View Full Version : This Is For Mr. Kaye

04-01-2003, 08:47 PM
Ok, I am going to try to hold my Temper on writing this to you Tom, but I am pretty upset by the customer service that I have received lately from your company. I had called way back in November of 2002 to have my name put on the wait list for one of the X-mags, The person I had talked to then said I would recieve a phone call at the beginning of January 2003, well I never got that phone call and I called back and was rudely told that there was no way that I was told that I would get a phone call at the beginning of January for configuration of my x-mag. I then asked her how long I would have to wait now, and she said "March" and it here it is now April and still no phone call, this is poor customer service, something I did not expect from a respectable company as yours. I used to own a micromagRT and I loved that gun and I was really looking forward to getting an x-mag and was willing to wait for it but with the service I have recieved, I'll probably jus take my money and get an Angel or something where they will treat me right. Also, I think you know who makes Stickball movies right? Well I play on their team and they think its pretty surprising what your company has done to me, I would like a response from you, or my business is going somewhere else.

04-01-2003, 08:51 PM
well... perhaps u live in cali.. or alaska... perhaps your bussiness is goin to april fools? or is this for real..

04-01-2003, 09:04 PM
1. They aren't being sold from distributors at all , only from AGD, a friend of mine owns a store and he can't get em.
2. I live in Ohio.
3. I wish this was a april fools joke , but it isn't.

04-01-2003, 09:04 PM
What shocks me is that anyone could think that Marcia (or Jo Ann) could ever be rude and the AGD customer service sucks. I mean these are things that are never heard. I'm not saying these things did not happen, but it would just shock me that it is as bad as it sounds. Also, if you have not noticed, everyone is waiting for the Xmag.:)

04-01-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT
1. They aren't being sold from distributors at all , only from AGD, a friend of mine owns a store and he can't get em.
2. I live in Ohio.
3. I wish this was a april fools joke , but it isn't.

1. Tell him to call AGD and be put on the waiting list. The list is pretty long right now.

2. I pitty you (Just kidding)

3. Too bad, there has been a lot of jokes going around today, so ya have to make sure.

04-01-2003, 09:07 PM
I would be pretty mad if that happened to me, seeing as how the waiting period for an xmag is so long...

04-01-2003, 09:09 PM
The first time i called i got Jo Ann and i got great service. The second time was the problematic call. I was shocked too by the service i've recieved..... i didn't think at all this was possible but here I am posting here , and very close to getting a IR3. What also is shocking is that in 6 months I haven't got a dang call giving me the status of anything.

Also , didn't give a down payment because i wanted to pay all at one time w/ my C.C

04-01-2003, 09:17 PM
And you think you're the only one waiting for an X-Mag? Have you not been on the board noticing that most people have been waiting a heck of a lot longer than you have and they're not complaining? I'm sorry you feel wronged, but that just maybe your perception and you're just one of about a hundred that is still in the same situation. I'm on a list too but you don't see me crying like a little child. Wait your turn and you'll get your X-Mag. If you want to go buy an IR3, go buy an IR3, but I don't want to hear you complaining again when you don't like it and wish you had just waited for your X.

If you want my opinion I've had them all and they don't compare and no amount of complaining is going to get it any faster. Why don't you email the office (office@airgun.com), and maybe you'll be surprised with the response you get. Now you imagine if you got calls all day long asking on a status update for something you had no control over. You be a little irritated too. So have a little compassion and just be a little bit more mature about the situation. Doing things like this only make you look like an idiot.

04-01-2003, 09:21 PM
Dirtybunny, waiting 5 monthes for a phone call is a bit much I think, and I dont think he is being immature

04-01-2003, 09:22 PM
I also emailed my order to be on the waiting list in November. Marcia told me that projected time was end of the first quarter. Based on what others and Tom were saying about backlogs, I knew that it would be much longer. I really don't mind the wait, I'm still saving up more for one. Now that I'm paying big for taxes, sold my stocks for a nice amount, I wouldn't really mind if I get one at the end of the year.

04-01-2003, 09:29 PM
and I ask again, Falcon..are you on a pre-order list for an X-Mag...I'm guessing no...I am..I was told that I'll receive a call when they're ready to confirm my color and that's it. And MicroMagRT is a little mistaken when he says you can't get them through dealers..that's just not true. There are a few dealers here on AO (who's names I won't mention) who have orders for X-Mags. why didn't you contact one of them?

04-01-2003, 09:30 PM
AGD told me to wait on a phone call for 6 months. I fail to see how I am inmature when AGD told me to wait, I feel I've waited quite a bit of time, and attempted to contact AGD about this and it their responce was harsh. It has nothing to do about waiting, this is a customer service issue, not a backlog issue.

Dirty Bunny, did YOU wait 6 months for a phone call from AGD too?

Falcon - Thanks for understanding that Im not being immature. I'm just peeved that its taken this long for a $1 phone call on a $1400 C&C Xmag.

nuclear zombie
04-01-2003, 09:35 PM
if you look at the current wait times for and x-mag it runs about 5-8 months . I'm guessing that you will be in the next batch from the date you ordered, and date of the last batch that was delivered. You also may want to take into account that the next batch of x-mags should have milled battery packs , that could make the process take longer , and the fact that Tom said that they needed to do some tweaking in regards to the tolerances of the next batch of x-mag bodies .

If you can't wait anymore , then go buy an Angel , I'm sure there's alot more of us that would like to get our x-mag sooner :)

04-01-2003, 09:42 PM
MicroMagRT, if i were you ide call them up and get your name out of the computer and see when u will get it. If for some reason they dont have your name bc u didnt put money down then go to someone on here. Or just buy an ir3 and have it Now

and hey man, ive been waiting on an emag for a week an a half now. Now to find out 888 sent me an Rt pro... i have to sent it back and wait a 4-5 turn around, then have it shipped to me. Now this is an Emag lol i should have been able to have it the day after but o well.

04-01-2003, 09:42 PM
My 'whining' is NOT about the X-mag backlog. Its with customer service. If you got bad customer service anywhere else, you'd do the same thing. I'm just speaking up. AGD has had an excellent track record, but this is a blemish I have and my trust in AGD is less than what it is right now.

I have never once whined about waiting, I'm just upset about the customer service.

04-01-2003, 09:46 PM
hmm, you see, production on them is slow.... Maybe origionally they thought, they would have had a whole slew of x-mags by january.... But production got slowed down... You see, there is a big list, and in november... Well you are probabally very far back on that list.

Maybe they thought that there was going to be a whole slew of x-mags by the second time frame they gave you? well apparently there isnt. They dont want to call you and give you false hope. You see, you are probabally very far on the back of that list. Especially since the x-mags are trickling out at about 30 at a time....

