch *unported* barrel.

03-30-2003, 07:19 PM
Hey, Petefol, thats a frikken cool barrel! Whered ya get it at?

03-30-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan

:) Well seing as that the first 6-8" of a barrel are the most important and effect the performance of the barrel more than any other, a 6-8" barrel is just fine, it's just *louder* than a longer ported barrel...


P.S. My Minimag barrel shoots great and is that short. :)

yes but a barrel thats a total of 8 inches is most likely to be only 4, or 5 inches NON ported so its well below the recomended "effective barrel length".... i suggest a palmer custom barrel

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag

yes but a barrel thats a total of 8 inches is most likely to be only 4, or 5 inches NON ported so its well below the recomended "effective barrel length".... i suggest a palmer custom barrel

Actually my post pointed that it would be just as accurate as a longer barrel that had porting, I didn't say anything about the 8" barrel having porting... Sorry for the confusion (I'll *Edit* so that it's more clear)

But that is true, porting does not count as effective length and barrels like that short barrel shown above probably eat gas etc.


03-30-2003, 09:35 PM
lee your link doesnt work correctly

petefol if you can make that thing black id buy it off you.

and how would a short barrel be a gas eater. wouldnt it save gas....because i thought you need more air for each inch of the barrel ie a 20 barrel is a gas hog and a 10 inch barrel would save gas

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Shorter than 6-8 inches (unported effective length) your gas isn't given time to expand/propel the ball so it will take more to get it to shoot at normal speeds.

Longer than 12-14 inches (ported overall length, 6-8 effective) you're dragging the paintball along, resistence is slowing it down (and gas is being bled out of the porting) requiring more air to expel it from the barrel.

So the perfect barrel is between 6-14 inches long depending on the length of porting (which reduces noise and increases accuracy by means of reducing turbulance).


03-31-2003, 04:27 PM
i fixed the link, you may have to copy and paste though.

short barrels are gas hogs, i don't know why myself. my shorty armson is anyway. it's loud too....makes em duck though....