View Full Version : Automag on Malcom in the middle

03-30-2003, 09:11 PM
Hey, I was just watching Malcom in the Middle and one of his dork friends got a mag for his birthday. She took it away though. Oh well, just thogt I'd point that out.

03-30-2003, 09:14 PM
I saw that, didn't notice it was a mag though.

03-30-2003, 09:14 PM
hahaha, i just saw that too, i didnt see that it was a mag, i just heard paintball gun, then when i looked they didnt show it again, Franky Muniz said it was like the best one you could buy.

Sir Chopsalot
03-30-2003, 09:18 PM
yea i noticed it to, i was so surprised. i was half asleep then when that part came up i popped up and was all awake and uber surprised

03-30-2003, 09:18 PM
theyre talkin about it again, they just said they are going to play

03-30-2003, 09:21 PM
yeah looks like they are going to play... hope they do everything right.

03-30-2003, 09:22 PM
theyre playing!!!!, he does have a mag, the rest have spyders and one A-5

03-30-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by AcemanPB
yeah looks like they are going to play... hope they do everything right.

shooting people in the butt from point blank, nobody is wearing an actual paintball mask, etc. what a bunch of morons

03-30-2003, 09:23 PM
*runs upstairs to TV*

what channel?

03-30-2003, 09:23 PM
that was the most unsafe display of paintball i have ever seen in my life, the writers should have learned allitle about it first

03-30-2003, 09:25 PM
OMG I take that back, they are all using spyders, wearing camo and army helmets, and wearing dinky little saftey goggles that I would wear in chemistry.

The kid with the mag just lit this other guy up laying on the ground, shooting him about 50 times, while going crazy.

It was really bad...

Major Ho
03-30-2003, 09:25 PM
HAHAHA! He lit that dude up and went AWOL. And stop being such being such lil conservatives...Oh no, wah wah, bad depiction of paintball, wah wah.
IMO, thats about as good as its gonna get from hollywood.

Open up your mind and realize that Hollywood does not want people wearing full face protection masks. It covers the actors faces, not making you aware of who is who.

03-30-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by AcemanPB
yeah looks like they are going to play... hope they do everything right.

well they failed miserably.

first thing, no proper protection, they used shop goggles.

second thing, they were over shooting, in one of the last seens they shot the poor kid atleast 20 times.

that just ticks me off, that hardly anyone can represent our sport correctly,

03-30-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Major Ho
HAHAHA! He lit that dude up and went AWOL. And stop being such being such lil conservatives...Oh no, wah wah, bad depiction of paintball, wah wah.
IMO, thats about as good as its gonna get from hollywood.

i've seen better shows that represented paintball way better.

we like to encourage people to join, not scare them away, and when they do stupid crap like that we lose a lot of peoople

*edit* jeeze when i hit the reply button there were hardly any replies, i go and look up there are close to 7 more(a guess)

03-30-2003, 09:32 PM
wonder if THIS (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39345&highlight=reese) had anything to do with them choosing a mag as the best marker?:)

03-30-2003, 09:38 PM
Major Ho: When some woman calls you an anti-social nazi while you quietly eat your Chalupa in Taco bell because she thought paintball was a violent sport because of what she saw on TV, then you can talk to me about being closed-minded and whatever.

For most intents and purposes, this was a horrible display of paintball and I would like to e-mail the writers about it.

Sir Chopsalot
03-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Python14
Major Ho: When some woman calls you an anti-social nazi while you quietly eat your Chalupa in Taco bell because she thought paintball was a violent sport because of what she saw on TV, then you can talk to me about being closed-minded and whatever.