Again sorry, but if you want an ir3, and you like the way it shoots and feels, then get it. Dont buy it because you love agd, buy it because you love the marker, how it feels, how it performs etc.

Get what your comefortable with. If your current marker isnt going to hold you till then, and you like the ir3, then get it. But if you love the x-mag, and want the x-mag, then WAIT! patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait. It took me a long time to hunt down my SFL... but i got one...

04-01-2003, 09:51 PM
so you think you are better than us? people have been waiting for over a year now and i dont hear anything from them. stop *****ing and wait in line. i dont care who you work for, and your a customer just like everyone else. so they forgot to call you? they are being bombarded with thousands of orders, and they WONT take time to talk to you, so act like a man you little baby.

you are one customer out of thoudands. i doubt you will be getting special treatment just because you make some movies nobody has heard of. go buy an IR3, see if Mr. Kaye comes to your house crying his eyes out with an xmag in his hand, begging you to buy it...

Psycho Chicken
04-01-2003, 09:53 PM
Dude, your not the only one in this boat. But crying about it isn't going to speed things up. I have been on the list since the first week of october. I called recently too, and was told I would receive a call before they go to the anno (to pick the setup and color). Now i'm sorry if sombody was rude to you on the phone, but think of it this way. Can you guess how many calls they get a day on those things, a little understanding (Put yourself in their shoes) is in order. When I called and asked about my order, whoever was on the other line got very deffensive, I told them not to worry and had some fun with her (jokes). Actualy by the end of the call we were both laughing and having a good ole time.

Production also slowed down some when AGD was having some problems getting parts for the guns, not exactly their fault. So cut them a little slack. Or go and buy the IR3 and let someone a more deserving get it.

04-01-2003, 09:57 PM

I got the responce I wanted.

If this is the kind of people that own X-mags, I don't want to associate with your kind.

Ir-3 here I come.

Psycho Chicken
04-01-2003, 10:00 PM
Good those of us that own or will own don't want to assoicate with the likes of you.

See-ya....oh and by the way

Don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!

::dances around::

04-01-2003, 10:00 PM
You guys are being overly rough on him. I have a feeling most people here saw what one person post, then just followed the crowd without even thinking. Some of you need to reread and actually post relavently. Only a few here actually tried to be helpful

04-01-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT

I got the responce I wanted.

If this is the kind of people that own X-mags, I don't want to associate with your kind.

Ir-3 here I come.

yeah, thats it, everyone who own and x-mag is A BAD PERSON!!! we hate you!!! saying our kind? ive been here for a while and everyone here is a great person (with the exception of a few cough*YOU*cough*) and we all treat people who dederve respect with respect. you, complaining about the service because you arent treated like friggn loyalty obviously doesnt deserve our respect OR and x-mag. so have fun with your IR3

04-01-2003, 10:04 PM
ummm guys its not rare to have to wait long periods of time to get the latest and greatest product. this is being blown out of proportion, I want the 2 minutes of my life back for reading this waste of time.

and MicroMagRT, they were rude to you, ever think that maybe for some reason the person you talked to was having a bad day, or maybe even you were lucky number 50 to call in and complain about not getting a phone call? hmmm, would you be upset if some one called you 50 times a day and asked the same damn question?


04-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT

I got the responce I wanted.

If this is the kind of people that own X-mags, I don't want to associate with your kind.

Ir-3 here I come.

hehe why don't you go to an Angel's owner group and whine about not getting an Ir3, or complain about WDP, see if you like dem apples?

04-01-2003, 10:08 PM
I can understand a staff member having a bad day. God knows i have em too , but when you go to a website to find help for your problems and get several dozen flame posts with cursing. I'm spending over $1400 on a investment on my equipment and thats a chunk of change to me , it might not be to you but it is to me. When i first got my MMRT i found this forum to be awesome for helping my problems ,and now i'm relying on them again.......so now i've got a responce , the majority say i'm not wanted here and go and get a IR3 , which is what i'm gonna do now. Unforunlately Tom Kaye has lost a $1400 purchase becuase of this forum's customers.

04-01-2003, 10:09 PM
You guys truely have been a bunch of jackass's

04-01-2003, 10:14 PM
As for the angel owners comment by lawfox.....

A person on my team who is an angel owners has spent quite a bit of time on the angel owners groups, with equipment problems as well ,and as of yet hasn't got this level of immaturity for asking questions to try to settle problems. I just got back to this forum ( if you've noticed , i've been registered since december of 2000). Thats before AGD even owned it, and was hoping to get some help. Guess not

04-01-2003, 10:14 PM
Simple solution www.logicpaintball.com is taking pre-orders, they are great to work with so if by some fluke AGD actually did you wrong you may want to check with them.

04-01-2003, 10:21 PM
psssst.... micromagrt... its not to late to C.Y.A. and declare april fools... hahaha

Seriously though guys.. your being far too rough on him. It doesnt matter how many people are on the list, if they say they will call, they better call. Thats like goin to a resturant, not gettin your food cuz its busy that night and go "Ah its ok, they said theyd bring me my food tonight but its busy so ill just keep it to myself." Give the guy a break

04-01-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT
Ok, I am going to try to hold my Temper on writing this to you Tom, but I am pretty upset by the customer service that I have received lately from your company. I had called way back in November of 2002 to have my name put on the wait list for one of the X-mags, The person I had talked to then said I would recieve a phone call at the beginning of January 2003, well I never got that phone call and I called back and was rudely told that there was no way that I was told that I would get a phone call at the beginning of January for configuration of my x-mag. I then asked her how long I would have to wait now, and she said "March" and it here it is now April and still no phone call, this is poor customer service, something I did not expect from a respectable company as yours. I used to own a micromagRT and I loved that gun and I was really looking forward to getting an x-mag and was willing to wait for it but with the service I have recieved, I'll probably jus take my money and get an Angel or something where they will treat me right. Also, I think you know who makes Stickball movies right? Well I play on their team and they think its pretty surprising what your company has done to me, I would like a response from you, or my business is going somewhere else.

I must have missed the part where you were asking for help....

anyways, buy an Ir3, its a very nice marker, more power too ya,

oh yeah I still stand to the fact that this is a horrible thread full of people acting like dicks, it should be closed

04-01-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by srrdude
Seriously though guys.. your being far too rough on him. It doesnt matter how many people are on the list, if they say they will call, they better call. Thats like goin to a resturant, not gettin your food cuz its busy that night and go "Ah its ok, they said theyd bring me my food tonight but its busy so ill just keep it to myself." Give the guy a break [/B]

good point, bro

its true, MMRT has a reason to be upset but this is a bunch of foolishness, b/c last time I checked the majority of us live in America and I believe there is something in the consitution that protects his opinion

04-01-2003, 10:34 PM
Hey, Rt has a right to be pissed as heck. Infact i would be too!

