View Full Version : Problem with mag, First time using

03-31-2003, 04:13 PM
Alright I Bought a classic mag standard feed. I dont have a gas through grip or expansion chamber. I just have a front grip. And I shot the gun my first time today. It will shoot like 3-4 times and the gun will shut down like there is no air going through the gun. I am using a 14 oz co2 and it is full. Is it doing this because its freezing up my gun and need n2 for it? Please Help me out im kinda mad right now. thnx.

P.S. I bought this gun used from Extreme Rage PB pro shop.

johnny dee
03-31-2003, 07:57 PM
if your not going to have an expansion chamer on your gun, you need hpa. c02 wil freeze your gun as it did mine one time, and i ended up replacing all of the o-rings. but first try changng all the o-rings and putting an expansion chamber on it, if you dont have the money for hpa.

03-31-2003, 08:35 PM
Bah im having so many problems with this gun right now. First my gun wouldtn shoot after the 3rd shot. Now its leaking. What does HPA mean?

03-31-2003, 09:19 PM
Your really need an Expansion chamber and/or a remote coil. That is what I ran on mine to start with and it ran fine. It is laeking because the o-rings froze up. Oil the gun and at least try to keep the tank with the front facing up. Otherwise liquid CO2 will enter the valve and freeze the o-rings.

03-31-2003, 10:01 PM
Hey man thnx for your help. Glad to see people out there helping new owners. Anyways im getting a n2 Tank tomorrow will that solve my problems?

03-31-2003, 10:03 PM
Since i bought the gun used i dont have a manual or nothing. Do they have a diagram or something on here to know where to oil your gun? thnx

04-01-2003, 02:14 AM
You can download and print all AGD manuals off the airgun.com wedsite under technical. N2 will solve most of your problems. It is the single best upgrade you can buy no matter what gun you shoot. It is so much more consistant and easier on the o-rings compared to CO2.


the link for technical.

04-01-2003, 10:38 AM
As for where to oil- just put a few oil drops in the ASA (where you screw your tank) and then put the tank on.

Fire it about 20 times and you're golden. (Take off the barrel first. Don't want any oily buildup inside.

Also- HPA means High Pressure Air.

HPA=N2=Nitro=Compressed Air

04-01-2003, 05:23 PM
So you guys are saying when i get my n2 tank in couple days my gun wont only shoot for three shots and shut down like nothing is going through? Is there another thing that might be wrong with it so i can get it now. Because when i shoot it i will shoot for about 3 times and that little rod thing behind the trigger will stay back there and the trigger just becomes loose like there is no air going through. any one experinced this?

04-01-2003, 05:38 PM
does it leak or anything when it does this?

it sounds like the on/off orings are little too tight.

also check your reg piston. if it is hanging up on the off position, then it will not charge the gun when you shoot. that is a long shot, but you never know.

04-01-2003, 07:10 PM
dude just take the mag back

04-01-2003, 07:13 PM
Yea i said my gun leaks already. I think it might be the macro line tthough. I cant take it back i bought it from a store about 6 hours away lol.

04-01-2003, 07:34 PM
I would just buy a repair kit from AGD and replace all the o-ring in the entire gun. then at least you know you have a clean slate to start with.

04-02-2003, 02:10 PM
I purchaced a mag about six months ago, also used and it has had the same problem (or very similar to). I Oil the living heck out of the thing, so I dont think think thats the problem. The On-Off is installed correctly and I recently replaced the reg seat in a desperate attempt to fix the problem. Nothing has worked. The Problem is something like this. I have a mag classic (one star), Smart parts barrell, macroline, expansion chamber and a double trigger and CO2. When I gas the gun up, It works fine for about two to three shots And then the shot consistancy goes to hell, shortly followed by the gun ceasing to work all together. It is not uncommon for there to be an air leak near the back of the regulator, the exact location of which I cannot find as it is between the rail and regulator when the gun is put together (the source has to either the twin holes labled "-oil-" or the On-Off best as I can tell). The leak disapears immediately after the marker is discharged and then slowly gains intensity again. This maybe entirely unrelated to the real problem however.
After several shots the gun locks up and the trigger fails to recharge. The only remidies I have found are to de-gas and then re-gas the gun (rather inconvienient in a fire fight) or (in about 1/3 of the instances this works) give the back of the regulator a hard whack with the palm of my hand. This last bit would indicate to me that something is sticking, but what. I put so much oil through the darn thing it is literally dripping out when I screw the reg apart. Temperature has no bearing on the problem as I have tried it in both hot and cold weather and the result is the same. Whats going on, Mags are supposed to be the most reliable, but even my friend's cocker doesn't gripe so much.

04-02-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
I would just buy a repair kit from AGD and replace all the o-ring in the entire gun. then at least you know you have a clean slate to start with.

I agree with this one, a fresh start with all new o-rings is the place to start. After that if it still leaks out the back I would try a new spring pack.

04-02-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by mountainbob84
I purchaced a mag about six months ago, also used and it has had the same problem (or very similar to). I Oil the living heck out of the thing, so I dont think think thats the problem. The On-Off is installed correctly and I recently replaced the reg seat in a desperate attempt to fix the problem. Nothing has worked. The Problem is something like this. I have a mag classic (one star), Smart parts barrell, macroline, expansion chamber and a double trigger and CO2. When I gas the gun up, It works fine for about two to three shots And then the shot consistancy goes to hell, shortly followed by the gun ceasing to work all together.........................

that co2 for ya........sounds like liquid is getting in the reg section of the gun. if that happends, then the reg will start to vent because the co2 will expand to well over the 350-500 PSI the reg is designed to operate at. it doesn't take much liquid and it will do this.