For most intents and purposes, this was a horrible display of paintball and I would like to e-mail the writers about it.
.....have you actually been called an anti-social nazi? not trying to be smart or anything but that would be kinda random

03-30-2003, 09:53 PM
The most important thing to remember is that your opinion is not what matters. You already know what is going on in paintball. It is that mother of the 14 year old kid who all of a sudden has an interest in paintball and after watching a depiction from television she decides that the sport is too dangerous for her little son. That child could have been the next NPPL pres but unfortunately does not have the support from home to be able to continue on with the sport. What you have to understand is whether you like to admit it or not Paintball guns are, according to law a firearm. I have to register my paintball gun on every single Army post that I goto, because according to the Army it is a firearm. There is always an importance placed upon safety when dealing with firearms. When Hollywood displays an act unsafely, expecially if it is with a firearm, it is out job to inform them that it was incorrect. If you can't tell already I was disgusted by the portrayal of paintball on Malcom in the Middle, and as serious paintball enthusiasts you all should. Remember, Safety is the only aspect seperating our sport from baseball. The unwillingness of a mother to put her child on a paintball field as oppossed to a baseball field is our responsibility to change if we want our sport to succeed.

03-30-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
wonder if THIS (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=39345&highlight=reese) had anything to do with them choosing a mag as the best marker?:)
WHOA! I actually remember that pic. Seemed like a while ago though.

Anyway, the show comes on in seven minutes here, so now I know what to expect.

These sort of things do make me mad. The reason being, my parents know paintball is a huge part of my life. And when we see stuff like this on TV, it almost embarasses me to say "I love paintball, and participate in it as much as I can." All it does is have everyone take me less seriously whenever I talk about it, and also reinforces the opinion that I want to go off to war a start gunning people down.

Oh, well. Not much I can do about it at this point.:mad:

03-30-2003, 10:21 PM
I'll tell you what kind of people think nothing of paintball... them damed anti gun people...:)

03-30-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Sir Chopsalot

.....have you actually been called an anti-social nazi? not trying to be smart or anything but that would be kinda random

I had on my DYE jersey and was talking to her son about it(because he asked and I'm a good paintball ambassedur). She told me and I quote "Stop talking to my son you Anti-Social Nazi. I don't want him playing warball or paintball or whatever you call it" She left before I could react.

03-30-2003, 10:32 PM
Oh God, that was horrible.
Paintball portraid badly on TV....Again.

03-30-2003, 10:38 PM
Hey, does anyone know when this will be on in cali?? or was it already on?

03-30-2003, 10:40 PM
Honestly though, I don't think I would get overly worked up about this. Any rational person would realize that the show blew the game out of proportion, as it does EVERYTHING else that comes up. It is a comedy. People don't see comedies as true portrayals of life.

03-30-2003, 11:00 PM
speaking of bad apaintball on TV... how about the multiple spots on MTVs Jackass and that one segment on 20/20 a few years ago... the one were the kids video taped themselves shooting people from a car (alaska, frozen paintballs... no good things)

03-30-2003, 11:01 PM
bout 1 or 2 ago on this show called grag the bunny or whatever and they were running around in their school playing paintball wih no maskes while school was still in. later they went to the field and played and they were wearing shop masks too. they shot up one of the guys 50 times, 3 people lit him up, but u could tell he was wearing some sort of padding. I bet it was the same writers. they were some other times iv seen stuff like this and it always pisses me off.

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 11:01 PM
It's on at 9 in California (according to the tv guide).

I plan on watching, it'll give me something to complain about for a while.


03-30-2003, 11:06 PM
Cool, thats what it sain on my tv guide too but i didnt know if it was another episode...

03-30-2003, 11:06 PM
Why does TV love to show paintball so much (and almost always in such a bad way)?

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 11:09 PM
It's entertaining to watch, which is a good thing, however it is almost always done wrong, giving us all a bad image and hurting our sport!

However, I do remember the first exposure I had to paintball was through tv. The Saved By the Bell, Las Vegas Wedding movie, Zac Slater and Screech were playing there were goggle infringements, player to player physical contact, and close range shots (not to mention faked surrenders!)


03-30-2003, 11:10 PM
Any rational person would realize that the show blew the game out of proportion,

Thats all well and good, assuming that all people are rational, which they aren't

Mav D MagMan
03-30-2003, 11:13 PM
Good point, remember how upset folks got about that bonzia kitty things... people react irrationally to a lot of things.