Now tell me what you guys think good business ethics are. In my dictionary they are something along the lines of "the customer always comes first", "always be helpfull to the customer", "deliver the promised product" ...etc

i understand the Xmag is being held up..etc..etc..etc and that there are thousands of you people on lists as-well. but the FACT is AGD should NOT be telling people they will call them up in X amount of months if they do not plan on doing so.

From what i am reading in this post, and in others all of you guys waiting for X-mags either are a bunch of push-overs, or dont mind getting expensive products delayed and delayed. If AGD cant produce the x-mags fast enough they should NOT make promises they cannot keep. (be those promises a simple phone call or not)

i am a PROUD level 10 minimag RT owner, and i now thank god that i have a team tech who can do 99.9% of work on mags just incase. i do not want to send my gun in to this company after what i hear lately.

04-01-2003, 10:37 PM
I'm gonna go chill out, who wants to chill out with me?

MMRT - you are not immature, the people who are immature are people who start yelling and bashing harder than you. You stayed calm, everyone else seems to be yelling when you were the one who had a complaint in the first place. I'm not taking sides, just stating MMRT is not immature and we all need to chill out. And MMRT, we aren't always like this unless someone bashes AGD, the company everyone here is in love with.

04-01-2003, 10:41 PM
I was really really hoping for a valid opinnion , maybe i should of seen the flames comming , but i guess not. I spent a ton of downtime off the forums.....Not too long ago i was injured quite badly in a car wreck....passenger's side was smashed to my gearshift....i almost died. Well anyways , in order to pay the bills for the custom Tiburon i drove , i had to get 2 jobs , one at whitecastle ( if anyone has worked there ,you know how sucky it is ) And another job..... I have had to work 60 hour weeks in order to pay my bills and i finally have them under control and are able to pursue the xmag becuase my jobs have locked me into the hours. I'm not some rich snob trying to flame everyone in order to cause problems. Nor am i here to do some april fools joke , but try to get some insight on the marker that i was told i was gonna get in a timely order.Unfortunately some of you guys thought otherwise and now someone is gonna get a xmag quicker than they expected.

04-01-2003, 10:41 PM
MMRT: honestly, if you want one THAT bad, keep checking the forums.....you could be like me, i only waited 2 weeks to get mine. I just got lucky and found someone selling his (he had 2 of them actually), now grant it, i had to pay a little bit more then most of the others due to wanting it now rather then waiting, but to me, its worth it

04-01-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Brak
go buy an IR3, see if Mr. Kaye comes to your house crying his eyes out with an xmag in his hand, begging you to buy it...
Tom can come over to my house and do than anytime! heck ill even include a free dinner for tom!:D

04-01-2003, 11:16 PM
Initially, I felt MicroMagRT might've had a legitamite gripe, but with the comments about injuries from an accident, and the "woe is me attitude" about not getting his X-Mag, shunning all AGD products, ad nauseum, this whole thread has gone down the crapper.

MicroMagRT should delete this garbage, and wish he'd never posted it in the first place. I am amazed on some of the crap that gets posted on this otherwise fine forum.

I'm also a bit disgusted with many of the attacking replies that AO members have dealt out. Shame on you (you know who you are) :mad:

I hope a Mod can make this mess go away (hint, DELETE!)

04-01-2003, 11:24 PM
Angry peeps-yall are way overly defesnive against this guy, it bothers me to see how yall flame many new comers etc, just since they don't know how to search as well as others. Esp when they dont know what the problem is, anyway...lay off, I understand what he is annoyed about. I like AGD, but I don't try to put others down to brown nose to them. You don't speak for the mods or AGD

AGD- I love your products and stand by them (owned close to 8 mags, at diffent times), but I would suggest not ever doing pre-orders like this. I can understand doing a few for marketing/beta reasons. Maybe implimenting a catalog of peeps and there expect arrival date, maybe with some possible delay info. I would like to know what is going on, for an invesetment like that. Also these peeps who scalp x-mags arh!

Dudes who order x-mags- pre-orders you should expect delays like this. Business is hell, when you try todo some stuff like this. In my exprence I messed up since I put to much faith in other business to do what I ask, when they messed up, i messed up making it look bad on my behalf.

Well hope thise easies some tentions

04-01-2003, 11:32 PM
i havenet seen anyone cuss tom or any of his staff. His staff is of the highest quality. I think you are over-reacting. They have had problems with anno and milling. Its very hard to run a small compnay like this and put out and very nice product like they do.. Soo sit down stop whining about it and wait your turn in line. God know how many orders they have gotten for these things. If you wanna get an IR3 go ahead you tell us like we care.
soo i suggest you withdraw from this post..b/c i doubt you will get much sympathy from us.

04-01-2003, 11:57 PM
Well..I'd just like to state that I am not Anti-MMRT. I am just Pro-AGD. If you don't like my stance. Tough. You're not getting your X-Mag any faster by whining. You want one, wait like the rest of us. You want an IR3, go buy it. No one here is going to cry when you give up your spot and someone here on AO gets to move up one slot. As far as you saying that you glad you're not getting an X-Mag because we're mean to you; Grow up and act like an adult. End of story.

And Falcon, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You've shown many times over your ability to be exactly what you're calling us so I would just think before you open your mouth.

04-02-2003, 12:35 AM
Hey, you guys arent reading his post. It was about the Customer Service, NOT THE WAIT!!!! This has been repeated several times by him! Lighten up! RT, in defense of AGD, they are busy with the Ultimate Madness this week. Try giving them till Thursday or Friday, or, see if yopu can talk to Jo Ann. It is doubtful she will remember you, but she might be able to help you out. Sorry about the bashing here.

04-02-2003, 12:47 AM

I see your new to the boards so maybe you would not have known what is common knowledge with everyone here that we are on a huge backorder for Xmags.

If your saying you called AGD and they told you 8 weeks for delivery I would have a hard time thinking that was the case. I think it was more likely that you called and they told you next YEAR which you interpreted to mean January.

Since we don't take deposit money I don't have my office staff call to tell everyone what's going on with the backorder. Everyone here has an idea of what batch they are in and I go out of my way to communicate with my customers here. Reading this forum means you are up to date with everything going on inside AGD.

I have been getting a continous stream of complaints on the lack of production on Xmags. Frankly you deciding to by an IR3 is a stress relief. I would suggest you sell your spot in line and recover some frustration dollars.

Before you get that IR3 you should know thay are coming out with the IR4. Word is that is has a reflective ACE like ours and is low pressure. I'm sure your bound to get an IR3 right off the shelf for a great price as last years model.

