View Full Version : Agd Alaska Team Wants To Represent Mags!

04-01-2003, 03:23 AM
Disclaimer: I don't know if this is the right area for this or not. If its not if a moderator would kindly move this thread to the appropriate spot I would appreciate it! :)

AGD I just wanted to announce my Alaskan team: Adrenaline Junkies! We currently play in Alaska and are competing in the Midnight Sun Tournament Series (MSTS) as well as take in at least 1 NPPL Super Seven event this season!
We would like to represent a major companies to Alaskan players in the MSTS who have only seen two sponsored teams around these parts team Dutch Boyzz (sponsored by JT, Urban Paintball Outfitters, and I think WDP) and Element (sponsored by Bob long, Severe, and National Paintball Supply) both of which compete mainly outside of the state. As you can see there are a number of companies missing from representation in our paintball market up here, namely Airguns Designs!!!!
We have a website that can be reviewed at http://adrenalinejunkies.8m.com and if you need or want any more information feel free to contact me through this forum or my email (its on the site)
thanks so much for your time I know your a very busy group of people!

Sean Jones
Team Adrenaline Junkies

04-01-2003, 09:39 AM
congrats on the team, but you gotta get some different hosting.. my computers choking from all the popups...

04-01-2003, 03:22 PM

Nice site guys, but the pop up adds are somewhat annoying...
I am actually moving to alaska this summer b/c my dad is active duty USAF and we will be moving to Eilsen AFB. Do you guys know of any fields close to Fairbanks/Eilsen? I used to live in alaska so i have a fair knowledge of the size and frankly driving down to anchorage just to play a day of paintball is a little overwhelming.
You guys know of any competitive teams in the Fairbanks region? Or how big paintball is in terms of popularity in the state?
if you could answer any of those questions i would greatly appreciate it, i have already tried warpig and the only field it comes up with is the one in anchorage...


04-01-2003, 03:31 PM
i like the site but yea get a different host.

hope you get your wish. i'd love to be part of an AGD sponsered team... i'd love to be part of a team:rolleyes:

04-01-2003, 03:36 PM
yeah the popups are a pain but its free right now! :)

Snapps: there were two competition teams in Fairbanks the last time I checked. Chosen Few who have a sponsorship from Team Element as a young guns team looking to get into the NPPL tournament scene and Code Red sponsored by Pepsi. Officially there is no speedball field in fairbanks but there is an ok one on Eilson. Chosen Few choose to make the trip to anchorage a lot (some of their members are in Anchorage.

04-01-2003, 07:55 PM
up please?:(

04-01-2003, 09:09 PM
You in Fbks? I am in Juneau. Used to live in Fbks for 14 years. We have a bunch of us down here who play. Maybe one day we or you guys could make a trip.

I see you are part of the Kenia group. Cool!

04-01-2003, 09:32 PM
Well...we've got our Team AO-AK...woot woot! We're sprouting up everywhere...

04-01-2003, 09:36 PM
www.panicware.com Free version, scroll down a bit. (http://www.panicware.com/product_downloads.html) Download the free pop up stopper.

04-02-2003, 03:55 PM
well seeing how i will live on the base housing on Eilsen, i guess i could deal with JUST one speedball field within walking distance...
any idea if it is run by the base or privately?

thanks for the help and good luck!

04-02-2003, 07:08 PM
I think that you have to have some sort of permission to use the field out there at Eilson I have never been up that way before but we have an alaskan paintballers forum that keeps everyone pretty informed (www.paintballchaos.com, click on the forum button)

Gadget: as to making to juneau I would love to!!! We have just set our field up in kenai so its going to be a while until that settles out into a nice rythym (sp?) but I can't see why we could not do something down there. or better yet you should get 5 guys (or ladies) together to come out and compete at the MSTS (midnight sun tournament Series)

thanks all for the encouragment and we will definitely keep eveyone here posted on whats happening in our neck of the woods!!!!!!!!