03-30-2003, 11:15 PM
my first paintball exposure was
the BE commercial (fransis meets nikki) on MTV and a coupon for a all day pass on the computer game, Special Ops: Rangers Lead the Way... Which i still have, that's what i get for living in montana

03-31-2003, 12:15 AM
I wonder how those producer idiots learned how to put the gun together with the aftermarket stuff...

03-31-2003, 08:19 AM
yeah its really bad to throw paintballs at people(thats all it was i dont think he was shooting anything but air) and it seemed like paintball sponges or smething cause they were really messy

03-31-2003, 09:33 AM
I think they do that so you can see the faces of the actors. They don't want to cover them up with masks.

paint magnet
03-31-2003, 09:54 AM
They might have just been shooting air, but the average person with no paintball experience doesn't know that. And wearing shop goggles is stupid, if you have to see the actor's faces it's not hard to get a clear mask like the Nuvis or Proteus.

If someone has the email of the show's producers I would like to inform them that I will not be watching their station again. And Tom you should sue them for using a mag in a bad representation of paintball :)

Seriously though, this could cause some major problems when overprotective mothers see this 'violent' sport (my keyboarding teacher got pissed at me for drawing an assault weapon [autococker] in microsoft paint and acted like i was some kind of psycho) and don't want little Timmy to go off t war and get shot up. Would it have been that hard to at least tell people they were badly representing the sport? Or t go to walmart and buy a couple of brass eagle masks?

It's like the time someone sued Daisy because he shot his friend in the head with a pellet gun and nearly killed them, claiming it was their fault because it looked like the gun wasn't loaded.:rolleyes:

Like Einstein said, there are only two things that are infinite: The universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

03-31-2003, 02:39 PM
Did no one else notice that MOST of their hoppers were on backwards? My girlfriend pointed that one out! :D

Too funny, I think the one on the Mag was the only one on properly.

Later ~ Dave

Mav D MagMan
03-31-2003, 02:48 PM
I counted:
-One plastic coated Automag...

-Several Spyder Compacts (Java editions etc)....

-One Crazy Tippmann Carbine...

And up until the point where the geek goes beserk (and smacks the kid with his helmet) continual use of *some sort* or safety device.

Plus I really didn't notice any actual paintball impacts... (maybe when beserko had the kid on the ground or when they were shooting him in the behind?) When the paint hit them all it seemed like sponges or maybe a sling shot spot of goo...

Maybe I'm being desensitized to TV Idiocy but there were no markers fired while the contestants weren't wearing safety devices and although there was the beserk kid's overfiring it is a sitcom and they do need giggles some how.

So all in all not too bad... But I really wish Hollywood would get some real protective devices and refs in there.

Ot: Now did anyone see that show that came out afterwards!?! That was almost bad enough to make me want to write the network! Lol

03-31-2003, 03:08 PM
lol, yeah, i think it was The Pits, i didnt like it at all, not a great show.

The Frymarker
03-31-2003, 03:41 PM
Well here's my 2 cents...

I was in a dead sleep with the TV on, and woke up when I heard the word paintball...really no word of a lie.

I watched and really I think it is a shame that Hollywood gets away with so much. If I remember correctly didn't someone play with Reese?

Someone from this forum played with him and posted pictures, he had all of the proper gear on. What I am saying is that he obviously played before, shouldn't he have taken some responsibilty for the paintball world and said this is not how the game is played and this is not proper safty equipment?

It just really hurts the sport.

And to answer the question: Mom's wouldn't take that show into consideration before letting their children play.

Well I am a mom and yes I do play, but to play devil's advocate, if I had never played after seeing that show, I wouldn't have let them play. Paintball is not about violence, it is a sport. If that child did shoot the other child in that manner, he would have severe damage.

I think it was a pitiful display and we really should do something about it.

I also saw a show by Disney a couple a months ago called Paper Brigade, basically along the same lines as someone lighting someone else up, with out the proper gear.

I think it is a disgrace, and there should be some form of protest or petition, regarding how Hollywood displays a sport that requires so much safty and they choose to use barely nothing.