I'm sorry the gun didn't work out for you, good luck with your next purchase.


adam shannon
04-02-2003, 01:01 AM
i pre-ordered in october. i was told march. i called in march and was told the list had been pushed back because of procurement problems with a shop that did coating but now backed out of a longstanding relationship throwing the whole process in a tissy with AGD having to find another shop to do the work.

when production is small this is the type of thing that happens. when you pre-order your told that its not guaranteed. if you want a new product thats just entering mass production thats what happens. nobody promised anybody anything in writing on a pre-order...its all tennative.

try ordering a custom factory harley davidson...your gonna wait a year or two for delivery.

as somebody who sells online for a living and runs the whole shop myself ive noticed that politeness and understanding has given way to the me me me now now now generation. if somebody orders online saturday they are already carping they dont have it yet by monday. grow up and realize that some things take time, and if that causes sand in your diaper then buy something else.

and yeah the phone lady may have been a little curt...the 15th time i called in one week asking when my marker was gonna be done she got terse with me too. the poor lady didnt sign up for this, she should get a raise to put up with this type of stuff.

adam shannon
04-02-2003, 01:09 AM
...and furthermore while im on a rant what other company in the world can you talk to the guy that is personally hand assembling your product, get tech help from the guy that actually made your marker, get a reply from the engineer that designed the thing, or talk to the owner of the company who actually flies around the country on his own time and buck to meet the people who buy his products to see what they think. how many products that ADG makes are a direct result of first hand customer input? a ton. try asking bill gates to incorporate something in the next edition of windows just for you! or for that matter even seeing the guy in person let alone talking to him.

04-02-2003, 02:35 AM
Okay Tom, you got me ALL wrong here, and some others too, I dont want a jump in line or anything, that wasnt the purpose of my post, I still want to wait for the X-Mag, I love mags what can I say, it was a complaint about the customer service I recieved and I have a right to that, you above all should know that and not once did I get an apology, I am not new to the boards, nobody is reading my posts or anything, It's almost like your trying to push me out of buying the X-mag Tom, I dont understand it, I just wanted a phone call to know whats going on and im the customer and its my right, and no they didnt promise me delivery in 8 weeks, they promised me a PHONE CALL, thats it, I wanted a phone call that I was told I would get for configuration of the x-mag, I knew I would have to wait but I didnt even get one lousy phone call in 6 month because thats what I was TOLD TOM, and when you tell a customer something you should do it, Its my right and I WILL stress it. I had no idea about updated information was only online. I have a lot of respect for you, I used to say all the time how much of a genious you are to have made the automag the way it is, small, fast and reliable, and all of the upgrades have been remarkable, especially the level 10 bolt and how you managed to make a virtually chopless bolt using only mechanics and no electronics to achieve it, and the RT is very fast and uses pure mechanical operations is genious to me, that doesnt sound like someone who is bashing AGD, I am just shocked by the way I am being treated here, I really am. All the good things Iv'e said about AGD in the past and how good their service and reliabilty is and now Im being treated like dirt, If you don't believe me ask SchockerGD in these forums who invented Stickball and I play on their team, they can tell you how ive praised this company and now I'm nothing to it is what it seems, I know you know Stickball Tom. I would also appreciate it if someone is going to say something about my post, they read it first and not turn it into something else. Thank You

04-02-2003, 02:38 AM
Oh by the way this is MicroMagRT, I went with a new name since I no longer have a MicroMagRT

04-02-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Well..I'd just like to state that I am not Anti-MMRT. I am just Pro-AGD. If you don't like my stance. Tough. You're not getting your X-Mag any faster by whining. You want one, wait like the rest of us. You want an IR3, go buy it. No one here is going to cry when you give up your spot and someone here on AO gets to move up one slot. As far as you saying that you glad you're not getting an X-Mag because we're mean to you; Grow up and act like an adult. End of story.

And Falcon, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You've shown many times over your ability to be exactly what you're calling us so I would just think before you open your mouth.

You can't read. Go back and see what he's complaining about. It's the customer service he got, not the wait on the product. Damn.

Some people here just jump the gun to much. If they see anything that's even remotely anti-AGD (and sometimes not)they flip out. It's not needed and can leave a bad taste in some peoples mouth.

04-02-2003, 03:32 AM
I have gotten 1 call since I put in my order back in July. I got a call in Jan asking me if I wanted in on that batch, or if I wanted to wait to see if I could get the marker anno that I was asking for, I decided to wait. Point is, I have only gotten one call, and then, only to confirm my order.

As to the rude service you got, I am sorry that someone was snapping at you over a question that I would presume they get dozens of calls about each week, but dookie happens. 1 misstep does not necessitate wholesale abandonment of an otherwise fine reputation. It's unfortunate that other than your case, most of the rest of us have had fine to superb service from AGD. We can't seem to walk in your shoes on this issue and seems to sound to us that you are crying wolf.

04-02-2003, 04:15 AM
MMRT/Adrenaline0520, as you may have noticed, the subject of X-Mags can be a touchy subject here (especially when it comes to talking about pre-orders).

As to your getting poor customer service, it can sometimes happen. I'm not saying that it's right, but speaking from experience, when you get the same question asked asked over and over, it can tend to grate on nerves. My recommendation is to chalk up the bad customer service to a bad day, and ignore all the flaming.

04-02-2003, 05:34 AM
Sorry, but I want to pick on AGD...

" I have been getting a continous stream of complaints on the lack of production on Xmags. Frankly you deciding to by an IR3 is a stress relief. I would suggest you sell your spot in line and recover some frustration dollars."

Primarily, it seems that everyone is talking about a communications issue here. People can not easily see the status of an order so they call you. Further, there is not an indication that there was any tracking of these calls, etc.

An halfway skilled web developer should be able to create a backorder list with auto-notification and an easy to find status of production in a week or so. Or, it would seem that there are some great store functionality available as COTS products (with built in helpdesk support) or even could be sub'd to another vendor.

Either way problems solved. Further, then you could spend time on production instead of handling complaints, which would allow you to spend more time to move production along better, which would reduce complaints, which......and so on and so on.

nuclear zombie
04-02-2003, 07:42 AM
Regarding MicroMagRT's original post, I at first considered
it a flame/threat towards AGD .

I'll probably jus take my money and get an Angel or something where they will treat me right. Also, I think you know who makes Stickball movies right? Well I play on their team and they think its pretty surprising what your company has done to me, I would like a response from you, or my business is going somewhere else.

Demanding to talk to Tom Kaye , or you wouldn't buy an x-mag ?

Also, I think you know who makes Stickball movies right? Well I play on their team
What does this have to do with AGD customer service ?

Don't get me wrong I understand your frustration , and I've been waiting for only 3 months, just don't let something from January bother you. Also if you use the search button you can find alot of information regarding how long you will have to wait for your x-mag and information concerning any further delays.In any case enjoy your IR3!