04-03-2003, 10:31 AM
Added to www.teamao.org

04-03-2003, 11:21 AM
Shad you are a little slow. i tried this last year, your not gonna get sponsored. congrats an another alaskan team. Element and Dutch boyzz are good teams to paractice against. tell everyone I said hello.

04-03-2003, 11:25 AM
is ron chenault related to royvan?

04-03-2003, 03:56 PM
nah I am not slow at all, mainly just wanted Mr Kaye to know that we exist :) . If in the future he hears good things coming from our neck of the woods then I would think that he would take more interest later on down the line. Right now I am fully aware that we sound like a no namer team with relatively little to no "outside" (of alaska) tournament experience but you might be suprised how aggressive the play here has gotten since last year.

I think that all of Ron's relatives have kept the Chenault name. Ron's a great guy and an extremely good captain to boot!
PS: who are you? do I know you?

Jam thanks a lot for the addition to team AO! that rocks and I am sure the guys and lady will be stoked!

04-03-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by gadget68
I am in Juneau.


sorry i had to say it

04-03-2003, 06:37 PM
K, this is not how you get sponsored...companies will usually not even consider it in this format, digital that is. IF you want a chance at it you will have to come up with an extesnive portfolio and have big plans. Paintball companies are not easy to get sponsored by. As quoted from one company, "A simple email inquiring for sponsorship gets as far as the delete button. Please send us an actual pportfolio." My team didnt get full dye apparel and $500 a month through a message board. Sorry if I burst your bubble ;)

04-03-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
K, this is not how you get sponsored...companies will usually not even consider it in this format, digital that is. IF you want a chance at it you will have to come up with an extesnive portfolio and have big plans. Paintball companies are not easy to get sponsored by. As quoted from one company, "A simple email inquiring for sponsorship gets as far as the delete button. Please send us an actual pportfolio." My team didnt get full dye apparel and $500 a month through a message board. Sorry if I burst your bubble ;)

I think he is just trying to get his nmae out there

04-03-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Demobilized

I think he is just trying to get his nmae out there Me too.

04-03-2003, 07:34 PM
Just want people to know that we exist and are going to be making some noise! ;)
Squid: Ya didn't burst my bubble at all. I had read in a couple of places that Airguns is not taking solicitations for sponsorships right now and THEY reccomend posting on this forum and keeping everyone updated on the team's progress. Basically if he is interested, from what I understand, he will approach the team. But he has to know we exist first!!!! :)
Aside from the sponsorship thing I just like to talk my team up. I am really proud of my team's dedication to paintball as a sport! I mean there are probably a lot of teams out there with similar training routines but not in my neck of the woods. Nobody besides my team can say that they trained consistently through the winter for two-three hrs at a go and then spent time studying magazines, movies and anything else we could get our hands on just to try and stay in form for the short summer season up here!! but like I said I am sure a lot of teams do stuff like this!

04-03-2003, 07:37 PM
oh PS squid: congrats on the DYE sponsorship!! I am sure you and your crew worked very hard to get it!!:)

04-05-2003, 12:11 AM
up please

04-05-2003, 11:56 AM
Thanks shade! sorry about that, I thought that you were looking for a AGD sponsorship! So good luck in whatever your ventures are! :D

04-05-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by shade23
Nobody besides my team can say that they trained consistently through the winter for two-three hrs at a go and then spent time studying magazines, movies and anything else we could get our hands on just to try and stay in form for the short summer season up here!! but like I said I am sure a lot of teams do stuff like this!

I beg to differ sir, Just because the fields are not open in the winter back home, doesn't mean we didn't play. Hell we played 3 times a week and some of us played airsoft too. Congrats on another team in AK, but there are dozen or so teams up there, including the two NPPL teams (Dutch Boyzz and Element). Also we have Doc Nickel up in AK, who as far as I am concerned is a legend. There is alot of paintbal up in AK, just got to know where to look.

P.S. My name is Will Newnham, I moved to South Carolina a few months back just to play at AO day SC WOOT. No I don't think you know me, I have never seen you before. Also stay away from Airguns Alaska, they wil rip you off hardcore.