03-31-2003, 04:20 PM
Yeah, iv'e seen "Paper Brigade" before and always stay and watch the paintball part. They had old school sheridan guns with the wood stock... And when they just unload on the bullies like that with no masks........ ooooo that was bad!:mad:

03-31-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Sir Chopsalot

.....have you actually been called an anti-social nazi? not trying to be smart or anything but that would be kinda random

well one time i got called a liberal that ticked me off

03-31-2003, 04:35 PM
arrrrr i missed this episode, any1 wanna send? :(

03-31-2003, 04:35 PM
hollywood thinks paintball markers are toys.
have you ever seen a tv show or movie where other sports have been played without the proper equipment.
id like to see THE Mighty Ducks movie made with the kids playing hockey with no gear on.
humm... all the football movies too.
i mean how will i know what actor scored the touchdown when he has a helmet blocking his face..ugg the list goes on and on.
every sport related movie i have seen used proper equipment.

the bad thing is that i remember a brass eagle add that had a father/son shooting at cans in the backyard. neather of them had maskes on.
with paintball markers getting cheaper/easyer to get at walmart and the target age group getting younger,
that the high safty record we have set
will go downhill in the next 5 years.

just my .02

03-31-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball72
id like to see THE Mighty Ducks movie made with the kids playing hockey with no gear on.

I'm pretty sure that in the first movie, the goalie didn't have any gear. He had newspaper wrapped around his legs for goalie pads.

Sure, this was to show how much of an underdog there team was, but still. There was an episode of "King of the Hill" on last week, in which Bobby and Hank compete in the Father/Son shooting competition. Though some of the events they did were unsafe, they did wear ear protection and shooting glasses the whole time. I wish I could say the same about the episode where they played paintball.

03-31-2003, 05:03 PM
In most all of the football movies i have seen the players dont wear mouthpieces so they can hear em' talk.

03-31-2003, 05:11 PM
but ya see, everyone knows about football. They know what it looks like, how it is played, and what goes on. Paintball is different. A small percentage of people know about it, and a smaller percentage know the truth. It is easy to see paintball played incorrectly and think that is what it is really like. Paintball is too young and feeble, unlike football, baseball, soccer, curling, shooting, etc. If they are portrayed incorrectly, everyone knows how they are supposed to be played.

Mav D MagMan
03-31-2003, 05:18 PM
I'd like to challenge that there are so few people who know about paintball (much less understand it).

It's more like it is rather popular (and growing, especially in my area) however adults aren't part of the pop culture and therefore are not exposed to it (except in what are probably the most negative of ways, TV and News).

That is where our bad rep comes in, it doesn't matter what 16 year old is describing that we use safety devices, the mom sees militaristic and violent teens running around playing shoot 'em up!


(In case my other post has convinced you otherwise, I am very against the poor image provided for our sport, now if I could just catch every kid that has ever shot up a street sign...)

Edit: Another thing about our poor image, the minority can ruin it for the majority, before Skateboarding became prime time (for that short while) what was everyone's opinion of skateboarders? They were punks with spray paint running around vandalizing and stealing. Now Tony Hawk is doing Dorito commercials!

You can see the same thing in paintball, we have kids running around shooting each other without the proper gear (as well as vandalizing defenseless street signs etc.) How are we to be percieved?

03-31-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by acecl22
it was like the best one you could buy.
Best one you could buy? Yep it must have been a mag:D

04-01-2003, 02:12 AM
Hell the only 2 times I've ever seen paintball done right on tv were Insomniac with David Atell (think thats how you spell it) and on the Man show. Odd how comedy central can get it right but no one else can. Oh and screw that whole "they dont wear full masks because you wouldnt be able to tell who the actors were". David Atell wore one and you could pick him out of a crowd just by his voice. If it came down to it though; put the characters names on their clothing. Problem solved

04-01-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
I think they do that so you can see the faces of the actors. They don't want to cover them up with masks.

if mtv can deal with it at my field, then so can malcolm in the middle

04-01-2003, 02:44 AM
Amen, friend.

04-01-2003, 10:41 AM
Hey, iv'e seen paintball a couple of times on mtv... If i can remember correctly they displayed it well becouse they played it for real...