Drkstorm : Personally I really don't see the point of having an internet status system , let's see you can look on the internet for 8 months until your x-mag is in next batch ,in that case the day they posted it on the net would be the day they call you .It would be a good idea , I just don't think in this current situation.

Have a Nice Day !:)

04-02-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT
As for the angel owners comment by lawfox.....

A person on my team who is an angel owners has spent quite a bit of time on the angel owners groups, with equipment problems as well ,and as of yet hasn't got this level of immaturity for asking questions to try to settle problems. I just got back to this forum ( if you've noticed , i've been registered since december of 2000). Thats before AGD even owned it, and was hoping to get some help. Guess not

Does he expect John Rice to personally address his "customer service" issue? Is that even remotely likely to happen?

Get for real... I could see the guys beef if he'd put down a deposit - but that's not the case.


04-02-2003, 08:52 AM
he is probably over exagerating the ladies tone...like he said...how many phone calls a day do you think they get about the x-mag only? and how many of them are like you that keep on calling.

Point is this is the WORST THREAD EVER

and you my friend need to get over it. You act like the drug you out in the street and slapped you around and all...how do you know she did not have a mouth full of food (just an example) and that could have changed her tone. Or maybe you are only telling a one sided story and you got an attitude with her first. the thing is stop complaing. I have no sympathy for you.

04-02-2003, 01:26 PM
OK THATS IT!!!!!!! Damnit, I said those things to defend myself because people are reading my POST wrong and are attacking me when they shouldnt be, WOULDN"T YOU DEFEND YOURSELF TOO IF YOU WERE BEING ATTACKED AND YOUR RIGHT!!!????????? I have a right to free speech and in any GOOD BUSINESS THE CUSTOMER COMES FIRST, SO Quit flamming me, this is an issue between me and the company and I can talk to Tom Kaye because I have the right to, I needed to get his attention and thats why I said those things, I have a right to my opinion and you dont need to ATTACK me for it, I live in America you know, If no one spoke up about something wrong then what would this country be!!????? There are alot of people who have made a difference in the past because they spoke up about something wrong, even if everbody else was against them, If you look at it, I am being the one accused of being wrong when Im the victim here, It's wrong and those of you who are attacking me know it, you guys don't even know it, and as for SchockerGD who makes Stickball, I made that point because they are very influential on the net because of their popularity and they are witnessing first hand at the treatment I am getting from some of you and they think it is just wrong, they are backing me on this, thats what that has to do with it, so read my POST RIGHT and QUIT ATTACKING ME! Read this again too "Okay Tom, you got me ALL wrong here, and some others too, I dont want a jump in line or anything, that wasnt the purpose of my post, I still want to wait for the X-Mag, I love mags what can I say, it was a complaint about the customer service I recieved and I have a right to that, you above all should know that and not once did I get an apology, I am not new to the boards, nobody is reading my posts or anything, It's almost like your trying to push me out of buying the X-mag Tom, I dont understand it, I just wanted a phone call to know whats going on and im the customer and its my right, and no they didnt promise me delivery in 8 weeks, they promised me a PHONE CALL, thats it, I wanted a phone call that I was told I would get for configuration of the x-mag, I knew I would have to wait but I didnt even get one lousy phone call in 6 month because thats what I was TOLD TOM, and when you tell a customer something you should do it, Its my right and I WILL stress it. I had no idea about updated information was only online. I have a lot of respect for you, I used to say all the time how much of a genious you are to have made the automag the way it is, small, fast and reliable, and all of the upgrades have been remarkable, especially the level 10 bolt and how you managed to make a virtually chopless bolt using only mechanics and no electronics to achieve it, and the RT is very fast and uses pure mechanical operations is genious to me, that doesnt sound like someone who is bashing AGD, I am just shocked by the way I am being treated here, I really am. All the good things Iv'e said about AGD in the past and how good their service and reliabilty is and now Im being treated like dirt, If you don't believe me ask SchockerGD in these forums who invented Stickball and I play on their team, they can tell you how ive praised this company and now I'm nothing to it is what it seems, I know you know Stickball Tom. I would also appreciate it if someone is going to say something about my post, they read it first and not turn it into something else. Thank You"

If you read that correctly then you'll see I have a lot of respect for this company, and even though I really wish it didnt happen I got treated badly by them, I did and I spoke up, thats the bottom line. Tom Kaye I jus want you to know I still respect your company and all of this does not mean I hate it now, I wanted to inform you of how I was treated and I have that right, The mag is still at the top of my list of best guns.

04-02-2003, 01:41 PM

You all just need to realize that my friend has been waiting for quite a while for a phone call , not a gun.....i don't know how many times i've talked to him and he's told me he's still waiting for the call , not the gun. I can understand a wait for this gun but its quite long .......As of now ,the xmags i've seen are selling for MORE than thier intial price. Thats not always a good thing ,and i'm not trying to say i hate AGD or anything but if this backlog keeps going on and AGD doesn't REALLY increase production , more likely than not we're gonna see another company come up , make something very very similar to the xmag and many many people will go and buy the other gun just because of the wait on the xmag. I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom , but i've already been told by around 1/2 a dozen people that they've given up thier xmag hopes and just preordered the new 03 shocker.......now i hate shockers with a passion but AGD really really needs to beef up production even if it means lowering the body quality a bit on the xmags. I know custom product times can take forever , i'm a guitarist and i sure as heck know how long it takes to make one .......but you have to realize that these are guns. WDP didn't take that long to deliver 500 LE 03 LCDs.

04-02-2003, 01:52 PM
well i'm coming a little late to this thread. i'd like to submit a rational thought. imagine that! i personally believe this was all a misunderstanding in when they would call. marcia or joanne probably told you they would call to confirm your order. at the time they thought that was about how long it would take. that would mean your xmag was just about ready. they would want to know the color and let you know that you're going to have to pay for it now.

you have to realize that for a company putting out all this product they have very few employees. it's a small company. there are only two girls working the phones. and as i understand it they also help with shipping orders. tom acts as ceo/spokesperson/PR/lead engineer and who knows what else that most companies would hire someone else to do. what i'm getting at is that they are not going to call everyone on the list just to give status reports. there aren't very many companies that do. the only time you get status reports is from automated emails. AGD doesn't have them. nobody in their right mind is going to spend that amount of time on the phone informing people of the status of their order. sorry but you need to think a little more realistically.

04-02-2003, 02:00 PM
Okay. My turn...

Yes- I will agree that people didn't quite read your post. HOWEVER, getting somewhat belligerant back isn't the right way to solve things. (Also, flashing "credentials" around here really doesn't mean anything.)