04-02-2003, 03:26 PM
Im just going my feild saturday and see if they can fix it. If not im sending it in to agd i guess.

04-02-2003, 04:46 PM
try this:
de-gas and remove the tank. unscrew the velocity adjuster all the way and remove it. pull out the spring and the nut looking thing that is inside the reg body. replace the o-ring on the nut looking thing, clean the space it came out of very well w/ rubbing alcohol and dry it completly. coat the nut thingy with heavy duty grease (not oil)and replace everything as it was when you took it out.

also, twist the back of the valve off the rest of it. clean in there, remove the piston and spring that is inside it and clean them as well. i use regular rubbing alcohol like you can buy at any store for like 50 cents or so.
pull out the on/poff bdy and top and o-rings. clean in there.

just before you re-assemble, rub a clean finger across the regulater seat this is the o-ring that is in the middle of the reg, if there is even a little bit of stuff on that, it can cause the leak you are describing.

replace everything, drop about 2-3 drops of oil into where your fitting connects to the side of the valve. shoot air through the gun and see what happens. seems like a lengthy process, but it'll clean it up and remove any small bits of grit and give you some working knowledge of your valve.

hope this helps.

04-03-2003, 07:18 PM
Ok i just got my n2 tank today and i screwed it in my gun and its leaking ALOT back of the bolt or valve thing. HELP!

04-03-2003, 08:06 PM
a little more description than "valve thingy" might help.

does the leak stop if you pull and hold the trigger?

04-03-2003, 08:09 PM
I dont think my gun has a regulator seat in it bah! :mad:

04-03-2003, 08:10 PM
When i screw my tank in it leakes alot out of the regulator nut whole. and keeps leaking when i pull the trigger. Does this sound like a regulator seat problem?

04-03-2003, 08:11 PM
lol......that will cause a leak for sure.......lol

replace the seat and try again........

04-03-2003, 08:15 PM
Well im going to play at my feild saturday and see if they have a regulator seat (crosses fingers). If not i guess i have to order it:mad: . I want to shoot it so bad!

04-03-2003, 08:16 PM
Also THNX ALOT for all your help.

04-03-2003, 08:18 PM
if they dont have a seat, get the whole repair kit. you will shoot yourself if the seat in not the problem and you have to order something else to fix it.

04-04-2003, 10:32 PM
I think i have an extra parts kit i could sell you next week if Full Throttle dosnt have any

Edit: well, i have most of one, there should be a reg seat in it, along with a whole bunch of other o-rings. I also have a PT Spacer kit i dont need(got LX) and some other misc parts. And i know AGD used to send you a video and stuff if you called them and asked, i guess they still do.

04-04-2003, 10:48 PM
pm me your address and i'll send you a reg seat for free.

04-06-2003, 09:01 PM
I replaced everything and now i have a new leak. I can't tell where it's leaking from but when i pull the trigger and hold it, it stops leaking. then when i let go it starts again. What's causing this leak? im guessing something with the powertube?

04-06-2003, 09:15 PM

Check your spacer and make sure you have the correct one in there. (Unless you are running Level 10, in which case- make sure you have the right carrier)

Originally posted by i2ush
I replaced everything and now i have a new leak. I can't tell where it's leaking from but when i pull the trigger and hold it, it stops leaking. then when i let go it starts again. What's causing this leak? im guessing something with the powertube?

04-06-2003, 10:26 PM
also, if you dont have LX, check to make sure you have a good PT o-ring in there. if it is bad, that can cause that leak.

if you do have LX, then try the next smaller carrier, or replace the carrier o-ring.

04-07-2003, 06:50 PM
ok I replaced the spacer with a .215 i think. was a .220. and replaced all the orings in the pt. And i replaced all the orings in the on/off part. This got me stumped i have no clue what it is.

04-07-2003, 06:53 PM
is it still leaking out the barrel when you gas it up? but stops when you pull the trigger?

04-07-2003, 07:13 PM
Hey i can't find anywhere where its leaking i cant feel no air just hear it alot. When i hold the trigger the air stop's leaking all the way. And when i let go it starts.

04-07-2003, 07:31 PM
well all I can say is to send it in for repair. if you replaced all the on-off o-rings (including the one around the bottom and the one inside the bottom) and you replaces the powertube o-ring, then I dont know.

04-08-2003, 03:00 PM
Ok the agd tech is not there right now till friday. Anyways now my gun is really acting wierd. When i put the air in, it starts leaking out of the back. And when i shoot it couple times it stops leaking out of the back and leaks down my barrel. hrm.. ;/. Anyone??

04-08-2003, 04:37 PM
well a leak out the back indicates acouple things.

1) you have the veloicty set too high
2) the reg piston o-ring is bad
3)the reg seat is not sealing and it causing the overpressure valve to blow.

I would replace all the o-rings and seals in the whole gun.(if you haven't already)

04-08-2003, 06:12 PM
OMG I LOVE YOU XEN! lol. Thank you alot. I never changed the piston O-ring. ITS ALL BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. its kinda lout though lol.

04-08-2003, 06:23 PM
glad to hear it is working.

it is prolly turned up too high after all the tinkering to get it to work. next time you play, you will prolly have to turn it down.