Now- the Xmags are getting done at about 35-40 a month or so. Considering the back order on these, if you ordered back in October (I think) there are more than 3 months or more in front of you. Now, I understand that you wanted a phone call to say "No, you're not getting it this month or this batch." But do have any idea how many of those phone calls would have to be done every month? Everybody's waiting. (Well, not me anymore, but that's another story.)

It's a small company and we have to be understanding of their issues.

BTW- It's not your "right" to talk to anybody. I doubt you could talk to the CEO of WDP about your IR3. Tom does AO out of his own pocket and time. That's his idea of customer service. One on one. He's even persoanlly teched people's guns b/c they were having issues. What other company tech gives you his personal cell # in case you ever have problems? Don't for a second think that AGD doesn't have the best customer service.

Evil Bob
04-02-2003, 02:08 PM
It's wrong and those of you who are attacking me know it, you guys don't even know it, and as for SchockerGD who makes Stickball, I made that point because they are very influential on the net because of their popularity and they are witnessing first hand at the treatment I am getting from some of you and they think it is just wrong

Translation: "I know the guy who makes Stickball, if you don't give me satisfaction now, he'll make movies about AGD so no one will ever buy your products."

Grow the hell up!

Your maturity level is starting to show through with the above post, you are becoming completely irrational. Veiled threats do nothing but reflect poorly upon you and you alone, this is definitely now the way to deal with what you feel is an injustice. Frankly, you're blowing this up way out of proprotion and making it into a bigger deal then it really is. The ladies that answer the phone are extremely busy, that take alot of calls daily with inquiries directly about Xmags, you are not alone here.

Yes, you are frustrated. Yes, you are tired of waiting. Yes, you feel an injustice has been done to you. Relax, getting upset and posting in the heat of passion is not doing anything positive, it's only showing your immaturity and discredits your complaint as being nothing more then whining. AGD is working their tails off to get through the backlog, anyone who has spent time here on AO knows that. Things like this happen all the time in the manufacturing business.

If you really want an Xmag and cannot deal with the slow downs or backlog, check out the classified forums here on AO, there are a couple in there for sale right now. Ebay even has one up for bid right now which includes an air system.

This is how I got mine, I bought it new/unfired in the box, I waited a whole three days to receive it. You can get them now if you have the time and patience to find them.

-Evil Bob

04-02-2003, 02:57 PM
Dirty Bunny, did YOU wait 6 months for a phone call from AGD too?

Yes, I have actually. Thank you very much.

04-02-2003, 03:06 PM
Just got mine, ordered in February of last year. I will say I was getting tired of the wait, but heck it is worth it.

AGD, love the product. It rocks.

and for everyone that wants one and not have it yet, or comlaining about the wait.....................

DROOL ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


chris geiger

04-02-2003, 03:11 PM

I've summed up all of the relevant stuff from this thread

MMRT, in my opinion your original post wasn't asking anything... BUT

Initial responses along the lines of, there is a long wait but productions was slowed unexpectidly as well
harsh phone call... irritation from multiple phone calls with the same questions(productions delays and what not being the cause) and/or they had a bad day already... THIS, you said you understood... Point settled, on the to next

as per what others have said... If you don't want to wait, then DON'T... simple... You';ll be happy because your getting a high tech marker faster, AGD has one less body to wait for and everyone on that list is one more x-mag closer to having theres...

I don't see what we're talking about anymore... I had to spare my sanity by not reading through the 3rd page... so if i missed some critical all-improtandt post, which i'm pretty sure i didn't, i'm sorry but i think my point still stands...

SO how bought them Cubs? (trying despretly to change the subject)

**edit** I should of read the 3rd page, looks like sanity has prevailed

04-02-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by MicroMagRT
I can understand a staff member having a bad day. God knows i have em too , but when you go to a website to find help for your problems and get several dozen flame posts with cursing. I'm spending over $1400 on a investment on my equipment and thats a chunk of change to me , it might not be to you but it is to me. When i first got my MMRT i found this forum to be awesome for helping my problems ,and now i'm relying on them again.......so now i've got a responce , the majority say i'm not wanted here and go and get a IR3 , which is what i'm gonna do now. Unforunlately Tom Kaye has lost a $1400 purchase becuase of this forum's customers.

Not one person here cursed buddy. I am sorry you don't want to associate with people as low as us. :gasp:

Originally posted by Adrenaline0520
OK THATS IT!!!!!!! Damnit, I said those things to defend myself because people are reading my POST wrong and are attacking me when they shouldnt be, WOULDN"T YOU DEFEND YOURSELF TOO IF YOU WERE BEING ATTACKED AND YOUR RIGHT!!!????????? I have a right to free speech and in any GOOD BUSINESS THE CUSTOMER COMES FIRST, SO Quit flamming me, this is an issue between me and the company and I can talk to Tom Kaye because I have the right to, I needed to get his attention and thats why I said those things, I have a right to my opinion and you dont need to ATTACK me for it, I live in America you know, If no one spoke up about something wrong then what would this country be!!?????

Wait, now who is swearing now buddy? If this was a problem between you, Tom and the office ladies, why post it here in a public forum? You don't have freedom of speech here either, sorry!

Honestly, if you knew to call AGD to preorder an XMag, you obviously knew AO was around where you could keep update on the batches of XMags getting sent out. I have met 'the office ladies' before, and they are both VERY nice.

So basically they didn't call you.. (keep in mind you haven't put any money down on it) and then the lady talked with a mean tone...? POOR BABBBY my heart bleeds peanut butter for you.

This is sounding alot like "BonesISaGOD" remember the punk that claimed LX hit him?

04-02-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Nitroduck
AGD or anything but if this backlog keeps going on and AGD doesn't REALLY increase production , more likely than not we're gonna see another company come up , make something very very similar to the xmag and many many people will go and buy the other gun just because of the wait on the xmag. I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom , but i've already been told by around 1/2 a dozen people that they've given up thier xmag hopes and just preordered the new 03 shocker.......now i hate shockers with a passion but AGD really really needs to beef up production even if it means lowering the body quality a bit on the xmags. I know custom product times can take forever , i'm a guitarist and i sure as heck know how long it takes to make one .......but you have to realize that these are guns. WDP didn't take that long to deliver 500 LE 03 LCDs.

No, I doubt any company is going to steal bussiness from the XMag considering almost every person who preordered it is from AO..

WDP does everything in house and is a MUCH bigger company, AGD however doesn't and is VERY small.

04-02-2003, 05:17 PM
Some of you people are really strange. Sure, AGD makes a quality product, but some of you have latched onto this company and-in particular-Tom Kaye in a very frightening way. The cult of personality that is perpetuated on this forum is quite off-putting, so much so that I have often doubted my upcoming AGD purchase. AGD is just a company, Tom Kaye is just a man, and sometimes mistakes are made. Why must you attack a poor fellow just because he wants to vent about poor service-real or percieved? I mean, people, really, GET A LIFE.

04-02-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by ddinwdc
Some of you people are really strange. Sure, AGD makes a quality product, but some of you have latched onto this company and-in particular-Tom Kaye in a very frightening way. The cult of personality that is perpetuated on this forum is quite off-putting, so much so that I have often doubted my upcoming AGD purchase. AGD is just a company, Tom Kaye is just a man, and sometimes mistakes are made. Why must you attack a poor fellow just because he wants to vent about poor service-real or percieved? I mean, people, really, GET A LIFE.

Almost all 'prestigious' companies have 'cults'. For example Gary Fisher bikes has a pretty big 'cult' or Harley Davidson...

However, I actually haven't owned a 'Mag in years (Just got another in a good deal, will sell it most likely) and am the LAST person to jump the AGD bandwagon. How many people do you know who think LX is stupid?

This kid comes here crying that he didn't get a phone call.. booo'hooo. Welcome to the real world, he didn't even put any money down for it!

He knew AO was here and could have kept update by cruising the forums for 20 minutes a week but rather cry and complain because he could get an IR3 and wouldn't want to associate with people like us. Don't see anyone else crying.. :rolleyes:

Keyword 'percieved', I guess we are supposed to just buy into his BS and how dare we question it or :gasp: we are TOM KAYE LOVERS!

.. and I'll admit some people do take the Tom loving over the top, specifically some of the younger guys on this forum. They love Capo more though I think.. ;)

04-02-2003, 05:48 PM
she does have her own fan club afterall;)

So how bought them Cubs?:D

04-02-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by SaS

So how bought them Cubs?:D
bah!! how bout dem Mets. every freakin time they trade for someone whos good, he comes on the team and sux like h311. then they finally get rid of em, and they start rippin it up on another team. Hmm RAngers got that problems too.:rolleyes: Must be a New York thing. but hey,

04-02-2003, 06:34 PM
see the Cubs Mets game the other day? Opening day... saw up until the 5th

04-02-2003, 06:55 PM
nah. but that isles rangers game last night,:( damn isles always lose (or tie) it in the last two minutes, seems like a bad habit of theirs, no clue why. now the rangers are screwed (but hey thats ok! :D ) if they lose any more theyre out fo good. and we isles just need 1 game to clinch playoffs:D :D :D hopefully they can do it.
you see guys now we got a nice friendly thread thats going places:rolleyes: :cool:

04-02-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by ddinwdc
Some of you people are really strange. Sure, AGD makes a quality product, but some of you have latched onto this company and-in particular-Tom Kaye in a very frightening way. The cult of personality that is perpetuated on this forum is quite off-putting, so much so that I have often doubted my upcoming AGD purchase. AGD is just a company, Tom Kaye is just a man, and sometimes mistakes are made. Why must you attack a poor fellow just because he wants to vent about poor service-real or percieved? I mean, people, really, GET A LIFE.

funny thing is I went though this same thing with AKA a few months ago - so you would think I'd have some pity, But I don't. In my case AKA outright lied for a year about when a required upgrade for their markers (to use warp feed) would be available. On top of that they NEVER had proprietary tools available to service their markers. I went to that AKA forum and complained and basically was run out of town. I came here - and got the same response. At least in my case I had a LEGIT BEEF. When I bought the Viking it came with a note that stated the software upgrade would be available in a few weeks. It took almost 4 months - some people waited a year. AKA NEVER ONCE publicly acknowledged their screw-up.

I was bothered that the "AKA zealots" were so committed that they wouldn't even begin to acknowledge AKA's transgressions. This however is a different matter. The guy is complaining publicly about a single incident, not an ongoing series of dropped balls - like in the AKA matter. With the AKA fiasco they misinformation and "head in the sand" atitude went on for months.

The guy didn't get a call he expected - yet wasn't totally entitled to - since he didn't put any money down. He supposedly got harsh treatment from some ladies we know to be awesome. (Subjective to say the least) Now he comes here demanding a personal reply from a very busy guy and threatens to trash AGD with stick figures.

He doesn't have much of a leg to stand on with me.


04-02-2003, 09:10 PM
well said Cledford...

04-02-2003, 10:48 PM
I few things -

#1 Adrenaline0520 - Dude there are these neat things called peroids. We use them to break up what would be a run on paragraph or in your case your run on novel. Try breaking up your rants with the occasional peroid, and or a line break. It makes it a lot easier to read and looks just a TAD more rational.

#2 - Guys that are on waiting list as a deal I am in the ame boat. I Ordered my orginal 17 guns a full year and change before I actually got them. Read that again over a full year ! When TK and the guys had an order number I ordered. I am now on a list for 10 more, and I am hoping I am in the next batch. It parts of life with these things, they are slow to produce for a number of reason. These are not spyders that get made in the hundreds per day.

#3 - Just to give you an idea I have been working for AGD for about 10 years, and I STILL dont have my Personal gun yet :-) Just an idea I was told to expect it in Feb, crap happens. It may suck but if you want the best you have to wait. Lok at the waiting list for the F50's Ferrari's or the Lambo Diablos etc. And this isnt costing you over 150G's :)


04-02-2003, 11:20 PM

Ok, this has gotten way out of hand. In order to demonstrate good faith and AGD quality I will call you personally to get this all straightened out. Please email office@airgun.com or call and tell Marcia specifically that its
MicroMagRT and leave your phone number and when I can call.

I am out of town this weekend so give me until the end of next week to get back to you. We can have a nice chat and I will fill you in.



04-02-2003, 11:23 PM
TOM TO THE RESCUE....now if that aint service, i dunno what service is!

04-02-2003, 11:30 PM

04-03-2003, 12:51 AM
hahaha BOOO YAHHHHH! you can't argue with that customer service! :D

04-03-2003, 01:08 AM
Sorry about the grammer stuff RobAGD, I was just in a moment of defending myself and didnt even think about it. I want to make it more clear here what my point from the very beginning of all of this to CLEAR it all up with all of you, and no cussing and the reason was fo that is I was being attacked.

The bottom line of all of this is I thought I was getting bad customer service because I was told that I WAS going to get a phone call to configure my X-Mag. Now I am a customer and I expected to get what I was TOLD I would get and that was a phone call. I had no idea about this chaos on the web and how serious the backlog was for the X-mag because I haven't been online due to personal problems. I did not want a jump in line, I was just a guy wondering if I was forgotten and getting bad customer service because I did not know what was going on, and furthermore I was not intending to bash AGD, far from it. That is why I got flamed because people jumped the gun just to get something started, I posted here to see what I could do and got attacked, the reason I did not call AGD directly was I thought I could get help here and it would be more convenient to talk to authorities at AGD this way for them and me, but it turned into a bloodfest because some people had to put their two cents in to start trouble. This is the best explaination I can give. This and a few other things I will tell Mr. Kaye and I will say him calling me will be the best customer service I have ever recieved. Thank You Tom.

04-03-2003, 01:44 AM
For all of those who keep bringing up this down payment crap, I said in a Post A Long Time Ago I was going to pay fully right on the spot by Credit/Debit Card, got it now?

04-03-2003, 02:23 AM
Tom Kaye pulls through for customer service once again. Even though I think the guy was acting a little imature, micromagrt you should be pleased that Mr.Kaye has taken time out of his busy schedule to talk to you personally. I have had the pleasure of talking with Tom and could say that he was a pleasure to deal with. you should personally thank him on the phone, and on the boards. Tom thanks once again for your customer service. E-SFL

04-03-2003, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by AGD

Ok, this has gotten way out of hand. In order to demonstrate good faith and AGD quality I will call you personally to get this all straightened out. Please email office@airgun.com or call and tell Marcia specifically that its
MicroMagRT and leave your phone number and when I can call.

I am out of town this weekend so give me until the end of next week to get back to you. We can have a nice chat and I will fill you in.



WOW. If that isn't customer service, I don't know what is. Now MicroMagRT, you have no right to complain anymore.

04-03-2003, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Adrenaline0520
That is why I got flamed because people jumped the gun just to get something started, I posted here to see what I could do and got attacked, the reason I did not call AGD directly was I thought I could get help here and it would be more convenient to talk to authorities at AGD this way for them and me, but it turned into a bloodfest because some people had to put their two cents in to start trouble..


This is what you get when you drag your issues into a PUBLIC forum in an inflamatory fashion. From the first post you were making threats with you stickball guys and taking the complaining to 11 on the scale of 10. You could have made a respectful post that said in effect "I was surprised about the treatment I got - what's going on?" This doesn't require threats about buying IR3s, making cartoons, or flaming the company AGD - before they even got a chance to respond.

Did you ever think that a second phone call or a LETTER might have got you what you wanted? Those are the ADULT responses to a real customer service issue. Posting veiled flames in a public forum KNOWN TO BE FRIENDLY TO YOUR OFFENDING PARTY AND THEN WONDERING WHY YOU WERE JUMPED ON IS PLAIN DUMB. Next time try to work the situation out like a grown-up, or try to post with a little more maturity in the first place and it'll work out much better for you.

Go make a stickball movie about that.


PS. It's funny how everytime this thread seems like it's about to die down you come back all fired up again. You're getting your call from AGD - what else do you need?

04-03-2003, 09:01 AM
Cledford.... exactly.

Also, Adrenaline are you sure you aren't mistaken? Did they really tell you they'd check up on you or did they mean they'd call in approx. 6 monthes, when your gun was ready..?

04-03-2003, 09:20 AM
I believe they promised a call to go over the configuration of the order prior to assembly. It goes back to the fact that a little effort would have determined that the production was behind schedule - and therefore it stands to reason the calls would be offset also.

Personally, I think the entire matter is a non-issue. I feel this is only an issue because the guy had too much time on his hands and wanted to stir up some ruckus.

Nothing about the matter warranted the DEMEANOR of his initial post and it's all been unusually elevated from there.


04-03-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
Also, Adrenaline are you sure you aren't mistaken? Did they really tell you they'd check up on you or did they mean they'd call in approx. 6 monthes, when your gun was ready..?

that's what i think it was... i posted as much but i guess it's too late now. poor tom. i feel sorry for him feeling like he has to step in personally on issues like this. y'know, for travel expenses and a very nominal fee i could "take care of" little problems like these for you. :D just keep that in mind. ;)

"i am the one they send when things have gone wrong. and believe me, things have gone very wrong." -agent cobra bubbles "lilo and stich"

04-04-2003, 12:15 AM
E-SFL, I did thank Tom very much, in the post right above yours.

Cledford- I did not keep coming back on the thread to stir things up, it was smart little comments like yours about the Stickball movies that flame me back up, and you know whats funny, not once did I say I would have them make a stickball movie made anti-AGD. That was words put in my mouth by someone else. And if you read my posts right, I praise AGD for all they have done for me in the past. Jus now have I EVER had a Complaint about AGD. That comment about the stickball movie is immature and you keep calling me immature? I was trying to clear it up with my last post but you kept it going, not me, funny huh?

No more Flames please, I was not whinning or any of that, you just didnt understand my point and I will never dare say anything open minded here again. THANK YOU

04-04-2003, 12:22 AM
I will never dare say anything open minded here again

Dude, I could have told you that a long time ago..you're preaching to the converted..:D :D :D

04-04-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Adrenaline0520

Cledford- I did not keep coming back on the thread to stir things up, it was smart little comments like yours about the Stickball movies that flame me back up, and you know whats funny, not once did I say I would have them make a stickball movie made anti-AGD. That was words put in my mouth by someone else. And if you read my posts right, I praise AGD for all they have done for me in the past. Jus now have I EVER had a Complaint about AGD. That comment about the stickball movie is immature and you keep calling me immature? I was trying to clear it up with my last post but you kept it going, not me, funny huh?

Honestly, how old are you? I can't believe that anyone old enough to see over a keyboard would ACTUALLY THINK that the whole "stickball" threat in your first and subsequent messages was ANYTHING but what it was.

You're ongoing posts do nothing but invalidate your claims that this was "just a matter of a customer service issue" and a group of people unfairly attacking you. I'm calling this for what it is - a child out for attention who decided to start an argument over the Internet.

There is nothing AGD could have done to prevented this - this mess was your little game plan from the git-go.

Keep posting - you're doing nothing but PROVING EVERY CRITICISM that was made in the first place.

I'm done with this. Enjoy you conversation with AGD. Thanks for proving everyone right.


04-04-2003, 05:21 PM
wow tom... you deserve two cults.. mabe three. Im glad this can finally come to an end (hint... guys still argueing..)

Argueing on the internet is like running in the special olympics.

Even if you win, your still retarded.

With that note, i hope well can all smile over toms reclaimed status of absoulte bbest customer service in the world.

04-04-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by AGD

Ok, this has gotten way out of hand. In order to demonstrate good faith and AGD quality I will call you personally to get this all straightened out. Please email office@airgun.com or call and tell Marcia specifically that its
MicroMagRT and leave your phone number and when I can call.

I am out of town this weekend so give me until the end of next week to get back to you. We can have a nice chat and I will fill you in.



Holy Crap. That floored me.

The only threat Stickball can be is if you go to the site. The movies sucked/didn't work and I got like 900 pop-up ads. Beware.
